
过五关,斩六将  guò wǔ guān,zhǎn liù jiàng






  • 说实话,七年级的科学我大都靠“死记硬背”这个法宝过五关斩六将的。
    To be honest,seventh grade science and I mostly rely on "rote" The magic will be over the five hurdles.

  • 关羽:可做中国入WTO谈判的代表,过五关斩六将,单刀赴会,最后成功。
    Pass feather:Can do China into the WTO negotiation of representative,lead five pass cut six will,the broad sword attend meeting,end success.

  • 当时中国选手郑洁过五关斩六将,杀进四强,为中国网球迈出了历史性的一步。
    Chinese player Zheng Jie then go through five passes slay six,reached the semi-finals for the Chinese tennis taken a historic step.

  • 盖一栋楼得过五关斩六将,首先要立项、报批、征地、处理拆迁问题,要对项目进行设计、审核。
    Gai,a 6 won five of Tsam will,we should first selection,planning,land acquisition,processing buildings,to project design and approval.

  • 收集齐结婚道具可不是件易事,要在任务系统“过五关斩六将”才能获得结婚专用礼服与背景(男);
    " Qi collected props marriage is not an easy job. to the mission system,"killing off five of six" can be married with special tuxedo background (M);

  • 周瑜惊得出了一身冷汗,马上给关羽斟酒恭维道:“将军斩颜、诛文丑,过五关斩六将,天下闻名啊!”
    Zhou Yu,alarmed,broke out in a cold sweat. He poured a cup for Lord Guan and drank with him and said,"You are really famous for you have slain six generals and breached five passes! ""

  • 游戏采用三国故事,关云长千里走单骑,过五关斩六将,刀如青龙,马赛霹雳,忠肝义胆,一啸光寒十九州。
    A story of the three games,the Commissioner of Trinidad Yunchang take Danji,a 5 to 6 chopped customs,such as knives Qinglong,Marseille Perak,liver Zhong Yi Dan,a whistle-cold 19 states.

  • 所以当有什麽新资讯/想法/构思想在同事传播比做什麽都慢,要实行更要过五关斩六将,才有可能做起来。
    Hence,the spread of news,thoughts,ideas between colleagues is very slow. It is even difficult to get them implemented.

  • 生活中有过五关斩六将的辉煌,也有败走麦城的无奈,有功成名就的快意,也有功败垂成的痛苦。当心力衰竭时,不要诅咒生活,这一切终将成为过去;
    Of life go through five passes in six brilliant cut,but also the helplessness of the city defeated Michael,and married to the Fiat,but also the suffering begin.

  • 过五关,斩六将造句相关
