
无奇不有  wú qí bù yǒu








  • 骑士的这班朋友真是五花八门,无奇不有
    set they were, these friends of the Chevalier.

  • 天下之大,无奇不有
    In the great world wonders never cease .

  • 一直以来的现状是――大千世界,无奇不有
    That's how it's always been — the world is huge, all sorts of strangeness can exist.

  • 中国真的是无奇不有
    Seriously, nothing is impossible in China.

  • 开天辟地以来,动物吸引异性注意的方法便无奇不有
    Since the beginning of time, animals have done odd things to attract another's attention.

  • 在这个临时汇聚起来的超级旧货市场中,可谓无奇不有
    In the interim together with the Super Flea Market, is not surprising there are not.

  • 世界之大,无奇不有。不要指望每个人对你的策略的反应都一样。
    There are many different kinds of people in the world, and you can never assume that everyone will react to your strategies in the same way.

  • 真实世界无奇不有,如果我们培养一双的眼睛,生活里到处是笑话。
    My way of joking is to tell the truth. It's the funniest joke in the world.

  • 第一次看到土耳其弯刀,世界之大,无奇不有。是骑兵的还是步兵的?
    It is the first for me to see the Turkish Kilic, there are various kinds of things in the great world.

  • 大千世界,无奇不有,对于男人这种“小姨子情结”你是如何看待的呢?
    There are lots of odd things in the boundless world. How do you think of the men's "sister-in-law complex"?

  • 也有人向往自然景色,原始森林、石乳洞穴,简直是五花八门,无奇不有
    Some are attracted by natural scenery, and design their homes as primal forests or stalactite caves.

  • 第二天,他向军官解释。那军官所见所闻这时已是无奇不有,也懒得理会了。
    His explanation, the next day, was accepted by a weary officer, who by that stage had seen and heard just about everything.

  • 没想到竟然还可以在老挝和柬埔寨的边境讨价还价。真是世界之大无奇不有
    Never ever thought of visa on arrival, but very first at Dom Kralor I got my first visa on arrival with bargain price.

  • 纷繁世界,无奇不有,有山有水,有花有草,有风有雨,时时刻刻,变幻无穷。
    Complex world, there are not strange, there are mountains and water, there are flowers there is grass and windy with rain all the time, the endless changes.

  • 纷繁世界,无奇不有,有山有水,有花有草,有风有雨,时时刻刻,变幻无穷。
    Complex world, there are strange, there are mountains and water, there are flowers there is grass, the wind with rain, all the time, endless changes.

  • 该政策遭到众多评论家质疑——“无限宇宙,无奇不有!”,一位批评家如此写到。
    Disbelief topped outrage among commentators - "Nothing is unheard of in this boundless universe"*, wrote one critic.

  • 天工造物,无奇不有。德国的一只黑天鹅最近竟然“爱”上了一条天鹅形状的小船。
    A swan in Germany has apparently fallen in love - with a swan-shaped paddle boat.

  • 菜式特别富有创意,口味比较清淡,用料也十分广泛,各种各样的珍馐百味无奇不有
    Particularly creative dishes that tastes more tepid, the materials used are very wide variety of delicacy fed to non-be.

  • 菜式特别富有创意,口味比较清淡,用料也十分广泛,各种各样的珍馐百味无奇不有
    Vegetable type specially rich creativity, taste quite light, the needed materials extremely are also widespread, various delicacy hundred tastes non-be.

  • 我一辈子也没见过有那末多不同的东西可买,他们出售的东西真是包罗万象,无奇不有
    I've never seen so many different things to buy in all my life -- they sell everything from soup to nuts.

  • 大千世界,无奇不有,不仅仅是利息费用是可以免息的政策使得利用负债来融资更加有利。
    There are quirks in the real world, not least the tax-deductibility of interest costs, which give debt an advantage.

  • 文:(仍然执迷不悟)那有什么,世界之大,无奇不有,难道就没有既当市长又当主席的人吗?
    Man: (still unrepentant) What's the world's largest, is full of wonders, should not only be mayor again when the President of the people?

  • 世界之大,无奇不有。只听说过小姐傍大款,没想到房子也吃起软饭,在奶粉事件后傍上了奶牛。
    In the world, there is not strange. Just listen to Miss Bangda Kuan said, the house also heard Chiqi soft rice, milk powder in the incident near a cow.

  • 在慕尼黑的商店里几乎什麽东西都买得到,从巴伐利亚的传统服饰、木雕品,到珠宝及手工做的德国玩具无奇不有
    Just about everything from Bavarian costumes and wood carvings to jewelry and handmade german toys can be found in Munich's shops.

  • 在慕尼黑的商店里几乎什么东西都买得到,从巴伐利亚的传统服饰、木雕品,到珠宝及手工做的德国玩具无奇不有
    Just about everything from Bavarian costumes and wood carvings to jewelry and handmade German toys can be found in Munich's sho .

  • 解说人员跟我们介绍了苍鹭、黑面琵鹭、大白鹭…等不同的鸟类,我那时才发现原来鸟类的世界其实是无奇不有的啊!
    The guide introduced to us about the heron, the black-faced spoon bill, and many other different birds. I discovered that the birds' world is actually enormous!

  • 哪一个国家能够拥有这样一段5000多年的古老历史,无奇不有的发明,无所不在的发现,建墓立碑,又充满着丰厚的文化气息呢!
    Well who is able to boast such a deep 5000 years ancient history, full with astonishing inventions, discoveries in all possible aspects, building monuments, but also with wealthy cultural values.

  • 遍布世界各地的庞大的交通警察组织,五花八门,无奇不有。日本公路旁有真假难以分辨的警察,高矮、形象、姿态的设计就和真人一模一样。
    There is the police that true and false differentiates hard by Japanese highway, the design of height, figure, attitude is mixed true person exactly like.

  • 此时,羡无需理由。欣赏是一种风格,是一种独特自在的感悟风格。纷繁世界,无奇不有,有山有水,有花有草,有风有雨,时时刻刻,变幻无穷。
    The complex world, every possible strange thing, has Shan Youshui, has the flower to have the grass, has the wind to have the rain, all the time, fluctuates infinitely.

  • 世事无奇不有,奇闻怪事接踵而来,卫斯理与小郭所接的案件中最耐人寻味的八宗包括《纸猴》、《尸变》、《木炭》、《寻梦》、《蛊惑》、《神仙》、《鬼混》和《盗墓》。
    The most exciting cases they have handled include:"Paper Monkey", '"Body Change", "Charcoal", "Dream On", "Curses", "Gods", "Ghost For It" and "Tomb Raiders".

  • 无奇不有造句相关
