
有始无终  yǒu shǐ wú zhōng








  • 做什么事都不要有始无终
    Doing what does not all start, but to carry it through.

  • 可是定价的困难依然存在,这个项目也会有始无终
    But the pricing difficulty remains and this program too may amount to little.

  • 他也只是说说而已,他就这样,点子不少,但总是有始无终
    So he says. But like most a Jack's ideas it never come to pass.

  • 有人将黎姿的身世翻了个遍,包括她的几段有始无终的恋情。
    Some people the Lebanon posture's life experience will leaf through, fails to finish what one has started the affection including hers several sections.

  • 事实上,此前中国已有少数地产商进行过尝试,但都是有始无终
    Indeed, a few developers in China have previously been tried, but are felt.

  • 如果他参选的话,我觉得他的结果将是有始无终,但是我不能确定。
    If he entered the race, I thought his boom would play itself out, but I couldn't be sure.

  • 许多悲剧是由这个有始无终的无常世界造成的,这不是上帝的意志和行为。
    Many tragedies result from an unfinished, evolving world rather than from the will or action of God.

  • 参加工作后,乘着这股兴奋劲,几次报名法律专、本科自学考试,却都有始无终
    To work, taking advantage of this excitement, the registration number of legal professionals, we self-examination, none Youshiwuzhong.

  • 活动增多:精力旺盛、活动明显增多且忍耐不住,整日忙碌不停,做事有始无终
    activity increase: Driving, activity is apparent grow in quantity and insufferable, days of whole business is ceaseless, work start sth but fail to carry it through.

  • 如果你认为自己一向有始无终而无法成功,那就去做完一件事情来改变这种自我感觉。
    If your self-perception is that you can't accomplish something because you never finish anything you start, then go finish something and change your self-perception.

  • 将游泳进行到底,将浮沉进行到底,将自由泳进行到底,我不喜欢半途而废,我不喜欢有始无终!!!
    continue swimming to the end, continue fu chen to the end, continue the free swim to the end, i hate giving up during the way, i hate no result  but beginning!

  • 在这种背景下,从分析公共政策“有始无终”难题入手,研究公共政策终结之可行性就具有很强的现实意义和重大的社会价值。
    So it is of great importance and social value to analyse this problem and explore the feasibility for the public policy termination.

  • 就像盖房子一样,你不可能半路停下来,如果我们国家垒了第一块砖,但是却没有垒最后一块,那么我们就有始无终,这是非常令人遗憾的。
    "It's like building a house, you don't stop halfway, " said Omar Bentchakal, the retired head of a small painting company, as he cast his ballot there.

  • 能够成就事业的人(相对应的是那些把事情做个开头,有始无终的人)都有一种能力,既能做自己喜欢做的事情,也能完成那些不喜欢做的事。
    People who get things finished (as opposed to people who just get things started) have mastered the ability to push through the things they hate doing, to work on the things they love.

  • 公共政策领域长期存在着一个“有始无终”的难题,即公共政策一旦制定出来,在完成了其目标或使命后却迟迟得不到终结,原因在于现实中的政策终结面对很大阻力,受到诸多障碍因素的制约。
    A difficult problem" failingtoend the obsolete policy" exists for a longtime in the public policy field, namely once public policy is made out, it can't be put to end after having finished its goal.

  • 有始无终造句相关
