
口惠而实不至  kǒu huì ér shí bù zhì








  • 口惠而实不至的诺言难以令他们满意。
    a promise of jam tomorrow wasn't enough to satisfy them.

  • 自有的一套住宅,又不能出售,口惠而实不至
    Own a home can not be sold, just paying lip service.

  • 他说,协调委员会所宣布的解禁“几乎总是口惠而实不至。”
    " Cocom pronouncements about liberalization "are almost always a snow job, " he said.

  • 那个公司的总裁总是口惠而实不至,因此现在没有人相信他的一言一行。
    The president in that company always made vain promises, and no one now believed what he said and did.

  • 在东宾夕法尼亚的两天里,我见到的是同政治家口惠而实不至的竞选语言非常类似的价值。
    In my two days in Eastern Pennsylvania, I encountered the very sort of stump-speech values that are lip service when coming from politicians.

  • 阿罗约总统自然也会有所行动,在国有粮仓拍照,承诺打击那些蔓延的口惠而实不至的粮食供给补贴。
    So Mrs Arroyo is straining to be seen doing something: posing for photos at state grain warehouses and promising a crackdown on the widespread fiddling of subsidised rice supplies.

  • 民本思想所追求的是为民作主,从根本上维护的是封建统治阶级的利益,在践中常常“口惠而实不至”;
    Radically, people-oriented thinking which protects the benefit of feudal governing classes argues deciding for the people and but fails in practice.

  • 可能听起来像是口惠而实不至,但约翰逊说,他的团队需要知道的项目,它的重点是“驾驶的商业价值” 。
    That may sound like lip service, but Johnson says his team needed to know the projects IT focused on were "driving business value."

  • 但我们大家–不仅是以色列人和巴勒斯坦人,是我们大家–必须决定我们是否真正希望现和平,还只是口惠而实不至
    But all of us must decide whether we are serious about peace, or whether we only lend it lip-service.

  • 但我们大家–不仅是以色列人和巴勒斯坦人,是我们大家–必须决定我们是否真正希望现和平,还只是口惠而实不至
    But all of us -- not just the Israelis and the Palestinians, but all of us -- must decide whether we are serious about peace, or whether we will only lend it lip service.

  • 对巴切莱特总统的某些批评可能是受到大男子主义的推动,不过反过来她也利用姿态政治(指口惠而实不至的宣传伎俩)鼓励了大男子主义。
    Some of the criticism of the president may be motivated by machismo, but she in turn has encouraged it with gesture politics.

  • 口惠而实不至造句相关
