
匪夷所思  fěi yí suǒ sī








  • 是的,真的很匪夷所思
    Yeah, that was really amazing.

  • 从那以后,这个镇里各种匪夷所思的意外层出不穷。
    After then, many mysterious accidents happen in this town.

  • 我们若竟让核武器大屠杀的惨剧发生,简直是匪夷所思
    It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur.

  • 令人匪夷所思的是,连芭蕾舞也搬上了中国舞比赛的舞台。
    It is unimaginably queer that ballet also staged on such Chinese classical dance contest.

  • 但令人匪夷所思的是乐基儿始终否认已婚,这大牌耍得很诡异。
    But it is inconceivable that themusic-married son has denied that it played a very big strange.

  • 这一切,不是亲身经历,都会感到难以置信到匪夷所思的程度。
    If we hadn't personally experience the suffering and pain, we could not believe such incomprehensible things happen around us.

  • 那些不去的人有的出现了,但是是返回学校,很让人匪夷所思
    They still went, but back at school, something was different.

  • 不知道从什么时候开始,我对美,不再敏锐,迟钝的令人匪夷所思
    Did not know when from starts, I to beautiful, no longer keen, slow unthinkable.

  • 这实在是一种匪夷所思的观点,他们居然与远在地球另一面的白种人有关。
    They are somehow related to the white people that lived on another side of the globe.

  • 作为一座基督教堂,沙特尔大教堂在建筑上的一些表现手法让人匪夷所思
    As a Christian church, the Cathedral of Chartres in the construction of a number of ways incredible people.

  • 我做梦也想不到一个对论语有研究的知名学者竟然能做出如此匪夷所思之事。
    I could never have dreamed that a well-known author on Confucianism would behave in such an unacceptable way.

  • 阿姆斯特朗:简直是匪夷所思,当然我们始终认为还是存在有这种可能性的。
    Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off!

  • 随后他便在第三盘的一个破发点打出一记匪夷所思的回球,并赢得了整场比赛。
    Then he played an incredible shot on the break point in the third set and the match was over.

  • 距生产日期只有短短两个月的时间,大米就生了虫,这种情况让记者匪夷所思
    From the date of production only two months, gave birth on rice pest, which allow reporters incredible.

  • 现在他们都因工作、入伍或婚姻纷纷离开了家,只有我留下来,想想真觉匪夷所思
    It is hard to understand that they had all moved away from home to work, enroll in the army, or get married. All except me.

  • 我行事的风格在你看来大概一向匪夷所思。也好,省得我还要向你解释我们开战的原因。
    My ways may seem inexplicable to you, and so I will not bother to explain why we are at war.

  • 在那令人敬畏的时刻,我们意识到,宇宙是多么的浩瀚无穷,繁复杂驳,令人匪夷所思
    In that awful moment, we realize how vast the universe is, complexity upon complexity, beyond us.

  • 比创造财富更传奇的是,他以匪夷所思的速度将一家名不见经传的软件公司变成巨人——微软。
    Create more wealth than the legendary, he is inconceivable to the speed of a little-known will become a giant software company - Microsoft.

  • 然而,为了解决问题,更新世的研究者们想出了五花八门、多少有点匪夷所思的模型框架来安排冰川期。
    Nevertheless, researchers of the Pleistocene epoch have developed all sorts of more or less fanciful model schemes of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge of events.

  • 有一天,人类会回顾这段女性渴望瘦得象块板的时期,感觉就象我们看裹小脚的中国女人那样匪夷所思
    One day, we will look back on a time when women aspired to be Belsen-thin with the incomprehension we feel for Chinese foot-binding.

  • 我承认,想要通过这些匪夷所思的画来揣测创作者想要表达什么,的确不是一件容易的事,事实上这样做也是徒劳。
    I admit that it indeed is a little difficult to understand what they are telling through their works, and actually it is in vain trying to do that.

  • 亨利是真理的宣讲家和表演家,这是他命中所注定的,也正因为如此,他总是不停地匪夷所思地撞进戏剧化般的情境中。
    He was a speaker and actor of the truth, —born such, - and was ever running into dramatic situations from this cause.

  • 尽管事实往往比故事来得更为稀奇,但是美国的几位科学家在本周发布的一项研究结果却表明事实和故事同样匪夷所思
    Although truth is often stranger than fiction, a study published this week by scientists in America demonstrates that both can be pretty odd.

  • 最近的冰川运动导致了许多匪夷所思的景观,包括海岸低地、高山高原、海湾、冰川峡谷、悬崖峭壁、瀑布、以及许多纯净的湖泊。
    More recent glacial action has resulted in some spectacular scenery, with coastal lowland, alpine plateau, fjords, glacial valleys, sheer cliff, waterfalls and many pristine lakes.

  • 他的日常生活充满著各种困难与挑战,他想逃避,可是逃避的方法却匪夷所思:就是不断幻想自己身处二次世界大战是枪林弹雨之中。
    With all the difficulties in his real life, Kelly has found just one true escape: Losing himself in fantasy reenactments of World War II's epic battles.

  • 节庆中最富盛名的,首推“沙弗力拿歌剧节”;而最匪夷所思的,则是一年一度的扛老婆大赛,大赛冠军可赢得和老婆重量相当的啤酒。
    The best-known event is the Savolinna Opera Festival, while the strangest is probably the annual wife-carrying championship, where the winner is award his wife's weight in beer.

  • 不过,值得注意的是,TD套餐属于企业行为,从来都是企业自己公布,而此次中国移动的TD套餐居然由工信部透露,有些匪夷所思
    However, it is worth noting that, TD set of enterprises, enterprises themselves have always been released, while the China Mobile's TD surprise package from the Ministry of letters, some unimaginable.

  • 日食或月食往往会重组事物的秩序,因为宇宙以日食或月食作为最有力、最神妙的手段来打造匪夷所思的新形势,藉此我们得以继续成长。
    An eclipse will always shake things up, for eclipses are the most powerful and dramatic way the universe uses to create dramatically new conditions so that we all can continue to grow.

  • 匪夷所思的是中国与日本的贸易“平衡”。中国说今年上半年它对日本有贸易赤字,而日本的数据则表明情况恰恰相反,是日本对中国有贸易赤字。
    Even more striking is its trade balance with Japan: China says it had a deficit with Japan in the first half of this year, but Japanese data show instead that Japan ran a deficit with China.

  • 一刹间,我只觉得这小小的屋子飞速旋转起来,妇人、少年、屋顶、床铺……都一拥而上冲进我本就混乱的脑中,即使我心理承受力再强,也终于接受不了这匪夷所思的打击!
    At that moment, I feel this small room is switching very fast, women, young man, ceiling, bed…are all rushed to my messed head, I couldn't bear this unbelievable blew.

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