
韬光养晦  tāo guāng yǎng huì







  • 此时多一点韬光养晦不失为明智!
    At this point a little more than hiding one's capacity might be wise!

  • 秋风秋雨,万物萧条时,它韬光养晦,暗蕴花蕾。
    Autumn rain, everything recession, it is hiding one's capacity, dark buds Yun.

  • 为了能在人体内永续存在,HIV韬光养晦的本事也不小。
    To be able to continue uninterrupted in the human body, HIV status-quo of no small ability.

  • 韬光养晦不意味着中国不再开放,不同世界合作,这个国策不会变。
    keeping a low profile does not mean that China will no longer be open to or cooperative with the world.

  • 韬光养晦,磨练内功,抓紧机遇,才是家具业未来真正的发展之道。
    Conceals one's abilities, disciplines the internal strength, the push opportunity, will be road of the furniture industry future true development.

  • 但同时他们也恪守邓小平的格言“中国应该韬光养晦、永不称霸。”
    But at the same time their leaders hew to Deng Xiaoping's dictum that "China should adopt a low profile and never take the lead."

  • 邓小平曾说中国应低调,韬光养晦,“不要出头”的时代已经过去了。
    So much for Deng Xiaoping's dictum that China should keep a low profile and "never take the lead".

  • 韬光养晦,有所作为”的方针,是小平同志为我们留下的一笔宝贵遗产。
    The principle of "keeping a low profile and doing something worthwhile" is a valuable legacy left by Deng Xiaoping.

  • 他们表示,最好是在发展经济的同时等待时机,听从邓小平“韬光养晦”的忠告。
    Better to bide our time and develop our economy, they said, and follow Deng Xiaoping's advice to "hide the brightness, nourish obscurity".

  • 邓小平关于中国外交“韬光养晦、有所作为”的思想不是权宜之计,而是长期战略。
    Deng's idea of"keeping a low profile and doing one's job"is not a short-term tactic, but a long-term strategy.

  • 邓小平的原则之一——中国应该,像一个中国格言所说,韬光养晦——似乎已被抛弃。
    One of Deng Xiaoping's tenets—that the country should, as a Chinese saying has it, disguise its ambition and hide its claws—seems to have been buried.

  • 而中国在邓小平“韬光养晦”政策下,随着经济实力的增强,在对外关系上亦有所作为。
    however, under the policy of Teng Hsiao-ping, and the increased economical actual strength, China got somewhat on the external relations.

  • 中国的崛起以及和平发展的道路必须以强大的国防力量做后盾,同时必须继续韬光养晦
    And its path, peaceful development should be supported by mighty strength of national defense, and at the same time China should taoguangyanghui(hide its capabilities and hide its time) continuously.

  • 而中国大陆呢?一来因为国家总体实力还未达到一定的强度上,正处于韬光养晦的阶段。
    Mainland China is «the one hand because the overall national strength has not yet reached a certain intensity, is in hiding one's capacity stage.

  • 早起的鸟儿或许有虫吃,不过第二只老鼠才会得到夹子中的奶酪。(韬光养晦,永不出头)
    The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.

  • 我可以举一个例子,邓小平在上世纪90年代提出,中国外交一个重要原则是“韬光养晦”。
    To give you an example, an important principle in China's diplomacy is "Taoguangyanghui"(stay away from the limelight), which was proposed by Deng Xiaoping in the 1990s.

  • 历史说明,“韬光养晦,有所作为”的方针是完全正确的,背离这个方针就会付出沉重的代价。
    History has fully justified this principle and any deviation from it would make us pay dearly.

  • 针对新的国际局势提出了冷静观察、沉着应付、稳住阵脚、韬光养晦的新的国际战略策略思想。
    He changes MaoZedong's international strategic tactic thought according to the new international situation.

  • 修身养性,韬光养晦,审时度势,进行战略的谋划和管理的创新将是我们啤酒企业的生存的根本。
    To be stronger, to take stock of the situation , to plan strategically and to be creative in management will be the essence of the existence for our beer enterprises .

  • 相信只要中国自强不息,韬光养晦,必然能将弊转化为利,也必然能成为经济和法律舞台上的强者。
    And author intends join the game and believes that with hard struggle step by step, China should became one of the strongest countries in the world in future.

  • 在东欧共产主义国家解体后,已故国家领导人邓小平曾经警告,中国在国际事务中务必采取韬光养晦的策略。
    The late Deng Xiaoping gave warning, in the wake of the collapse of European communism, that China should keep a low profile in world affairs and bide its time.

  • 卵细胞分裂到一定程度后就暂停了,直到需要继续分裂为止,这为卵细胞突变提供了数年的时间借以韬光养晦
    Instead, they are suspended in a partially divided state until they are needed, providing several decades for mutations to creep in.

  • 新总理可能会让社会党辩解说他们是被迫才进行那个不受欢迎的削减经费方案的,而韬光养晦的久尔恰尼则在幕后操纵前台。
    A new prime minister might let the Socialists say they were forced into unpopular spending cuts, leaving a rejuvenated Mr Gyurcsany to pull the strings behind the scenes.

  • 过去北京长期都是遵循1997年去世的领导人邓小平的教导“韬光养晦”,意思是把“雄心隐藏起来,把利爪伪装起来”。
    Beijing has long followed a dictum laid down by Deng Xiaoping, the paramount leader who died in 1997: "tao guang yang hui, " literally to hide its ambitions and disguise its claws.

  • 每个人都在瞧着你。10。我容易怯场。11。我最讨厌成为注目中心。12。我不愿把自己披露在别人仔细的观察下。13。他韬光养晦
    I get stage fright. 11. I hate being in the center of attention 12. I'm afraid of being under the microscope 13. He keeps a low profile.

  • 每个人都在瞧着你。10。我容易怯场。11。我最讨厌成为注目中心。12。我不愿把自己披露在别人仔细的观察下。13。他韬光养晦
    Everyone's eye is on you. 10. I get stage fright. 11. I hate being in the center of attention 12. I'm afraid of being under the microscope 13. He keeps a low profile.

  • 其主要内容包括国家利益至上的思想,国家利益和世界利益相一致的思想,原则的坚定性与策略的灵活性相统一的思想,韬光养晦与有所作为相统一的思想。
    The thoughts contains the state interest superiority, the agreement of the state interests and the world ones, the agreement of the firmness of principle and its flexibility.

  • 中国更喜欢把自己称为一个将主要精力放在本国事务上的穷国,这是一种低调的做法,保持了已故领导人邓小平“韬光养晦,有所作为”的原则。中国领导层甚至反对中国是全球经济大国的说法。
    Beijing fears a global leadership role would force it to take on responsibilities that it isn't ready for, such as doing more to cut carbon emissions, say analysts.

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