
人去楼空  rén qù lóu kōng







  • 目前,金虹公司办公室已人去楼空
    Currently, Jinjiang company has left office.

  • 有的店铺已是人去楼空,有的是部分拆迁。
    Some shops are vacant, are part of the demolition.

  • 毕业典礼结束后,人去楼空,只有寂静的校园。
    The ceremony over and the people gone, the schoolyard is left empty and alone.

  • 利贝卡冲出家门,却发现乔治家已经人去楼空
    George's home was nothing but an empty house now.

  • 突然间,发现学校真的很静,或许是,人去楼空的原因吧!
    Suddenly, a school is found really very quiet, perhaps, the reason for empty it!

  • 经常有消费者反映,几天前还在接业务,不到一周就人去楼空
    Often reflect consumer, then a few days ago is still operational, less than a week on the show.

  • 下半部则是现实的描写,有人去楼空的意思,示意假期已完结。
    In this painting we have the sentimental component on the upper part and description of the reality, which is the vacation, on the lower.

  • 据记者了解,米兰时尚广场60%以上的商铺都已经人去楼空
    This reporter has learned that more than 60% of the Milan fashion Plaza shops have gone.

  • 事件发生后,万家灯火装饰城的有关负责人赶往其总部,已人去楼空
    After the incident, the city official responsible for the decoration of the city rushed to its headquarters, has left.

  • 时值今日,教堂已经人去楼空,工会会员正在减少,选民也在不断流失。
    Nowadays churches have emptied, union membership has slumped and voters have become more footloose.

  • 人去楼空,校园依旧。 我深信:没有别离的痛苦,就不会有聚会的快乐!
    Deserted campus still I am confident that: There is no parting of the suffering, there will be no meeting of the Happy!

  • “我知道,他也爱我,”当我和斯泰西在我那已快人去楼空的餐厅里喝咖啡时,我轻声说。“
    " And I know he loves me, too, " l moaned to Stacy over a cup of coffee in my near-empty restaurant.

  • “我知道,他也爱我,”当我和斯泰西在我那已快人去楼空的餐厅里喝咖啡时,我轻声说。“
    "And I know he loves me, too, " l moaned to Stacy over a cup of coffee in my near-empty restaurant.

  • 当时已是9点半,整幢建筑已人去楼空,只有救火队员惊奇地看着这些人一个个从洞中爬出来。
    It was 9. 30am and the building was deserted except for firemen who looked astonished to see the men crawling through the wall.

  • 而售楼处早已人去楼空,两个电话号码已是空号,登记在114的另一个电话也被建筑公司接管。
    and sales offices have been left vacant, two telephone numbers are empty, and Another registered in the 114 construction companies were taken over the telephone.

  • 延吉中路上还有一部分非常陈旧的老房子,不过点点发现相当一部分已经人去楼空了,估计很快就会拆掉。
    Yanji, the road is very old part of the old house, But little has been found a considerable number of cars that will soon be removed estimates.

  • 五月,云淡风轻、草长莺飞的季节,长假一到图书馆便是人去楼空。准备考研的你是不是也有点坐不住了?
    Five months, the cloud poor business conditions are light, the grass long hawk flies as soon as the season, the long vacation arrives at the library is reminded of dear ones who have left.

  • 现在眷村里围墙倒的倒,窗户破的破,大概有一半都已经人去楼空,不是过世了就是搬到政府新盖的国宅去了。
    It used to be so lively when it was Chinese New Year, but it's almost a ghost town now. Many walls are down, windows broken, and all that. Some veterans already past away.

  • 其位于北卡罗来纳州FortBragg的空旷基地已经人去楼空,所有的四个大队都在伊拉克和阿富汗作战。
    Its sprawling base at Fort Bragg, North Carolina has emptied out, with all four of its brigades now fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • 来到他们曾经生活的家乡,眼前是被毒品摧残得满目疮痍的景象,很多家庭由于人去楼空,田地里已是野草丛生。
    They had come to life in his hometown, was the immediate destruction of a drug scene of devastation, many families left vacant, with the fields is a weed and grass.

  • 世界上很多地方的有名的建筑,比如说学校,医院,工厂甚至教堂都已经人去楼空了,因为它们已经没有什么用处了。
    Everywhere in the world old buildings, such as schools, hospitals, factories and even churches are left empty because they are no longer needed.

  • 前不久,本市一家小中介公司以“房屋银行”的名义从个人手里收来房子,将出租房的一年租金卷走后,便人去楼空
    Not long ago, according to a small intermediary company "Housing Bank" from the name of the hands of individuals to the house to rental housing rent year away, they left.

  • 据房东反映,立天基业总部设在门头沟,在全市有10个分部,现在不仅人去楼空,而且以前的电话不是停机就是空号。
    According to the landlord reflect legislative days Foundation headquarters in Mentougou, has 10 branches in the city, now not only gone, but not before the phone is empty of parking.

  • 拥有大约500名常驻僧侣的隆务寺现在近乎人去楼空,目前正式一个月长的宗教假期的第一周,通常这时挤满了游客。
    The Rongwo monastery, which has about 500 resident monks, is almost deserted — and this is the first week of a month-long religious holiday when it would normally be thronged with tourists.

  • 再打电话到昊×公司,号码已变,到公司去找人时,才发现已经人去楼空,据说是搬了办公地址,却不知道新办公地点在哪里。
    Called to vast x companies, numbers have changed, people went to the company, it was discovered that has left, reportedly moving office addresses do not know where the new premises.

  • 这位老总还透露,曾经有一家小中介公司以“房屋银行”的名义从个人手里收来房子,将出租房的一年租金卷走后,便人去楼空
    this mister also revealed that there was a small intermediary firms to "Housing Bank" from the name of the hands of individuals to the house to rental housing rent year away, they left.

  • 据传,一家小中介公司以房屋银行的名义从个人手里收来房子,将出租房的一年租金卷走后,便人去楼空,房屋银行的风险由此显现。
    reported, a small intermediary company name to the Housing Bank from the hands of individuals to the house to rental housing rent year away, they left, the Housing Bank risks resulting appearance.

  • 其中,带有住宅性质的公寓规划面积是25%左右,还规划设计了一系列广场、主题公园,避免国外CBD夜晚和节假日人去楼空的孤城现象。
    The nature of a residential apartment at around 25% of the planning area is also planning a series of plazas, theme parks, foreign CBD night and holidays left to avoid the intended phenomenon.

  • 但是全国流行的流感,用金融部门的话说,就好像一场核爆(重译:一颗中子弹),建筑仍然屹立着,但是里边却空无一人(重译:那些建筑物将人去楼空)。
    But a flu pandemic , in the words of one financial regulator, would be more like a neutron bomb : "The buildings would be left standing with no one left in them."

  • 各处城市都严格实行宵禁,饭店旅社都已人去楼空,大街小巷行人绝迹,办公大楼门可罗雀,歹徒趁火打劫,巡逻队动辄开枪杀人。完全是一派兵荒马乱景象。
    In the cities there were strict curfews, empty hotels, abandoned streets and office buildings, looters, trigger-happy patrols, and all the rest. (War and Remembrance, by Herman Wouk.

  • 人去楼空造句相关
