
艰苦奋斗  jiān kǔ fèn dòu







  • 艰苦奋斗、 勤俭建国的方针
    policy of plain living and hard struggle, of building up the country with industry and thrift

  • 艰苦奋斗和勤俭节约均是美德。
    Working hard and being frugal are both virtues.

  • 艰苦奋斗是在学习上成功的唯一途径。
    Hard graft is the only way to succeed in study.

  • 艰苦奋斗,勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费;
    They need to work hard, be thrifty, oppose wasteextravagance.

  • 四是树立艰苦奋斗的精神。
    Fourth, sets up the arduous struggle the spirit.

  • 勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗是无产阶级的优良作风。
    Diligence, thrift, plain living and hard work constitute the good proletarian style.

  • 我们应将艰苦奋斗的优良传统一代一代地传下去。
    We should pass on the fine tradition of hard struggle from generation to generation.

  • 艰苦奋斗精神是中国共产党人的优良传统和政治本色。
    The persistent spirit is CPC member's fine tradition and political true qualities .

  • 工作正是艰苦奋斗和不懈的努力,收获成果的最佳时期。
    It is hard work and tireless efforts, the outcome of the best period of harvest.

  • 勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗,杜绝浪费并珍惜他人和社会劳动成果。
    We will advocate thrift, avoid extravagancy and cherish fruits of the labor of others and the society.

  • 经过了多年的艰苦奋斗,他们终于在尝试的项目中取得成功。
    After years of hard work, the finally succeeded in what they set out to do.

  • 老华侨靠“三把刀”(菜刀、剪刀和剃刀),白手起家,艰苦奋斗
    Older overseas Chineses relied on "three knives"(kitchen knife, scissors and razor), build ed up from nothing, worked hard.

  • 因此这种人对任何需要辛勤劳作和艰苦奋斗才能获得的东西不再有欲求。
    Hence he has no longer any need of things which are not to be won save by labor and conflict.

  • 所以现在选干部,特别是选高级干部,要选艰苦奋斗或者比较艰苦奋斗的。
    Therefore, in selecting cadres, particularly of high rank, we should pick those who are at least relatively hard-working.

  • 先进的人们,为了使国家复兴,不惜艰苦奋斗,寻找革命真理,这是相同的。
    In both countries alike, for the sake of national regeneration progressives braved hard and bitter struggles in their quest for revolutionary truth.

  • 普西拉里回忆起初艰苦奋斗年月时说,在工作和学习之间取得平衡是不轻易的。
    When Priscilla looked back on her years of hard struggle she said that it was no easy job to balance work and study.

  • 概括地说,这种作风就是艰苦奋斗的作风,实事求是的作风,群众路线的作风。
    To put it briefly, this means working hard, seeking truth from facts, and applying the mass line.

  • 中国要实现现代化,使全体人民都过上富裕生活,还需要进行长期不懈的艰苦奋斗
    Efforts will be made, over long period, for China to make modernization and to make the people live a prosperous life.

  • 他的一生向我们表明,艰苦奋斗和严守纪律是改善自己的途径,而成功也在其间了。
    Her life shows us that hard work and discipline are the road to self-improvement, and success lies somewhere along that road.

  • 假如你要取得成就或实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、准备好条件。
    If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared.

  • 中国要实现现代化,使全体人民都过上富裕生活,还需要进行长期不懈的艰苦奋斗
    To make China's modernization program a success and deliver a prosperous life for all the Chinese people still requires a long and uphill battle.

  • 如果你要取得成就或要实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、预备好条件。
    Eg: If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions you must work hard make efforts and get prepared.

  • 创业精神。企业家的创业精神就是指锐意进取、艰苦奋斗、敬业敬职、勤俭节约的精神。
    Third the entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurs entrepreneurship refers to forge ahead with determination hard work dedication respect level the spirit of thrift.

  • 要自力更生,艰苦奋斗,真正把立足点放到充分发挥自身的积极性,主动性和创造性上来。
    You should fend yourselves , work assiduously, meanwhile bring into full play the creativity, initiative and enthusiasm of your own.

  • 当然,中国政府和中国人民有足够的信心,励精图治艰苦奋斗,排除万难,实现我们的雄心壮志。
    Of course, the Chinese Government and people are confident enough to overcome all the difficulties and achieve our ambitious goals through our vigorous efforts.

  • 我们党的胜利,首先和最主要地要归功于人民群众对于我们的信任和支持,要归功于全体党员的艰苦奋斗
    Our Party owes its victories, first and foremost, to the people's trust and support as well as to the perseverance of the entire Party membership.

  • 在现在的21世纪,我国提倡的接班人是要“勤俭节约、勤劳勇敢、自强不息”的,还要学会体验生活,发扬艰苦奋斗的精神。
    In the 21st century now, my successor is to promote "thrift, hard-working, courageous, self-improvement" and must learn to experience life, and carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle.

  • 随后,她在全世界许多地方出任领事,并成为智利最著名的大使,为她所热爱的祖国在世界舞台上谋得一席之地进行了艰苦奋斗
    Later, as a consul in myriad posts around the globe, she became the most famous ambassador for Chile and fought hard to secure a place on the world stage for her beloved birthplace.

  • 在有根据地的条件下,不提倡发展生产并在发展生产的条件下为改善物质生活而斗争,只是片面地提倡艰苦奋斗的观点,是错误的。
    It is wrong simply to exhort people in any base area to endure hardship in the bitter struggle without encouraging them to increase production and thereby try to improve their material conditions.

  • 单建明董事长带领美欣达集团高管团队,以创新创业、诚信勤勉、忠于事业、艰苦奋斗为共同志向,致力于美欣达事业的可持续发展。
    With the common will of being innovative, honest, ambitious and loyal to the career, the high-ranking managerial team led by board chairman Shan Jianming devotes to sustainable development of MIZUDA.

  • 艰苦奋斗造句相关
