
人心惶惶  rén xīn huáng huáng








  • 敌军迫近的消息搅得人心惶惶
    The news that the enemy were near alarm ed everybody.

  • 股票市场上人心惶惶,掀起抛售浪潮。
    She's made a killing on the stock market.

  • 谣传将有新税,股市投资者人心惶惶
    The rumored new tax has the stock market investors running scared.

  • 股票市场上人心惶惶,掀起抛售浪潮。
    Made a killing on the stock market.

  • 谣传将有新税,股市投资者人心惶惶
    The rumor new tax have the stock market investor running scared.

  • 谣传将有新税,股市“投资者”人心惶惶
    The rumored new tax has the stock market investors running scared.

  • 中国毒奶粉事件造成台湾人心惶惶, 您认为…
    The tainted milk powder from China has distressed the people of Taiwan. What do you think?

  • 人口众多的国家,人心惶惶,就会一片大混乱。
    Densely populated nation, agitated, meeting one pretty mess.

  • 冬天是一个人心惶惶的季节:没有牧师,我们怎办呢?
    Winter can be a time of fear: Without our pastor, what will we do?

  • 与管理层的人心惶惶相比,资本方面的危机则更加严重。
    Compared with the management of panic, the capital of the crisis is more severe.

  • 议员骗取补贴的行为遭到爆炸性揭秘,搞得政客们人心惶惶
    THE explosive revelations about MPs' expenses have left many a politician's nerves in tatters.

  • 这一举动无疑给正人心惶惶的欧洲各国注射了一支“强心剂”。
    This action gave the flustered various European countries to inject one without doubt "the cardiotonic".

  • 就连美联储主席格林斯潘也不得不出来讲话,以安抚人心惶惶的美国人。
    Even U. S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan also had to speak to appease the Americans fear.

  • 但把这种说法运用到导致英国经济危机的银行业上,则让业内人士人心惶惶
    Applied to the banks that plunged Britain into economic crisis, it strikes fear to the heart.

  • 曾经让全世界人心惶惶的麻烦制造者、卡扎菲的情报部门在情报领域最为冷酷无情。
    Mr Qaddafi's intelligence services, once feared as global trouble makers, are among the most ruthless in the region.

  • 网上有人说:『一天一杯牛奶震惊一个民族』,这是人心惶惶、信心破灭的时代所留下的特殊语言。
    A netizen wrote, "A cup of milk every day shocked a nation". The statement is a special code in an era of trust less uncertainties.

  • 今年最大的事件恐怕是弄得人心惶惶的“非典”了吧,对各行各业尤其是旅游带来极大的负面影响。
    The biggest this year event is afraid is lane is popular of in a state of anxiety " SARS " , travel especially to all trades and professions bring huge negative effect.

  • 传闻不胫而走,住在这个楼宇里六楼以上的业主人心惶惶,有些胆小的女同志吓得晚上不敢出家门。
    Rumors spread like wildfire, living in the buildings where the owners living above the sixth floor, some lesbian scenes of the evening not scared out of the door.

  • 受三鹿奶粉事件影响而遭受信任危机的百度人心惶惶,能否稳住军心估计是现在迫在燃眉的首要任务。
    Sanlu milk powder affected by the incident and suffered a crisis of confidence Baidu's anxiety and can stabilize the morale of the troops is now estimated at forcing the immediate priority.

  • 南非波尔战争发生之际,全国各地兵荒马乱、人心惶惶,一位传道人问教会的主任牧师要如何安抚人心
    During the Boer War, when there was much unrest in the country, a certain minister asked his brother-minister, who was a leader in the church, to do his best to calm the minds of those around him.

  • 1965年2月,香港发生了严重的银行信用危机,人心惶惶,投资者及市民纷纷抛售房产,离港远走。
    1965 years 2 months, Hong Kong, a serious bank credit crisis, the panic, investors and the public have to sell the property, outward to flee.

  • 搞得人心惶惶。不过我们还是要注意些好。童心未泯的大人,一定生活的很精彩,这也是对生活负责的态度吧。
    Its a bit sad but I think the people here are going to end up with a much better standard of living and its a shame it had to come at such a price.

  • 某市综合局女厕所惊现一具男性腐尸,一时人心惶惶,各种利害关系剑拔弩张,在看不见的刀光剑影中,刑警如何通过。
    In the women's toilet of a department of a city, there is a dead male body. In the invisible, the policemen finally catch the real criminal.

  • 大自然两分钟的颤抖,我们就面临生离死别,我们就开始人心惶惶,我们就开始不知所措,我们的大地就是一阵阵的慌乱。
    Nature two minutes of trembling, we face Shenglisibie, we started to panic, we begin at a loss, our land is the waves of panic.

  • 有球迷表示,“就像该文中所说的那样,目前对武汉的处罚规则下不来,中超各队都已经人心惶惶了,总不能让中甲也人心惶惶吧”;
    Fans have said, "just like the paper said, the current rules Xiabu Lai punishment of Wuhan, more than the team had a panic, can not let you in a panic also";

  • 试想,如果我国还是以阶级斗争为纲,人心惶惶或饥肠辘辘,抑或宁要社会主义草,不要资本主义苗,则何来房市房价?又何来房价上扬?
    If China or taking class struggle as the key link, panic or empty, or prefer socialism or not capitalism Miao, Housing prices in the city are what?How to price rise ?

  • 生命真的很脆弱。大自然两分钟的颤抖,我们就面临生离死别,我们就开始人心惶惶,我们就开始不知所措,我们的大地就是一阵阵的慌乱。
    Life is really very fragile. Nature two minutes of trembling, we face Shenglisibie, we started to panic, we begin at a loss, our land is the waves of panic.

  • 但是,一会儿是俱乐部和教练的问题,一会儿是俱乐部和球员的问题,有些做法是很不负责任的,弄得人心惶惶的,又怎么能让人看到冠军相?
    However, for a while and is the club coach, player and the club is for a while, some of it is very irresponsible, very worried, how can be seen with champion?

  • 中国大陆爆发的毒奶粉事件越滚越大,不只对岸婴幼儿吃的三鹿奶粉出问题,就连台湾金车集团的食品也都遭池鱼之殃,导致许多消费者选购无所依从,人心惶惶
    Content: As the case of poison milk in Chinese getting worse and worse, not just SanLu milk powder but also Taiwan KingCar to be poisoned. Many people worry and don't know which one is safety.

  • 因此对于拉沙热、埃博拉病毒以及汉塔病毒的种种惊惧在艾滋病时疫之后突然之间爆发出来,弄得人心惶惶。尽管这每一种病毒最初出现的时间远在艾滋病爆发之前。
    Hence the excitement over Lassa fever, Ebola virus and Hanta virus – an excitement which suddenly exploded after the AIDS epidemic, although each had first appeared long before AIDS.

  • 人心惶惶造句相关
