
从中渔利  cóng zhōng yú lì







  • 西方看来也从中渔利了。
    The west looked like also profits.

  • 鲍里斯沙皇使得罗马与拜占庭之间相互斗争,从中渔利
    The Tsar Boris tried to play Rome and Byzantium off against each other.

  • 公司知道我们的弱点,所以总是想方设法地操纵我们以从中渔利
    The banks know our weakness very well and do lots of things to control us for their profit.

  • 宅,损公肥私,从中渔利,影响极坏,必须及时加以纠正和处理。
    Kim, seeking, rip them off, the impact is very bad and must be promptly corrected and addressed.

  • 朝鲜精于制造分裂,它还可能尝试利用其他国家的分歧并从中渔利
    A maestro of division, North Korea may also try to play off differences among the other countries.

  • 一些社会不法分子炒卖炒作工程信息,从中渔利,甚至进行诈骗等活动。
    Some lawless elements speculation speculation social engineering information, rip them off, or even fraud, and other activities.

  • 发卡机构在建立品牌的过程中投入重金,自然不希望其他支付系统从中渔利
    Having spent fortunes on branding, credit-card firms and banks do not want to see other payment systems gain ground.

  • 作为商品的房产,其兼备的自用、投资双重性不仅保值且可视时机抛售从中渔利
    The property as a commodity, the personal use of its capabilities, investment protection and double as the timing of not only selling profit from them.

  • 在关塔那摩之类的事件中,美国已经不再像美国,反美主义从中渔利也不是偶尔。
    Nor is it an accident that anti-Americanism has fed off those instances such as Guantánamo Bay where America has seemed most un-American.

  • 疯狂抬高资产价格并从中渔利的风险投资者们突然变得谨慎起来,他们的谨慎是正确的。
    Risk investors that had driven up prices have partially taken profits, and suddenly they are wary. They are right to be wary.

  • 另外,他利用人们的本能认识——民主党人的世俗主义不符合美利坚民族特质——从中渔利
    He also profited from a visceral sense that there was something unAmerican about the Democrats' secularism.

  • 但是一些极端的做法也在大行其道,甚至肆意操纵房产市场,从中渔利的做法却非常令人不齿。
    However, some practices are also extremely popular, and even wanton manipulation property market, the practice has been very disappointing profit contempt.

  • 甚而在一些地区,房地产开发商和温州炒房团捆绑成了利益共同体,相帮着将房价炒高,从中渔利
    Even in some areas, real estate developers and Wenzhou Real Mission Community interests became tied up, let the real culprits in order to fish for profit.

  • LTCM的投资策略是精心在全世界范围内发掘同类金融资产在不同市场中的不合理价差并从中渔利
    LTCM's strategy was to scour world markets for pairs of assets with prices that appeared to be out of line with each other.

  • 鸠山由纪夫在周四举行的一个新闻发布会上坚称自己不知道任何违法行为的存在,并说他个人未从中渔利
    Speaking Thursday at a press conference, Mr. Hatoyama denied knowledge of any wrongdoing and said he personally didn't benefit.

  • 台独分子整天以“台湾人利益捍卫者”的面目上窜下跳,其实不过是想把台湾从中国分裂出去,好从中渔利
    Taiwan independence elements throughout the day to "defend the interests of the Taiwan people" jump up and down the face, they are actually trying to separate Taiwan from China, a good profit!

  • 对799只金融类股票实施卖空禁令,禁止投资者通过压低股价从中渔利,而卖空是股票交易关键的一部分。
    banned, for 799 financial stocks, a practice at the heart of stock trading, the short-selling in which investors seek to profit from falling stock prices.

  • 一些投资者仍坚持认为,诸多对冲基金和其他机构合谋推低贝尔斯登股价,期望通过迫使这家大型券商寻求破产保护来从中渔利
    Some investors maintain that groups of hedge funds and others conspired to knock down Bear's stock price, hoping to profit by forcing the big brokerage to seek bankruptcy protection.

  • 他向外国人提供许多特权,包括特许经营烟草,而自己从中渔利。他的所作所为引起大众的强烈不满,促成了伊朗民族主义的诞生。
    His graft-influenced grants of foreign concessions, including the tobacco concession, inspired intense popular resistance that has been regarded as the birth of Iranian nationalism.

  • 他的两个竞争对手分别是保守派和自由派,他让他们斗得不可开交,而他却从中渔利,到处宣扬自己是温和的中间派,看问题能两面兼顾。
    So he let them fight it out with each other while he told everybody he was a moderate who could see both sides of a question.

  • 这是相对主义者和破坏规则的人的自由,也是发现父母不是完美的,并且学会如何从中渔利的十几岁的年青人的自由——失去信仰者的自由。
    It's the freedom of the relativist, the rule breaker, the teenager who has discovered his parents are imperfect and has learned to play one off of the other—the freedom of the apostate.

  • 当政府已不可救药,在野保守党也不堪一击的时候,为什么自民党及其讨人喜爱的领袖尼克•克莱格(NickClegg)不从中渔利呢?
    Why—when the government is in terminal decline and the Conservative opposition less than a knockout—aren't the party and its likeable leader, Nick Clegg, capitalising on it?

  • 他的两个竞争对手分别是保守派和自由派,他让她们斗得不可开交,而他却从中渔利,到处宣扬本人是温和的中间派,看疑难题目能两面兼顾。
    So he let them fight it out with each ot IT while he talked eVery abundancebody he were a moderate who have to see two of them sides of a question.

  • 地方企业在地方政府的保护下缺乏进取精神,严重依赖地方政府,缺乏竞争力;区域间的招商引资,使得客商从中渔利,区域的利益不断转移给客商。
    as local government take protection measures, the resource is irrationally collocated, the economic benefit is debased, the corporation depend on government lacking high level competition;

  • 这是相对主义者的自由,这是破坏规则的人的自由,也是发现父母并不是完美的,并且学会如何从中渔利的十几岁的年青人的自由——失去信仰者的自由。
    It's the freedom of the relativist, the rule breaker, the teenager who has discovered his parents are imperfect and has learned to play one off of the other—the freedom of the apostate.

  • 伊朗清楚自己是美国对伊与对阿(阿富汗)战争的主要受益者之一;去年以色列为清剿黎巴嫩境内伊朗支持的真主党之患,打了一场处理失当的战争。其也从中渔利
    Iran knows it is one of the main beneficiaries of America's invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and of Israel's ham-fisted war last year against its Hizbullah client in Lebanon.

  • 从中渔利造句相关
