
金玉其外,败絮其中  jīn yù qí wài,bài xù qí zhōng








  • 这是一帮金玉其外败絮其中的公子哥儿。
    This is a gang of pampered sons of wealthy families who are all good-for-nothing.

  • 金玉其外败絮其中。虚有表。--《威尼斯商人》。
    "All that glisters is not gold. " --The Merchant of Venice (II,vii.

  • 这个女孩容貌美丽但心灵丑恶。了解她的人都认为她金玉其外败絮其中
    The girl is pretty in appearance but hideous in mind. People who know about her regard her as nothing but an apple of Sodom.

  • 由于与美国次级抵押贷款危机联系紧密,债券市场现在已是金玉其外败絮其中
    Like a toffee apple with a maggot inside,the debt markets have been tainted by their links with America's subprime mortgage crisis.

  • 她先后为三个男子所追求,但选择了一个金玉其外败絮其中的青年军官特罗伊。
    She has three men in pursuit,but in a duplicitous and fed the young officers silence.

  • 如今很少人相信广告,广告被看做是引诱人们去买那些金玉其外败絮其中的东西。
    Nowadays few people believe in advertisements,which are almost regarded as a lure for people to buy some apple of Sodom.

  • 现在几乎没人相信广告,那些把广告作为诱饵去吸引人们买那些金玉其外败絮其中的货物。
    Nowadays few people believe in advertisements,which are almost regarded as a lure for people to buy some apple of Sodom.

  • 如今很少有人相信广告了,因为它们差不多都是误导人们去买些金玉其外败絮其中的劣质货。
    Nowadays few people believe in advertisements,which are almost regarded as a lure for people to buy some apple of Sodom.

  • 在一次发言里,他引用了中国的一句老话:“金玉其外败絮其中,”以此来解释他为什么要把他的角色和场景层层裹上金装。
    In a statement,he quotes an old Chinese saying,"Gold and jade on the outside,rot and decay on the inside," to explain his determination to smother his characters and sets with gold.

  • 今之金玉其外败絮其中者,见此大不欢喜。】须得再镌上数字,使人一见便知是奇物方妙。【甲戌侧批:世上原宜假,不宜真也。
    Nowadays those goldenly foiled and jadely studded persona shall be displeasing with that】should I engrave a few words,so let the people know your oddness that at sight be tactful.

  • 除非你有爱, 除非你已经找到你自己的和平——否则无论你采取任何行动,无论其外表多么美丽,都不过“金玉其外败絮其中”罢了。
    Unless you have love,unless you have found your own peace –whatever actions you take,no matter how outwardly beautiful,will be subtly contaminated.

  • 九岁女童因奸成孕,性命垂危,天主教会竟出手阻止堕胎,但对强奸犯一语不发。僵化麻目至此,果真是金玉其外败絮其中。宗教霸权,昭然若揭
    Life of a raped nine-year-old girl is now threatened by her pregnancy,but the Catholic Church still attempts to prevent the abortion.

  • 在金融服务业也存在类似的情况,在金融服务业中,银行业以及“享有盛名”的高收费和被揭露的不周到的服务就如这些公司的“金装”(金玉其外败絮其中)。
    A similar situation exists in financial services where the banking industry and its reputation for high fees and inadequate disclosure serves as the company's foil.

  • 在金融服务业也存在类似啲情况,在金融服务业中,银行业以及“享有盛名”啲高收费和被揭露啲不周到啲服务就如这些公司啲“金装”(金玉其外败絮其中)。
    A similar situation exists in financial services where the banking industry and its reputation for high fees and inadequate disclosure serves as the company's foil.

  • 金玉其外,败絮其中造句相关
