
余味无穷  yú wèi wú qióng






  • 这就是为什么一部大书读了一遍又一遍,依然余味无穷
    That is why you can read a great book over and over again and never exhaust its contents.

  • 初入口时,似觉微苦,稍待片刻,甜香绵绵,余味无穷
    The beginning of the entrance, Wei Ku feel like, wait a minute, sweet memories, endless finish.

  • 巧妙的虚实处理,使诗歌整体呈现出委婉曲折而余味无穷的特征。
    The dealing with the actual situation ingeniously makes the whole poem demonstrates mild and roundabout twists, leaving a lasting and pleasant impressing or aftertaste wholly.

  • 正德皇帝逐一品尝,他喝了小蒜炒的小菜汤,感觉清香扑鼻,余味无穷
    Emperor Zhengde enjoy one by one, he drank a little small garlic soup speculation, I feel fresh-smelling, endless finish;

  • 成熟的黑色水果和无花果香气与新翻泥土和异国香料芬芳缠绵缭绕,余味无穷
    Aromas of ripe dark fruits and figs are intertwined with freshly turned earth and exotic spices.

  • 吃褡裢火烧时配用鸡血和豆腐条制成的酸辣汤,鲜香酸辣并收口中,余味无穷
    Eat stays pouch hung from belt equipped with fire when the chicken blood and be made of bean curd hot and sour soup, hot and sour Xianxiang and close the mouth, endless finish.

  • 口味富含成熟的李子和樱桃的味道,单宁饱满,余味丰富悠长,令人回味无穷
    The nose is very expressive with abundant aromas of red fruits such as black cherry and raspberries.

  • 口味富含成熟的李子和樱桃的味道,单宁饱满,余味丰富悠长,令人回味无穷
    The palate displays flavours of ripe plum and cherry that are supported by fine vanillin tannins that underpin the flavours for a rich, long and satisfying finish.

  • 弗罗斯特诗歌的语言似乎简单、含糊,但其思想蕴意深刻,常常给读者留下难忘的印象,余味无穷
    With its seemingly simplicity and ambiguity in language but rich implications in thinking, Frost's poetry often produces a rewarding and lasting impression on the readers.

  • 鹅肝的精妙之处在于它入口即化、柔嫩细致、唇齿留香、余味无穷的感觉,可以勾起人味蕾的无限欲望。
    Ingenious gras is its entrance that is, the soft and supple lips Liuxiang teeth, the feeling of endless aftertaste, can arouse people's boundless desire to taste buds.

  • 香格里拉农场咖啡味道浓郁香醇,口感精致细腻,入口之后留有巧克力般柔滑与质朴的余味,令人回味无穷
    The chocolaty and earthy flavor leaves a delicious after taste. The Mocha bean is truly rich and exquisite in flavor.

  • 开心果选用进口的优质原料,采用先进技术生产而成,产品营养丰富,机械开口,食用方便,越嚼香味越浓,余味无穷
    Based on the imported high-quality raw material, plus adopting advanced technology, the products are in rich nutrition, and are convenient for eating because of processed crack.

  • 余味无穷造句相关
