
身心交瘁  shēn xīng jiāo cuì






  • 彼得因妻子的死亡而身心交瘁
    Peter was devastated by his wife's death.

  • 彼得因妻子的死亡而身心交瘁
    Peter was devastated by his wife' s death.

  • 彼得因妻子的死亡而身心交瘁
    by his wife's death.

  • 毕竟,他当时已是身心交瘁
    He was, after all, very distracted at that moment.

  • 这个答案如同一声惊雷,富商身心交瘁
    The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant was devastated.

  • 拿破仑的企望太高了,以致弄得身心交瘁
    Napoleon's hope too high, resulting in very devastated.

  • 邦妮得知她的宠物伴侣患有重病而身心交瘁
    Bonnie was devastated5) to learn that her companion animal was so ill.

  • 这9个月中,亲人们日夜都在担惊受怕,身心交瘁
    This 9 months, the pro-people day and night in fear, devastated.

  • 不过身心交瘁并不一定意味着你就是个糟糕的投资者。
    If you are tempted to make big portfolio changes, get a second opinion.

  • 不过身心交瘁并不一定意味着你就是个糟糕的投资者。
    But just because you're unnerved doesn't mean you're a lousy investor.

  • 还有一种爱情,是最残酷的那种,让深陷其中的人身心交瘁
    And then there another kind of love, the cruellest kind, the one that almost kills its victims .

  • 让我们不要盲目地担心未来,而使自己陷于身心交瘁的困境。
    Let us not turn it into a physical and mental hell by aimless worry about the future .

  • 我感到非常身心交瘁… 所以我做了一个网页,来讲完整故事。
    So now, i am extremely devastated and i made a web page to tell a full story.

  • 贞德身心交瘁。坐倒在地。凶残的士兵将她拉去牢房,换去她的男装。
    Joanisdevastating and she sit on the terra. The cruel soldiers take her to the prison and make her wear girl's clothes.

  • 她亲身鼓励好莱坞的百万富翁大方捐款,帮助因海啸而身心交瘁的难民。
    She personally encouraged Hollywood's millionaires to generously help the people devastated by the tsunami.

  • 还有一种爱情,是最残酷的那种,让深陷其中的人身心交瘁。那就是所谓的单恋。
    And then there another kind of love, the cruellest kind,   the one that almost kills its victims.

  • 人家不要我,这就是我当时的感受:我身心交瘁,真的,而且再一次开始怀疑自己的能力。
    And rejected is how I felt: devastated, really, and once again open to self-doubt.

  • 从那时起我已完全身心交瘁和幻想破灭,这是一个危险时期,尤其是当另一位弟兄向我求婚。
    It was a dangerous time, especially when another of the Brethren asked me to marry him.

  • 之后,他们之间出现短暂的隔阂,搞的詹姆斯身心交瘁。这可能是个骗局,但他的确不是我想象中有耐力的单身汉。
    It could have been a hoax, but he sure didn't act like the enduring bachelor I thought he as.

  • 那些长时间乘车令人身心交瘁的日子已经离我很遥远了,但是一名素不相识的乘客馈赠给我的珍贵礼物却一直珍藏在我身边。
    Although those long, grueling2 hours of traveling are far behind me, I still carry with me the priceless gift of one complete stranger.

  • 我已经被最近的这些新闻弄的的完全的麻木悲伤憔悴了,身心交瘁,极为震惊!无法用语言表达…但是还要感谢你们一直以来的不断的支持。
    I have been completely numb, saddened, and sickened by the recent news. I am devastated! beyond words. But i want to thank all of you for your continued support.

  • 不过身心交瘁并不一定意味着你就是个糟糕的投资者。下面谈谈情绪会如何影响投资决策,并介绍四种可帮你绕过各种“投资陷阱”的策略。
    But just because you're unnerved doesn't mean you're a lousy investor. Here's how emotions affect investing, plus four strategies that should help you sidestep the pitfalls.

  • 但他对宗教组织的攻击(《理性的时代》,1794)却使美国的公众观点转而反对他,到他1809年逝世的时候,他已经身心交瘁,一蹶不振了。
    His attack on organized religion (The Age of Reason, 1794) turned American public opinion against him, and when he died in 1809, he was a broken man.

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