
千山万壑  qiān shān wàn hè







  • 夏雨纷霏,千山万壑铺就碧绿的绒毡;
    the summer rain creates verdurous tomenta on mountains and valleys;

  • 千山万壑的溪流汇入梅园河,越滚越大,越大越美。
    Meiyuanqian shan wan streams into rivers, snowball, the bigger the more the United States.

  • 冬春之交,则多云雾,千山万壑间云涌雾漫,茫茫一片。
    At the turn of winter, it is mostly foggy weather with the peaks often shrouded in swirling mist and cloud.

  • 天子山风景秀丽,气候宜人,举目远眺,千山万壑是尽收眼底。
    The Tianzi mountain has a very beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate.

  • 千山万壑皆淹没其中,轻如絮,白如棉,皎若凝脂,皓如堆絮,洁净至美,安静悠闲,醉人心魄。
    Qianshanwanhe which are submerged, light Ru Xu, white as cotton, if DiorSkin Jiao, Hao Xu, such as heap, clean to the United States, quiet and relaxed, intoxicating breathtaking.

  • 天气持续晴朗时,千山万壑身披蓝紫相间的衣衫,雄峻的轮廓映衬着傍晚澄澈的天空,显得格外清晰;
    When the weather is fair and settled, they are clothed in blue and purple, and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky;

  • 山风乍起时,云海飘散开去,群峰众岭变成一座座云海中的小岛,云海聚拢过来,千山万壑隐藏得无影无踪。
    Pottinger from the mountain, a sea of clouds to airborne, Qunfeng Public Ridge Block into a small island in the sea of clouds, sea of clouds gather up, Qianshanmohe hidden without a trace.

  • 千山万壑造句相关
