
不依不饶  bù yī bù ráo






  • 可那个男人对这句辱骂却不依不饶
    The man did not take the abuse kindly, however.

  • 而在训练结束后,北京球迷依旧不依不饶
    In the end of the training, Beijing is still heavy with Cold fans.

  • 她还是不依不饶,但她的眼里分明闪动着泪花。
    she still nots comply not forgive, but there is tears in eyes clearly in her eye.

  • 午饭的时候最糟,我的七个朋友一直不依不饶地追问我。
    Lunch was the worst. Seven of my friends could pester me at once.

  • 我们不依不饶,不安其位,居然连续两个赛季捧得联赛冠军。
    We cynically barged in, rose well above our station and stole the Premier League title two seasons in a row.

  • 两人不依不饶,大声辱骂司机,司机见他们喝醉了,没有理睬。
    Two people according to are not bountiful, the shouting insults driver, the driver saw them to get drunk, has not paid attention.

  • 有网友据录像认为,林松岭数次不依不饶,导致冲突逐步升级。
    Some net friends believed according to the video recording that Lin Songling according to was not several times bountiful, causes the conflict escalate.

  • 布朗尼的主人特德被这只暴怒的、不依不饶的小狗骚扰个不停。
    Ted, Brownie's owner, was steadily harassed by the furious, adamant little dog.

  • 断下球,然后奔跑到前场,来了一个风车,我们还是不依不饶
    So, I got a steal and I went down and did a windmill and after that we started killing them.

  • 在每一次正式辩论前,鲍勃和迈克不依不饶的挑战令我疲于招架。
    Bob and Mike wore me out in tough encounters before each debate.

  • 我祖父的生意几年前就破产了,但他还是不依不饶地破事儿重提。
    My grandfather's business went bankrupt years ago but he still rakes over the ashes from time to time.

  • 尽管开发商矢口否认,但舆论不依不饶,大有“斗地主”一般的快感。
    Although developers denied, but opinion needed, a "Doudizhu" general euphoria.

  • 随着媒体不依不饶地穷追猛打,“史上最牛的散户”刘芳终于浮出水面。
    With the media heavy with Cold and hot pursuit of the enemy "in the history of cattle most individual investors, " Liu Fang finally surfaced.

  • 中国的官僚和平民横眉怒目:西方敌对势力不依不饶地阻挠中国的伟大复兴。
    Chinese officialdom and many ordinary citizens were furious: another petulant effort by Western foes to thwart China's inexorable rise.

  • “如果你不能让比赛进行下去,对某个球不依不饶那你就有麻烦了”杰克逊说。“
    Jackson also said he spoke at length with Kobe Bryant during the offseason about keeping cool when things go haywire. Bryant has responded by cutting down on his chatter with referees.

  • 他承认那是他的不是,而且也向你表示了歉意,你为什么还要对他如此的不依不饶呢?
    He admitted he was in the wrong and had already expressed his apology. But why should you still come down on him like a ton of bricks?

  • 乌鸦ABCD见小个子乌鸦一个劲地发愣不说话,不依不饶催促道:“快点,说啊!”
    The crow ABCD see a little fellow crow 1 vigorously become speechless not to talk, don't depend on not Rao to press a way:"Hurry, say! ""

  • 现在,北韩对南韩更是不依不饶。但在李明博总统领导下的南韩并不想无条件地提供援助。
    Now North Korea has grown shrill towards South Korea, which under President Lee Myung-bak does not want to give unconditional aid.

  • 上场雷吉娜比赛中,老妇人本来有机会提升自己的排名,[还是不依不饶]并取悦自己的球迷。
    The Bianconeri have the chance to pick themselves up after the Granillo game and to give another joy to their fans.

  • 谁知这位记者打蛇随棍上,不依不饶继续追问:“那么股市问题有没有影响你在比赛中的状态?”
    " Who knows the reporter went on a stick, heavy with Cold continue to ask: "Well, the stock market Problem does not affect you in games in the state?

  • 然而,现实情况是,一个残暴、犯罪和非法的独裁政权正在不依不饶地迫害那些追求自由和正义的人民。
    The reality is that a brutal, criminal and illegal dictatorship is trying, and failing, to crush those who want freedom and justice.

  • 他将参与已至年中的圆桌谈判。在谈判中,他必须不依不饶的连哄带骗,让世行的40个捐助国来重注资金。
    He will arrive in the middle of a year-long, roundtable negotiation, in which he must coax and cajole 40 of the bank's donor governments to refill its coffers.

  • 别怪我不依不饶,你给的东西实在是科普用的,也许对你很有帮助,放到博物馆的展板介绍也许在适合不过了。
    You can't help noticing that thing on the hill that looks somewhat like a ship well and truly aground. What's it for?

  • 所有这些为教会造成了巨大的痛苦,而受害者也不依不饶,很多人对于自己的案子没有在法庭上审判而表示愤怒。
    All this has caused enormous pain to the church, not to mention its victims, many of whom are angry that their cases are not being heard in court.

  • 有一次我们做练习,他盯着我不依不饶,你这样做不对,你这样做不对,回去再做一遍,你欠我,你练习后还要加做俯卧撑。
    You're doing this wrong, you're doing this wrong, go back and do it again, you owe me, you're doing push-ups after practice.

  • 记者:其实,不消担心语,我们会再编辑的,我还是希望能用语回答,试试吧,我会帮的~~~(这记者…真是不依不饶啊…)
    Johnny: Ok. Well, it's very simple. I just want to say that masculinity is what you believe it to be. Les masculinite est quoi…

  • 可是同类的玩具家里已经有很多,甭管妈妈怎么跟她解释分析,小念儿就是不依不饶,要是再不答应买下,肯定又得大哭大闹了。
    While she has owned many dolls like this kind, her mother tried to reason her out of desire to buy it, she never gave up buying the doll.

  • 我们发现,通常总是女性开始争论的话题,男性易怒,但总希望打发过去,但女性通常不依不饶,不断做更多批判,结果造成恶性循环。
    We find that women start talking about a problem, the men get irritated and turn away, and the women get more critical, and it becomes a circle.

  • 别怪我不依不饶,你给的东西实在是科普用的,也许对你很有帮助,放到博物馆的展板介绍也许在适合不过了。但是我还是看不出来很牛逼的样子。
    You can't help noticing that thing on the hill that looks somewhat like a ship well and truly aground. What's it for? Well, in many ways it is a …

  • 在纽约州,新闻24小时循环播出,媒体不依不饶、永不罢休,利益集团政治方针混乱无序,如果有人想让我的竞选戛然而止的话,这里是最合适的地方。
    With its tough, insatiable twenty-four-hour news cycle and its rough-and-tumble interest group politics, New York seemed to be the ideal place to derail my campaign.

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