
成也萧何,败也萧何  chéng yě xiāo hé,bài yě xiāo hé








  • 秘方是:成也萧何也萧何
    Secret is: Xiao He also into,Xiao He also lost.

  • 正如世界银行指出的那样,出口使该地区繁荣,但成也萧何也萧何
    As the World Bank puts it,the region,which prospered through exporting,is now suffering for the same reason.

  • 对于百度来说,竞价排名从某种意义上可谓“成也萧何也萧何”。
    For Baidu,the top bid in a sense could be described as "Xiao Cheng also,Xiao He also defeated."

  • 对于百度来说,竞价排名从某种意义上可谓“成也萧何也萧何”。
    To Baidu,contest price ranks Cong Mou to plant the it may be said on the meaning " into also Xiao He,be defeated also Xiao He " .

  • 所谓“成也萧何也萧何”,互联网泡沫破灭时,其整个板块的质量迅速滑坡。
    Alleged " into also Xiao He is defeated also Xiao He ",when Internet bubble is undone,its are whole board piece quality is rapid also coast.

  • 现在重提机票话题,颇有些“成也萧何也萧何”的味道,但业内对此还是应当有个共识。
    Now topic of airline ticket of bring up again,quite some " into also Xiao He is defeated also Xiao He " flavour,but there still ought to be a consensus to this inside course of study.

  • 达尔文提出的进化思想很伟大,但是错误地认为是物种进化,成也萧何也萧何,导致人们对生命的认识走入误区。
    Great as Darwin was in proposing the theory of evolution,he mistakenly thought it was the evolution of species,resulting in people's mistaken cognition of life.

  • 然而,“成也萧何也萧何”,正是这个相同的基因变体为非洲的人们增加了爱滋病感染的风险(增至40%的高风险)。
    However,this same gene variant may be responsible for giving the African population more of a risk of becoming infected with HIV (up to a 40% higher risk).

  • 交通对于商圈的形,对商业的影响,可谓“成也萧何也萧何”。因此对于很多投资商业地产的人来说,必须关注交通规划。
    Traffic is formed to what business encircles,to commercial influence," of it may be said is become also Xiao He,be defeated also Xiao He " .

  • 我想这对任何在其他国家从事商业活动的企业和个人来说,都是一个很好的借鉴,文化方面的细节很重要,可以说是成也萧何也萧何
    I think it is a good reminder to any company or individual doing business in another country,the devil is often in the cultural details. They can make or break you.

  • 我想这对任何在其他国家从事商业活动的企业和个人来说,都是一个很好的借鉴,文化方面的细节很重要,可以说是成也萧何也萧何
    I think it is a good reminder to any company or individual doing business in another country,the devil is often in the cultural details.

  • 成也萧何,败也萧何造句相关
