
一往情深  yī wǎng qíng shēn








  • 他爱我的心,因我对他一往情深
    He loves my heart , for once it was his own ;

  • 正如石头一往情深地爱着我们!
    just like the stone loves us forever!

  • 一往情深竟然忘了亲吻。
    Ecstasies in which they forget to kiss.

  • 回首是你一往情深
    My recalling is filled with your deep love.

  • 凯瑟琳完全了解他,却又有一种怪癖,那么一往情深地重视他。
    Catherine had an awfully perverted taste to esteem him so dearly, knowing him so well.

  • 有人把一个不相干的外省人介绍给他,他竟一往情深地拥抱他。
    He tenderly embraced some man or other from the provinces, who was presented to him.

  • 张爱玲对服饰一往情深,在其作品中充满了对服饰的精辟阐述。
    Zhang Ailing is passionately devoted to costume. There are full of depictions of costume in her works.

  • 他要我忠于克劳德,我必须承认对于这个女人我还是一往情深的。
    He wanted me to stick to Mlle. Claude for whom, I must admit, I had a genuine affection.

  • 内德·居里被他情人的决心和一往情深所困惑,也深深地被感动了。
    Ned Currie was puzzled by the determination and abandon of his sweetheart and was also deeply touched.

  • 正是古希腊人这种对美的一往情深,创造出具有永恒魅力的希腊艺术珍品。
    Because ancient Greek have been devoting passionately to beauty, they have created a lot of Greek art treasures that contain eternal charm.

  • 在我们穷愁潦倒、厄运不断的时候,它也不会抛弃我们,对我们总是一往情深
    A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change.

  • 在我们穷愁潦倒、厄运不断的时候,它也不会抛弃我们,对我们总是一往情深
    It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change.

  • 其实,太阳和月亮也有忧愁也有欢乐,有古往今来人们的一往情深不尽的苦恋。
    In fact, the sun and the moon also has sad there is also joy, the passion people have since time immemorial endless.

  • ‘她对你还是那么一往情深啊。’莉莉像吃了苍蝇似的,情绪一下子滑落到冰点。
    'She is still passionately devoted to love you, isn't she?' She feels to swallow a fly and her mood declines to freezing point before you can say Jack Robinson.

  • 至于演情敌马承恩的胡歌,是内地帅哥,几乎比吴尊更英俊,亦对女主角一往情深
    As for his rival Ma Chengen Hu's songs, the Mainland is a handsome, almost more than the Wu Zun handsome, but also passion for the female lead.

  • 眼前这男人是她非常喜欢的。他对她的影响之大,足以使她误以为自己对他一往情深
    Here was a man whom she thoroughly liked, who exercised an influence over her, sufficient almost to delude her into the belief that she was possessed of a lively passion for him.

  • 我是说他应当告诉他漂亮的女儿。他对她一往情深,而谁对她又能不这样一往情深呢?
    I will say with the fair daughter to whom he is so devotedly attached, and who is so devotedly attached to him?

  • 茫然中,走过春夏秋冬,独自寻觅爱的行踪,我的双眼昏昏沉沉,对未来却仍是一往情深
    Ignorance, autumn and winter through the spring and summer, looking for love alone the whereabouts of my eyes to sleep, the future is still passion!

  • 那些让我们一往情深的事物和那些我们无法忍受的事物都表明我们强有力之处--我们的激情。
    Those things you love and those things you can't stand both point to a powerful part of you. They point to your passion.

  • 本文汇编介绍了烟台总营活动、武夷山营活动以及武夷山营香港青少年对祖国一往情深等情况。
    The paper gives a compilatory description of the activities of the General Yantai Camp and the Wuyishan Camp, as well as a brief account of …

  • 另外,这本小说的影响还在于使那些没有完全被驯化的最高阶层对赫胥黎时代的那个世界一往情深
    And the action of the novel depends on there being alpha individuals incompletely conditioned who looked back fondly to the world of Huxley's time.

  • 我对那些北方大地上的河感情深重,对那儿的空气水土和人民风俗,对那个苍茫淳朴的世界一往情深
    My feelings are profound for the rivers of China's great north, for the air, water, earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world.

  • 陈兄慷慨陈词,对我大谈起维持两岸和平的重要性,也一往情深地谈起了他那些在大陆农村的穷亲戚们。
    He laid emphasis on the importance of keeping the peace on both sides of the straits and sentimentally talked of his poor kin still in the Mainland's countryside.

  • 彬格莱对吉英一往情深,他的行为不应该受到任何指责,万一要指责的话,最多也只能怪他过分信任朋友。
    His affection was proved to have been sincere, and his conduct cleared of all blame, unless any could attach to the implicitness of his confidence in his friend.

  • 彬格莱对吉英一往情深,他的行为不应该受到任何指责,万一要指责的话,最多也只能怪他过分信任朋友。
    His affection was proved to have been sincere, his conduct cleared of all blame, unless any could attach to the implicitness of his confidence in his friend.

  • 他爱我的心,因我对他一往情深;我珍惜他的心,因他对我倾心;我的爱人占有我的心,我占有他的灵魂。
    I cherish his because in me it bides my true-love my heart , and I have his.

  • 小苹,一个青楼女子,她无疑是幸福的,让小山曾在这样的月夜里,对她一往情深,柔情深种,月夜诉相思。
    Xiao-ping, a Brothel woman, she is happy, so that in this hill on the night of her passion, tenderness deep species, Acacia v. Spring River.

  • 那位一往情深的经理心里也有那么一点紧张,因为他充分明瞭自己此行的目的,他感到这一次他一定要采取果敢行动。
    The deep-feeling manager was himself a little strained in the nerves by the thorough consciousness of his mission.

  • 如果有人对你一往情深地告白,你却不感冒,该怎么拒绝才能把伤害减到最低呢?下面的几个句子也答应以给你帮点忙…
    If some people to your public statement, you actually do not catch cold passionately, how should refuse to be able to reduce lowly to the injury?

  • 自从罗伯特。金凯上星期五从她身边离去后,她才意识到,不管她原来自以为对他多么一往情深,她还是大大低估了自己的感情。
    Since Robert Kincaid had driven away from her last Friday, she realized, in spite of how much she thought she'd cared for him then, she had nonetheless badly underestimated her feelings.

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