
力争上游  lì zhēng shàng yóu






  • 决心力争上游才会有新的成就。
    New avenues of achievement require commitment to growth.

  • 一个好的学生必需有力争上游的决心!
    A good student should have the determination to compete for frist place.

  • 永远力争上游,情奋工作,指著信念。
    Always aim high, work hard and care deeply about what you believe in.

  • 我们必须力争上游
    We must aim high.

  • 我们要在坚持党的优良传统作风方面,力争上游
    We should aim high in upholding the Party's fine traditions and work style !

  • 他们力争上游,跻身上流社会,并过着舒适的生活。
    They are moving up in the world and have a comfortable lifestyle.

  • 他们力争上游,跻身上流社会,并过著舒适的生活。
    They are moving up in the world and have a comfortable lifestyle.

  • 我们要在加强和正确执行民主集中制方面,力争上游
    We should aim high in strengthening and correctly exercising democratic centralism!

  • 怀有远大理想、力争上游的你当然在发型上也不甘示弱。
    Capricorns are often ambitious and want to rise to the top.

  • 当你想力争上游而精疲力竭时,我会在你后面推你一把;
    when you want to move up the social ladder and exhausted, I will push you in the back of your hand;

  • 我们要在我们这一代为下一代树立良好榜样方面,力争上游
    Our generation should aim high in setting a splendid example for the next generation!

  • 希望加入“力争上游”计划的州不能通过法规来禁止“按劳定薪”的方式。
    States that want to take part in the Race to the Top cannot have rules that bar performance-based pay for teachers.

  • 假设你已经完全找到工作并且清楚地开始了,我对你的建议是:力争上游
    Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started , my advice to you is "aim high".

  • 内斯塔踢了所有的比赛,他一直力争上游,但是比赛中,内斯塔非常疲劳了。
    Nesta played all the games, he always pushed forward and today he was very tired.

  • 我这一辈子不断地确立目标,力争上游,志存高远,希望能成为后人的楷模。
    Throughout my life, I constantly set goals, aim high, and dream big in hopes of being a role model for others behind me.

  • 光怪陆离嬉笑怒骂只是表面,小人物力争上游的草根精神才是精髓,他是唯一的。
    Bizarre the subject of ridicule only on the surface, little to improve ourselves is the essence of the spirit of grass-roots, he is unique.

  • 我们要在学会当好“班长”,学会当乐队指挥,学会“弹钢琴”方面,力争上游
    We should aim high in learning how to be a competent "squad leader", an orchestra conductor, and an "accomplished pianist"!

  • 公司内部形成了积极向上,力争上游,注重团队意识,拥有强烈事业心的企业文化。
    The company formed a positive and upward, upward mobility, team-oriented sense of professionalism with strong corporate culture.

  • 中层管理﹕你会带领同业中的一个团队力争上游,为你登上事业颠峰作最好的准备。
    For senior executives:­ We give room for you to get familiar with one of the very dynamic business from a boarder perspective, and take your professional life to an unprecedented peak.

  • 无论香港人怎样善于适应时势,力争上游,社会上总有一些需要我们扶持和照顾的人。
    No matter how successful we are in fulfilling our mission to meet the forces of change and turn them to our advantage, there will always be people who need the community's support and care.

  • 国家经济在党中央“鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义”的号召下迅速发展。
    The Central Committee of the national economy in the " go all out more progress in establishing Socialist " authorities rapidly.

  • 在这比黄金还宝贵的年华里,谁不想拼搏进取,力争上游,谁不想奏响青春之歌的最强音?
    In this valuable than gold for Love, who do not want to struggle to forge ahead, strive to play the song of youth who do not want the strongest voice?

  • 最糟糕的是,以名气来排行,也使得名校失去了上进心,而力争上游的学校却因此举步维艰。
    Worst of all, ranking by reputation allows famous places to coast along, while making life hard for feisty upstarts.

  • 他特别强调他的记录片《力争上游:约翰·克里的漫长战争》在这个广告播出以前就已经开始制作了。
    The Long War of John Kerry, "was well under way before the commercials were first aired."

  • 每条参赛的船首船尾都装饰成龙的形状,在有节奏的鼓声和热闹的喧嚣声伴奏下,百舸竞发,力争上游
    Today, boats decorated with dragon heads and tails compete with each other in a race that is accompanied by a great deal of drum beating and noise.

  • 不过,由于亚洲具有不屈不挠力争上游的精神,我预计经过调整以后,亚洲会更健康、更茁壮地发展。
    However, I would expect Asia to come out leaner and stronger after the adjustments, given Asia's indomitable spirit to improve ourselves.

  • 青春啊,永远是美好的,可是真正的青春,只属于这些永远力争上游的人,永远忘我劳动的人,永远谦虚的人!
    Youth Oh, is fine, but real youth forever, the people who belongs to these only aim high forever , forever selfless the people who works , forever modest people!

  • 飞鸽千里传书,才有人豢养;骏马万里奔驰,才有人喜爱;海豚尽力演出,才有人喝采;做人力争上游,才有人欣赏。
    Pigeons are bred to fly letters afar. Horses are praised that race like the wind. Dolphins are loved that entertain greatly. People are admired who strive to advance.

  • 我相信我们可以总结说,英国对香港的贡献,是在这里建立了一个完善的架构,使香港人能够力争上游,创造美好天地。
    As British administration ends, we are, I believe, entitled to say that our own nation's contribution here was to provide the scaffolding that enabled the people of Hong Kong to ascend.

  • 我年轻的时候,我觉得生活就是我自己的——我考虑的只是我应该怎样在世界上力争上游,获得成功,得到我想得到的东西。
    When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me—about how I'd make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want.

  • 力争上游造句相关
