
龙凤呈祥  lóng fèng chéng xiáng







  • 龙凤呈祥」图案也绣于裙摆或旗袍。
    Dragons and phoenixes are here stitched along the skirt.

  • 龙凤呈祥图案象征高贵、华丽、祥瑞、杰出。
    This " Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Auspiciousness " emblem represents nobleness, magnificence, auspiciousness, and preeminence.

  • 绣在大红棉被上的「龙凤呈祥」,透著一股洋洋喜气。
    A crimson quilt embroidered with a dragon and a phoenix radiates joy.

  • 龙凤呈祥多功能厅雍容华贵,能够同时容纳近480人;
    The LongFengChengXiang multi-functional hall is elegant, it can simultaneously hold nearly 480 people;

  • 有媒体将奥林匹克中心一等奖方案与之并称为“龙凤呈祥”。
    One programme will be the Olympic media center and called it "dragon and phoenix Ching Cheung."

  • 龙凤呈祥》,则用金黄色为基调,画面热烈、明快,显示出欣欣向上的情调。
    "Longfeng Ching Cheung", then with golden yellow as the keynote screen warm, bright, showing that upward mood Xinxin.

  • 该月饼由两个雕刻有龙凤呈祥的大饼和2008个构成奥运五环图案的小饼组成。
    It was made up of 2 big mooncakes carved with dragons and phoenix and 2008 small ones forming Olympic rings.

  • 从“龙”与“龙凤呈祥”谈起——小议英汉动物词语文化内涵的差异及其对翻译的影响。
    Start with "Dragon" and "Prosperity Brought by the Dragon and the Phoenix"——Different Cultural Connotations and Translation of Chinese-English Animal Words.

  • 几年来,创作了大量作品,其中有欢庆十六大、老寿星、百鸟图、雄鹰、喜鹊登枝、龙凤呈祥等。
    Over the past few years, creating a large number of works, which celebrate the National Congress, the old god of longevity, birds map, Eagle, Magpie Gordon sticks, such as dragon and phoenix phoenix.

  • 此图选用中国传统图案“龙凤呈祥”,采用“垫绣”的传统绣法,龙的颜色正面为金色,反面为银色。
    The design is base on the typical Chinese picture named "the dragon and the phoenix bringing prosperity". The color of one side is the golden, the other side is the silver.

  • 整个云山诗意园林及广场将布置龙凤呈祥、三龙汇聚、蝴蝶泉等多个精微风筝景点供来宾观赏及拍照。
    entire Yunshan poetry garden and Ching Cheung Square will be deployed dragon and phoenix, dragon pool 3, and more refined kite Hudiequan viewing spots for the guests and take pictures.

  • 我试过接洽一些“龙凤呈祥”的show,我告诉他们我没有长衫,样子鬼鬼地(好像外国人),他们不要我。
    I once negotiated a show held in Chinese festivals. I told them that I did not have a Chinese gown and I looked like a foreigner. Lastly, they did not want me to host the show.

  • 有的在大“囫囵”里还会有较小的“囫囵”,中间放龙凤或虎头造型的面塑,名曰“龙凤呈祥”或“猛虎驱邪”。
    Some in the "hu lun" where there will be a smaller "hu lun" put the middle of the shape of dragons and phoenixes ormian su head, fine-sounding name "dragon and phoenix phoenix" or "evil tiger.

  • 而在整个小区的园林及广场,也将布置有龙凤呈祥、三龙汇聚、蝴蝶泉等多个精致风筝景点,供来宾观赏及拍照。
    In the garden and plaza area as a whole, will also be deployed with dragon and phoenix Ching Cheung, three Long pool, and more refined Hudiequan Kite spots for guests to watch and take photographs.

  • 其中,具有浓厚民族特色的“龙凤呈祥”、“二龙戏珠”、“哪咤闹海”等丝毯图案,成为丝毯百花园里的奇花异草。
    Among them, with strong ethnic characteristics of "Yesterday Once Ching Cheung, " "Erlongxizhu", "Nazha make the sea" Sitan patterns, as the gardens of flowers Sitan Qihuayicao.

  • 作为国内首部有氧话剧,《三国·龙凤呈祥》还提出了一个全新的概念,旨在让观众放松身心,在观剧中亦可关照健康。
    As the domestic first drama, the three oxygen, ChengXiang dragon "also puts forward a new concept, to let the audience to relax, in view of health care in May."

  • 在北方农村,女子出嫁,梳子是必不可少的,在娘家陪送的妆奁上,一定摆放着两把“龙凤呈祥”的大红梳子,十分醒目。
    In the country of North China, combs are indispensable in weddings. A pair of bright red dragon and phoenix combs must be placed on the top of trousseaux and they are very attractive and pleasing.

  • “龙”的汉语成语很多,如“龙飞凤舞”、“龙凤呈祥”、“藏龙卧虎”、“画龙点睛”、“生龙活虎”、“攀龙附凤”等。
    "Dragon" a lot of Chinese idioms, such as "flamboyant", "Dragon and Phoenix", "Canglongwohu", "finishing touch", "lively", "Panlongfufeng" and so on.

  • 主演电视剧《长空铸剑》、《我心飞翔》、《垂直打击》、《龙凤呈祥》,《新上海滩》中饰演的九叔形象令其一夜间家喻户晓
    He has played the leading role in serials such as "Chang Kong Zhu Jian", "Soaring Heart", "Vertical Attack", "Long Feng Cheng Xiang", become well-known by acting the Uncle Jiu in "Shanghai Grand".

  • 釉色白净,腹部主体以粉彩绘龙凤纹,取意“龙凤呈祥”,口沿、龙鳞及凤冠皆有描金,更显出龙凤的华贵,纹饰华丽。底落“大清光绪年”六字青花楷书款。
    The glaze color is fair and clear, the abdomen main body fetches intention"prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix"with the outline in golden.

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