
追根究底  zhuī gēn jiū dǐ







  • 如果你有证据,那就追根究底
    If you have proof, you have to pursue it!

  • 孩子们对问题总是追根究底的。
    Children always dive to the bottom of a subject.

  • 这个世界追根究底,总是这么让人沮丧。
    The world in its final analysis is so depressing all along.

  • 这事我们必须追根究底
    We must get to the bottom of the matter.

  • 对一个陌生人追根究底
    Argumentative to a stranger?

  • 总是追根究底。爱辩论。常忧虑。非常聪明。
    Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart.

  • 父权的开始可以追根究底,那么也可以黯然结束!
    If patriarchy had a specific beginning in history, it can also have an end!

  • 玛丽追根究底地问他,为什么他的村子需要他去。
    Mary began to question him closely as to why he was needed by his own village.

  • 这是对生命、生存的关怀,也是对如何生的追根究底
    This is life, life care, but also on how students get to the bottom.

  • 哲学探究方式的转变——从“追根究底”到“把底问破”
    The Change of the Philosophizing Way ——From "inquiring into the bottom" to "breaking with the bottom.

  • 你喜欢追根究底,探寻真理,但有时候你却不知道变通。
    You like to get to the bottom of everything and seek after the truth, sometimes you are really too stiff.

  • 追根究底地核实客户满意度,并保持与客户的信息沟通。
    Follows up to verify customer satisfaction and to keep customers informed.

  • 追根究底,我们还是要问「交通建设究竟是在建设什麽?」
    To get to the bottom of the questions, we still want to ask, 'transport what to where?

  • 追根究底,只有意义是真正重要的——不管其他人怎么说。
    When it all comes down to it, significance is the only thing that a matter anyway…no matter what anyone else says.

  • 追根究底,是什么因素让人不愿领养,要借助试管婴儿技术?
    What is it, after all, that drives people to in vitro rather than adoption?

  • 我得追根究底把事情弄清楚,找出到底是谁用了我的信用卡。
    I'm going to get to the bottom of this and find out who did it if it takes all night!

  • 我得追根究底地把事情弄清楚,找到到底是谁用了我的信用卡。
    I'm going to get to the bottom of this and find out who used my credit card.

  • 艾莲娜的工作表现评价很差,追根究底是因为她对工作缺乏热忱。
    Eleanor's poor performance rating boiled down to lack of enthusiasm for her job.

  • 追根究底地说,宇宙中存在的各种物质,它们都是来自于同一个能量之母。
    Going to the bottom of it, all materials in the universe are from the same source of energy.

  • 那么,为什么男人不去时不时地追根究底,逼迫自己的另一半说出真话呢?
    So why wouldn't any men cop to stretching the truth from time to time?

  • 语译:“追根究底,我们最基本的共同联系是我们都生活在这个小小的星球。
    For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet.

  • 它似乎是虚无飘渺,看不到,摸不着。可是追根究底,它似乎又是万物的起源。
    It seems visionary, invisible and senseless, but to the bottom it is the source of all things.

  • 人们对其拥有的知识,都极重视。可是追根究底地研究,这些知识都可能有问题。
    People pay much attention to learning knowledge but if we go to the bottom of the knowledge, it possibly is of problem.

  • 竭尽全力地想要停止追根究底,但是这些疑问却不停地在我的脑海里盘旋不去。
    I try my best to stop asking why, but the questions keep on spinning in my mind.

  • 来自印度的我,一直都喜欢追根究底地去了解更多有关中国的文化、人民以及语言。
    Being an Indian, I have always been inquisitive to know more about the culture, people and language of China.

  • 高超的演技,结合追根究底的精神,造就了他任期内的拥挤的简报间,还有与记者的英勇搏斗。
    It was a bit of showmanship - combined with an inquisitive spirit - that led to packed briefing rooms during his tenure, and some spirited sparring with reporters.

  • 百姓不能保有一颗沉稳,安宁,祥和之心的原因,追根究底就在某位执政者巧用新的工具、发明新的知识所造成的。
    The reason that people can't keep a clam, peaceful and auspicious mood, originates from those new tools or knowledge employed by some politician in position.

  • 这一阶段的诗,一般有一条有时谈到只剩一点影子的叙事的线索,这些诗就是这样优雅庄重地,追根究底地,变幻多端地抒写下去。
    The poems of this phase had generally a narrative thread that was reduced at times to a shadow-and they rambled gracefully, argumentatively, variously.

  • 冲突伊始,美国总统布什就“追根究底地”将矛头指向“黎巴嫩真主党及其支持者伊朗和叙利亚”,称它们为中东局势不稳的“根源”。
    Bush bent down to bedrock and aimed his spearhead at "Lebanese Hezbollah and its supporters Iran and Syria". He accused them of being the "root" of the unstable situation in the Middle East.

  • 对中国传统和合文化的研究,也由于缺乏整体性和追根究底性探索,和合文化目前也只表现为一些理念碎片,因而对其作用也不应过高估计。
    The traditional Chinese harmony culture is just a lot of isolated ideas, because it lacks wholeness and inquiring-the-bottom. So it is not suitable to give its rule a high evaluation.

  • 追根究底造句相关
