
心有余而力不足  xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú








  • 我们也想把网站办好,但心有余而力不足
    We also want to had done the website, but unable to do what one wants very much to do.

  • 望着那辽阔的天空,甚觉心有余而力不足矣。
    As I gaze at the vast blue sky, I feel helpless .

  • 市场化的不足使得金融投资心有余而力不足
    The lack of a market enervated the financial will.

  • 他不是不愿意帮助你是他心有余而力不足
    It's not that he doesn't like to help but that the spirit iswillingbut the flesh is week.

  • 他不是不愿意帮助你,是他心有余而力不足
    It's not that he doesn't like to help, but that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is week.

  • 当我们开始这项工程的时候我们心有余而力不足
    E. G. : A:We bite off more than one can chew when we started this project.

  • 大卫,我也很想帮助你,但我实在是心有余而力不足
    David, I'd like to help you but my spirit is willing, my flesh is weak.

  • 史蒂文森先生想接替他父亲的工作,但他心有余而力不足
    Mr. Stevenson wanted to take over his father's work, but his eyes were bigger than his stomach.

  • 精神上很愿意,但是肉体上却很虚弱。/心有余而力不足
    He has many beautiful plans, however, the spirit is willing but the flesh in weak.

  • 假如没有这些训练的话,我就可能会感觉到心有余而力不足
    If there was no such training, I might feel the bite off more than I could chew.

  • 在西方社会中,华人要留住自己的根,恐怕是心有余而力不足
    In a Western society, it may be impossible even if Chinese want to retain their "roots".

  • 我很想去爬斯诺登山峰,不过我这个年纪的人已是心有余而力不足了。
    I would like to climb Snowdon but at my age the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

  • 由于时间紧,操作难度大,国内公司往往在理赔过程中感到心有余而力不足
    As time is tight, the operation is difficult, domestic companies often are beyond their grasp in the claims process.

  • 如果你觉得心有余而力不足,觉得缺乏前进的动,有时候你只需要改变思维的角度。
    If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and motivation that you need , sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view .

  • 如果你觉得心有余而力不足,觉得缺乏前进的动,有时候你只需要改变思维的角度。
    If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.

  • 不少开发商在接受记者采访时表示,今年没有拿地的意愿和计划,“心有余而力不足”。
    A lot of developers in an interview with reporters said that this year not to take the wishes and plans of "very difficult."

  • 原来的住房想转让给别人,可是住房贷款还没还完,要借新房的贷款显得有些心有余而力不足
    The original housing would transfer to others, but housing loans have also End, the loan seemed like new houses fall.

  • 有些作者通常觉得心有余而力不足,无法跟别人交流,那完全是因为他们没有说到别人的坎里去。
    Writers in particular often struggle to communicate because they fail to step into their readers' shoes.

  • 做出最终的决定是痛苦的,于是我试着把安慰给予那些悲痛的宠物主人,但经常感到心有余而力不足
    Making this final decision is painful, and I have often felt powerless to comfort the grieving owners.

  • ,《中国经营报》记者在与沃尔沃集团的交流中,也明显感觉到现在沃尔沃集团是心有余而力不足
    However, the "China Business" reporter with the Volvo Group in exchange, and now obviously feel the Volvo Group is very difficult.

  • 想我的妈妈爸爸了,念曾经的那些疼爱!我真的好想疼爱你们,可我做不到,心有余而力不足!无奈…还是时间…
    Now some emotions which think of ever. Things change with the passage of time. Wait for new embryonic!

  • 且,对那些希望提高质量管理水平却“心有余而力不足”的企业来说,这样的处理方式会影响企业的生产积极性。
    Moreover, for those who wish to improve the quality of management is "very difficult" business, such treatment would affect the production enthusiasm.

  • 因此,这是写给所有的母亲,她们抱着孩子坐下,解释说养孩子的不易;这也是写给那些心有余而力不足的母亲们。
    So this is for all the mothers who sat down with their children and explained all about making babies, and for all the mothers who wanted to but just couldn't.

  • 通葡股份的历史遗留问题和现实困境交织在一起,新华联颇有些心有余而力不足,这几年的业绩表现也一直差强人意
    Qualcomm shares Portuguese problems left over by history and reality intertwined with the plight of the new skills quite hualian, performance over the past few years has been far from satisfactory.

  • 加上每年的庞大军事费用,使美国在财经上陷入了前所未有的困境,要以武改变世界,恐怕已经心有余而力不足了!
    Plus the enormous military costs each year, caused the United States into an unprecedented financial and economic difficulties, it is impossible for the U. S. to change the world by force now!

  • 其次,房屋作为一种特殊产品,起结构维修往往涉及整幢楼房,从使有些住户心有余而力不足,造成危房率逐年上升。
    Secondly, housing as a niche product, a structural repairs often involve the whole building houses so that some households fall, causing reconstruction rate is rising year on year.

  • 在地球上,人就显得太过于渺小,对清扫火山的工作是心有余而力不足,这也是火山所带来的祸患老是永无止尽的原因。
    On our earth we are obviously much too small to clean out our volcanoes. That is why they bring no end of trouble upon us.

  • 另一方面,一部分消费者还没有接受用明天的钱在今天消费的观念,不敢贷款或无贷款,使得工薪消费的购买者心有余而力不足
    On the other hand, consumers have not been part of tomorrow's money today to accept the concept of consumption, not loans, or loans to make payroll consumption buyers felt.

  • 冉求说,“我并非不喜欢您的仁道,心有余而力不足。”孔子说,“能力不足者半途废,现今你却化界自限,能进不动啊。”
    The Master said, "Those whose ability is insufficient give up halfway. Now you have drown a halting line. ""

  • 投资者试图用各种方法手段来抑制公司高层管理者对薪酬期望越来越高的野,但经常是心有余而力不足,很多甚至都放弃试一试的机会。
    Investors frequently reap nothing but frustration when they seek to restrain the financial aspirations of corporate bosses. Many don't even try.

  • 心有余而力不足造句相关
