
贪生怕死  tān shēng pà sǐ








  • 贪生怕死,临阵畏怯,可能被俘虏;
    If he is cowardly and desperate to live, he can be captured.

  • 甘地并不贪生怕死,也未丧失勇气。
    Gandhi was not dismayed. Death held no fear for him.

  • 生命只有一次,故贪生怕死也成了人的本能与本性。
    With one chance only, life being diligently preserved reflects natural instinct of humans.

  • 贪生怕死、看似懦弱的王子搜是庄子心目中的理想国王。
    The prince Sou who looked cowardly and was afraid of death was the ideal king, in the eyes of Chuang Tzu.

  • 宗徒们贪生怕死、弃耶稣于不顾的表现,完全不像是耶稣的朋友。
    The apostles did not show themselves friends to Jesus. In fear for their own lives, they abandoned Him.

  • 您是因为贪生怕死,害怕决斗,被人从步兵团赶出来的,是真的吗?
    Is it true that you were turned out of the regiment because you were afraid to fight a duel?

  • 勇士一生只死一次,在一切怪事中,人们的贪生怕死就是一件最奇怪的事情。
    Bravewarrior life only dies a time, in all strange events, the people covetlife and fear death are a strangeest matter.

  • 勇士一生只死一次,在一切怪事中,人们的贪生怕死就是一件最奇怪的事情。
    Warriors a dead life, in all strange things, the people were mortally afraid of death is one of the most strange things.

  • 将来有朝一日想起抗非典战役时,你会为你临阵退缩、贪生怕死而感到羞愧。
    b. When you think of the battle against SARS someday in the future, you will feel shamed at how you backed away from the critical post to save your own skin.

  • 色贪(求生欲)使人贪生怕死,即使是得到了绝症、重伤或残废者,也不例外。
    Bhavatanha causes people who are even mortally ill or seriously injured or handicapped to cling to life and fear death.

  • 假如一个兵士跑得慢,只跑了五十步,却去嘲笑跑了一百步的兵士是‘贪生怕死’。
    If a soldier runs slowly, only fifty paces, running at a hundred steps to run the soldier is afraid to die.

  • 他不计较管仲的自私,也能理解管仲的贪生怕死,还向齐桓公推荐管仲做自己的上司。
    He does not care about Guan Zhong's selfish, but also understand the Guan Zhong's afraid to die, and also recommend to the Guan Zhong own boss.

  • 孔子说:“有志之士和仁人不会因为贪生怕死而损害仁德,只会牺牲自己来实行仁德。”
    Confucius said , "A man with lofty ideals or humane man never gives up humanity to save his life, but may sacrifice his life to achieve humanity. ""

  • 假设我在枪口下死去,不论在水中还是陆地,我会知道万能的主与我同在,我贪生怕死
    So that if I may die at the muzzle of the rifle… die on water, or on land, I may know that you blessed Jesus almighty are with me… and I have no fear.

  • 孔子说:“有志之士和仁人不会因为贪生怕死而损害仁德,只会牺牲自己来实行仁德。”
    Confucius said , "A man with lofty ideals or humane man never gives up humanity to save his life, but may sacrifice his life to achieve humanity."

  • 由于贪生怕死的国王查理六世的出卖,法国圣女贞德遭到英军的禁锢,并从容地走上刑场。
    As the cowardly betrayal of King Charles VI of France Joan of Arc was the British Army detention, and calmly way to death.

  • 中国明朝末年,在满清占有大部分领土之际,郑成功的父亲贪生怕死,打算投降满清,卖国求荣;
    In the last years of the Ming dynasty, the Manchurians occupied most of China.

  • 胡说八道!把中国人都说成贪生怕死之徒了,竟然说救援队伍丢下等待救援的人,自己逃命去了!
    Everybody just ran - rescuers, army relief teams, medical workers and locals - and people who were in the process of being rescued had to be left behind.

  • 胡说八道!把中国人都说成贪生怕死之徒了,竟然说救援队伍丢下等待救援的人,自己逃命去了!
    We were in the process of filming a man about to be pulled out after hours of digging and the rescue team had to abandon him and run.

  • 大圣若瑟是善终主保,他把生命交托在天主的手中,凡学习度他这种生活的人,就绝不会贪生怕死
    Saint Joseph is the patron saint of a good death. Whoever lives this way does not need to fear death, because he has placed his life in God's hands.

  • 大圣若瑟是善终主保,他把生命交讬在天主的手中,凡学习度他这种生活的人,就绝不会贪生怕死
    Saint Joseph is the patron saint of a good death. Whoever lives this way does not need to fear death, because he has placed his life in God's hands.

  • 她们说,唐三藏有什么好?遇事百无一用,只会念阿弥陀佛,还贪生怕死,不阳不阴,想守戒却敌不过蜘蛛精。
    There are so many things for me to do that I always find it's not enough time to do what I want.

  • “您是因为贪生怕死,害怕决斗,被人从步兵团赶出来的,是真的吗?”她突然吹毛求疵地问道,两只眼睛闪闪发亮。
    "Is it true that you were turned out of the regiment because you were afraid to fight a duel?" she asked suddenly, apropos of nothing - and her eyes flashed.

  • 可是对一个既享受过人间欢乐也尝到了人间悲哀、做了自己力所能及的工作的老人来说,仍然贪生怕死就多少有些不光彩了。
    But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows and has done whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat ignoble.

  • 贪生怕死造句相关
