
一波未平,一波又起  yī bō wèi píng,yī bō yòu qǐ








  • 特约记者肖尧北京报道一波未平一波又起
    Xiao Yao special correspondent reporting from Beijing one after another,and another!

  • 三个冬春就是三个浪潮,一波未平一波又起,中间要歇歇。
    Three winters and springs make three waves,one wave surging after another,and in between there should be an interval.

  • 他的病还痊愈,又接到解雇的通知,真是一波未平一波又起
    It is an eventful period for him to be dismissed in his recovery.

  • 就像在中东常常发生的那样,各种事件总是一波未平一波又起
    But as tends to happen in the Middle East,events had already been overtaken by other events.

  • 一波未平一波又起”,刘浩这样形容今天国内的网络招聘市场。
    "One is not made the same score,one rises again ",liu Hao is described so today market of network invite applications for a job.

  • 时间,中国企业在知识产权领域遭遇的跨国纠纷不断、一波未平一波又起
    For a short while,the issue crossing a state that Chinese enterprise confronts in intellectual property domain ceaseless,did not make the same score,one rises again.

  • 9月下旬,因世界各地的银行拒绝互相贷款,货币市场动荡一波未平一波又起
    In late September the turmoil spread and intensified. Money markets seized up across the globe as banks refused to lend to each other.

  • 中国企业在标准专利和知识产权领域遭遇的跨国纠纷不断,一波未平一波又起
    The issue crossing a state that Chinese enterprise confronts in standard patent and intellectual property domain is ceaseless,one is not made the same score,one rises again.

  • 由此可以预计,短线上海概念股仍有走好的势头,大有一波未平一波又起的味道。
    It can be expected,the short-term Shanghai stocks still take the momentum of the great taste of another one after another.

  • 当压力一波未平一波又起, 或是不断袭来,你的身体就很难从压力中完全恢复过来。
    When stress continues from one crisis to the next,or happens frequently,then your body does not have a chance to fully recover from the stress.

  • 王菲才经历流产伤痛,谁料一波未平一波又起,她与李亚鹏的3年婚姻就在此刻惊传生变!
    Wong only experienced the pain of abortion,and another one after another Shui Liao,Li Yapeng and her 3-year marriage in shock at this time-change!

  • 一波未平一波又起,近日的《爱上汤加丽》MV事件又将这位女星推到了舆论的风口浪尖。
    Unusual,advocates,the recent "love Shangjiali" MV events will push the actress to the media outlet wave.

  • 一波未平一波又起的次贷危机,不仅加深了房地产衰退,引发信贷紧缩,而且使经济形势恶化。
    A wave even,a wave has not gotten up loan crisis,not only deepened the real estate decline,the initiation contraction of credit,moreover causes the economic situation worsening.

  • 令他们始料不及的是,有关房地产的讨论却一波未平一波又起,发展商这时才开始意识到问题的严重性。
    They expected that the real estate issue has hardly been discussed is another,the developer then began to realize the gravity of the problem.

  • 另外节目中运用鼻吹蜡烛、头破气球这些简单的游戏,主持人和嘉宾通过游戏互动往往能制造一波未平一波又起的笑料。
    other programs in the use of nasal Chuila Zhu,the first break These simple balloon games,hosts and guests through the interaction of the game it makes one after another,and another of humor.

  • 周杰撞人驾车逃逸案一波未平一波又起,就在交管部门已经认定周杰撞人逃逸之后,周杰的番辩词再次引起了人们极大的争议。
    A man TaoYiAn driving ZhouJie unusual in that ZhouJie tubal branch has hit man escape after the argument,ZhouJie again aroused people's great controversy.

  • 美国的“中国威胁论”自20世纪90年代初死灰复燃后,十多年来,一波未平一波又起,最近的一波(2005年至今)从声势到内涵均属前所有,呈现出些新的特点。
    The China Threat in America came back in 1990s. The latest wave,from 2005 till now,carries some new features.

  • 一波未平,一波又起造句相关
