
一星半点  yī xīng bàn diǎn







  • 这可是细活, 不能有一星半点差错。
    This is a high precision job. There mustn't be the slightest slip.

  • 抬头看天,一星半点,是找不到月!
    Looking up at the sky, a stint, is to find a month!

  • 这可是细活,不能有一星半点差错。
    This is a high precision job. There must n't be the slightest slip .

  • 大面积的白中不忘一星半点的点缀。
    The Bai Zhong of large area does not forget the ornament of a tiny bit.

  • 事实是,你们对我们没有一星半点的了解。
    The truth is, as you see, you know nothing about us.

  • 能引起我一星半点喜爱的鱼还没有孵化出来呢。
    The fish hasn't been hatched yet that can stir a flicker of passion in me.

  • 他是个专业的木匠,我只恨没有跟他学习一星半点
    He is professional carpenter as I admired, now I hate myself that I have not learned even a little from him.

  • 我生活在我这小小世界里,害怕使它再缩小一星半点
    I live in this little world of mine and am afraid to make it the least less.

  • 皮包骨头的老头子身上没一星半点的肉,也没半点精神头。
    The skeleton coalesced into an older man with parchment skin and absolutely no flesh and sinew beneath the thin veil of life.

  • 相反,你所看到的是这些人对真实情况没有一星半点的兴趣。
    What you saw, instead, were people who show no sign of being interested in the truth.

  • 在阿富汗的乡村生活中,哪怕一星半点的民主,也是难能可贵的。
    In the life of Afghanistan's villages even a modicum of democracy is worth something.

  • 在我国,根本就没有专门的土地征迁法律,即便有一星半点的,还相互矛盾。
    In our country, no specific land Zhengqian law, even one-half, and also contradictory.

  • 甚至医生本人,虽然有些腼腆,却并不愚蠢,也有一星半点儿意识到这种礼遇。
    Even the doctor, shy but no fool, half unconsciously acknowledged the compliment.

  • 它容忍了那一星半点儿描写文革恐怖的写作,同时政府也承认那是一场恐怖的运动。
    It has tolerated a modicum of writing about the horrors of the Cultural Revolution, but then the government too now says the Cultural Revolution was horrific.

  • 无论何时你挖掘出一星半点信息,你总会死力给以对此有所乐趣之人并从不遗忘你的酬报。
    Whenever you found some piece of information, youve always managed to give it to the people interested and never forgot about your share.

  • 无论何时你发掘出一星半点信息,你总会尽力给予对此有所兴趣之人并从不遗忘你的报酬。
    Whenever you found some piece of information, you've always managed to give it to the people interested and never forgot about your share.

  • 现在我国已经成了港星们赚钱的主阵,只要是跟港星沾上一星半点的,基本都能混得风生水起。
    Our country already had become now host which the port stars make money, so long as stains the tiny bit with the port star, basic can mix the wind unboiled water to get up.

  • “军官每天都来搜查我们的房间,如果他们发现了哪怕一星半点达赖喇嘛的照片,就会立刻没收”,他说。
    "Military officers are coming round and searching our rooms every day. If they find even a fragment of a Dalai Lama photograph, they will take us away immediately, " he said.

  • 我们向他们承诺了很多东西,实际上却没有提供一星半点,我们把他们的国家变成了世界上最危险的地方。
    We promised them a lot and offered them nothing, we made their country the most dangerous place in the world.

  • 从毕业生的观点来看,一星半点的不带薪工作,能够使他们的简历更好看,会帮助他们找到自己喜欢的工作。
    From the graduate's point of view a stint of unpaid work boosts the curriculum vitae and helps them find out what they like.

  • 这番讲话在这里受到热烈欢迎,但问题是一些把权力牢牢握在手中不放的非洲领导人是否能听进去一星半点
    The speech was warmly welcomed here but the question is weather some of the Africa's leaders who are firmly entrenched to power will pay any attention to it at all.

  • 倘要对瓦伦提根本上错误言论有一星半点的了解的话,我们不妨看一下美利坚合纵国的宪法本身是如何说的。
    To get just a hint that there is something fundamentally wrong in Valenti's argument, we need look no further than the United States Constitution itself.

  • 理论上同意你的看法的同时,我想说的是很难很难在中国找到一个了解有关真正的中国智慧哪怕一星半点的人。
    HJG, Whilst I agree with you in theory, you'll have to go a very very long way to find someone in China who knows the remotest thing about any of the true Chinese wisdom.

  • 理论上同意你的看法的同时,我想说的是很难很难在中国找到一个了解有关真正的中国智慧哪怕一星半点的人。
    China is turning inward after so many years of looking out. The slogan of Harmonious Society has strong flavors in Confucianism and Socialism.

  • 1975年二、三月间,一个平平常常的日子,细蒙蒙的雨丝夹着一星半点的雪花,正纷纷淋淋地向大地飘洒着。
    An ordinary and common day at the end of February and beginning of March of the Year 1975, the misty drizzle with sporadic snow flakes was drifting incessantly.

  • 但实事求是地说,无论制造圈的封闭如何高明,总有一星半点儿的能量或没有用途的物质会作为废料进入生物圈。
    Yet, to be realistic, no matter how cleverly manufacturing loops are closed, a tiny fraction of energy or unusable stuff will be wasted into the biosphere.

  • 1975年二、三月间,一个平平常常的日子,细蒙蒙的雨丝夹着一星半点的雪花,正纷纷淋淋地向大地飘洒着。
    It was an ordinary day in February or March of 1975. A misty drizzle, along with sporadic snow flakes, was falling incessantly towards the ground.

  • 1975年二、三月间,一个平平常常的日子,细蒙蒙的雨丝夹着一星半点的雪花,正纷纷淋淋地向大地飘洒着。
    On an ordinary day in February or March of 1975, the misty drizzle with sporadic snow flakes was drifting incessantly.

  • 但实事求是地说,无论制造业循环的封闭如何高明,总有一星半点儿的能量或没有用的物质会作为废料进入生物圈。
    Yet, to be realistic, no matter how cleverly manufacturing loops are closed, a tiny fraction of energy or unusable stuff will be wasted into the biosphere.

  • 任何“美国模式”教师如果胆敢凭着一星半点儿基础资本主义知识就想在当地人面前引起轰动,都将被迅速且粗鲁地惊醒。
    Any "American model" lecturer who ventures forth with a few bright beads of basic capitalism to wow the locals will be quickly and rudely disabused.

  • 一星半点造句相关
