
入不敷出  rù bù fū chū








  • 帐目显示我们已经入不敷出了。
    The accounts show we have spent more than we received.

  • 他劝儿子绝对不可以入不敷出
    He adviced his son never spend in excess of income .

  • 他们将不得不工作,否则就会入不敷出
    They will be forced to work to make ends meet.

  • 我这个月又入不敷出了。
    I am in debt again this month.

  • 亚瑟的奶奶在她丈夫失踪后一直入不敷出
    Arthur's grandmother had a hard time making ends meet after her husband went missing.

  • 由于物价的上涨,很多年轻夫妻是入不敷出
    With prices rising, many young couples are unable to make ends meet.

  • 连锁店开业后,业务支出猛增,导致入不敷出
    After the opening chain stores, operating expenses soared, resulting in deficit.

  • 马尔基奥尼认为该行业已经太长时间入不敷出了。
    Mr Marchionne thinks it has been living beyond its means for too long.

  • 因为格林先生入不敷出,所以一家人只好省吃俭用。
    The Greens had to economize because Mr. Green's income could hardly cover the expenses.

  • 失去工作而且有两个年幼的孩子,他们发现入不敷出
    Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to make ends meet.

  • 1961年出生者:小心入不敷出的情况,有必要好好计划。
    Born in 1961: Don't let demand exceed supply. Planning is required.

  • 你自做自受!如果你总是入不敷出,很快你就会债台高筑的。
    You reap what you sow! If you spend more than you earn, you will quickly find yourself in debt.

  • 荷兰银行入不敷出时,它庞大的国际业务已经变成一种债务。
    After all, ABN AMRO's giant global presence became a liability when it produced too little revenue to cover its costs.

  • 罗伯特·斯蒂芬森当司炉挣得微薄工资,但家庭的生活开支入不敷出
    As the wages earned by Robert Stephenson as fireman, their tenacity of life would seem to be greater.

  • 这就是为什麽花钱要有计划,不能想买什麽买什麽,否则肯定入不敷出
    LL: your pocket. Expensive habits can really hurt you, which is why I'm glad that I quit smoking.

  • 无论你的财政状况如何,如果你不想入不敷出,学一些理财知识是有必要的。
    Whatever your financial status is, if you want to make ends meet, it always helps to become more financially educated.

  • 教会学校在其发展的各个阶段,虽也有入不敷出的时候,但基本能取得经费支持。
    Missionary schools sometimes lived beyond their income in each development phase, but they could get comparative sufficient funds on the whole.

  • 信贷紧缩加通货膨胀的双重压力,让英国人入不敷出,但王室却依然花钱不眨眼。
    The British royal family is blamed for spending too much when most British people are reeling from the duel pressure of credit crunch and high inflation.

  • 北京一对年轻夫妇刘浩和王妮由于入不敷出,只能靠父母为他们提供大量经济支持。
    One young Beijing couple, for example, Liu Hao and Wang Ni, rely heavily on financial support from their parents, as their monthly outgoings surpass their income.

  • 她说:“过度消费、入不敷出必然会导致负债。这意味着人们必须克制自己和配偶的消费欲望。
    "The ability to spend more, that you don't have in the first place, can certainly lead to debt . It means people have to control themselves and their spouses, " she added.

  • 在生意昌旺的大型企业,买办对有入不敷出倾向的年轻外籍雇员来说,是个「永远好用的朋友」。
    In large and prosperous establishments the comprador was a ever-useful friend to junior foreign employees who were inclined to spend more than their income.

  • 这些网迷承认,他们上网成癖导致了婚姻破裂、使孩子误人歧途、滋生犯罪而且经济上入不敷出
    They revealed that their online habit contributed to disrupted marriages, childhood delinquency, crime and over-spending.

  • 但玛格丽特不能完全做到,公爵便将钱减少了一半,玛格丽特入不敷出,到现在已欠下几万法郎的债务。
    But Margaret can not do it, the Duke of Bianjiang money reduced by half, Margaret make ends meet, and now owes tens of thousands of francs in debt.

  • 而在带宽成本方面,视频网站拥有大量的流量但无法变成收入,更多的垃圾流量让视频分享网站入不敷出
    And in bandwidth cost respect, video website has many flow but cannot become income, more rubbish discharge let video share a website to enter not apply goes out.

  • 报告还表示,虽然征收了新税种,并在议员工资和提高教育拨款等方面削减了预算,税收收入可能仍将入不敷出
    The report added that despite new taxes and budget cuts in areas including legislators' salaries and higher-education funding, tax revenue is likely to continue falling short of expenses.

  • 即使上海的社会保险金得以妥善管理,它也会在不久的将来入不敷出,因为愈来愈多的退休工人开始索取养老金。
    EVEN if they were well managed, China's social-security funds would find themselves hugely in the red in a few years' time, as a bulge of retired workers start demanding pensions.

  • 由于弱势群体在社会竞争中处于不利地位,其家庭经济收入很低甚至入不敷出,最终导致弱势群体子女教育贫困。
    Because of their poverty and disadvantage in social competition, their children are in a situation called educational poverty.

  • 它成长的力量,来自于年轻人—那些驳斥了冷漠一代的神话,远离家人为(竞选)工作入不敷出废寝忘食的年轻人。
    It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.

  • 由于小区会所客流稀少,他们可能还将为购买日用品支付更多的钱,而物业管理公司也会为物业管理费入不敷出而叫苦。
    Because small clubs across scarce, they may also pay more money for the purchase of daily necessities. and the property management company will mean for property management fees and then.

  • 人类的进步,特别是工业的发展,给我们的生态环境造成了严重破坏, 使我们的资源与生态环境出现了入不敷出的局面。
    The progress of mankind, particularly the development of industries, has brought serious damage to our ecological environment which and their related resources are thus unable to make ends meet.

  • 入不敷出造句相关
