
一官半职  yī guān bàn zhí







  • 当然,对于米勒来说,能否获得一官半职并不重要。
    Winning office is not, of course, the point for Mr Miller.

  • 他与前政府的关系过于密切,难以在新政府中得到一官半职
    He is too closely identified with thr previous a diminish ration to be given a position in the new one.

  • 即便迟导不能在中国足协谋个一官半职,重返国家队也未尝不可。
    Even late lead in the China Football Association can not seek a one-time officer, to return to the national team there is.

  • 家长们也希望他们的子女能够在政府里搞一个一官半职,铁饭碗嘛。
    Monica: All the parents hope their children to get a position in the government since it is a job once for good.

  • 家长们也希望他们的子女能够在政府里搞一个一官半职,铁饭碗嘛。
    All the parents hope their children to get a position in the government since it is a job once for good.

  • 他命令凡有一官半职的各级官员同时俯伏,并以扔到烈火的窰中作威胁。
    Backing it all up was the threat of being thrown into a blazing furnace.

  • 9看笑话: 林肯非常讨厌那些前来白宫唠唠叨叨,要求一官半职的人。
    9 see joke: Those Lincoln is stinking coming round the White House is vixenish, the person of requirement an unimportant official post.

  • 不是战前的法西斯分子就是投机主义者,他们想在新秩序下的欧洲获得一官半职
    These men were either pre-war fascists or opportunists who wanted to show their allegiance to the New Order in Europe.

  • 伺候了这么多任领导,如今我自己终于也混了个一官半职,时不时开开会、讲讲话。
    Wait so much any leadership, now I finally have a mixed one part-time officer, opened the meeting from time to time, say a speech.

  • 只要你扛上一官半职,能说得上话、能办得成事、做得了主的,吃饭恐怕躲不过来。
    Want you to carry only on an unimportant official post, can say to go up word, can do accomplish sth, did advocate, have a meal be afraid hide to come nevertheless.

  • 子路心想,你这家伙真是哪壶不开提哪壶,老师多年奔走各地,就是想求个一官半职,发挥所长;
    Zilu thought that he was re-ripping old sore of his teacher who had been traveling around in order to attain a position to exert his expertise.

  • 西奥米特天资聪颖,体育成绩也格外出色,这使他得以走出矿场,在希德宫廷卫队谋得一官半职
    Theomet's aptitude scores and exceptional physical achievements moved him out of the mines, earning him a position in the Theed Palace Guard.

  • 凡是在政府有一官半职的人,上自内阁大臣,下至乡村民警,对这些人他都有一种盲目的深厚信仰。
    He enveloped in a blind and profound faith every one who had a function in the state, from the prime minister to the rural policeman.

  • 那时有一官半职的豪强子弟要作威作福,没有官职的劣绅也武断于乡曲。豪强们的荣耀逸乐不亚于王侯。
    At that time, there is a semi-official level to the hao jiang children thrilled lei kun office also did not arbitrary in rural Qu. hao jiang are no less than princely yi le glory.

  • 古代,身居要位的官员都有自己的府邸,如今,有一官半职在身的人,住房也相对宽敞的多,正所谓“侯门深似海”。
    In ancient times, certain places to have their own sites officials today, an official post in his person, the number of housing was relatively spacious, is the so-called "door-like sea."

  • 除了内阁级的职位,过渡政府职员也饱受那些曾与他们有一面之交人士的电话,电邮以及Facebook好友申请的骚扰。这些急切的民主党人都想以此谋得一官半职
    Below the cabinet-level headlines, transition staffers are being bombarded with calls, e-mails and Facebook requests from everyone they ever shared a beer with, as eager Democrats seek lowlier jobs.

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