
有条有理  yǒu tiáo yǒu lǐ








  •  尽量有条有理地沟通你的问题。
    Try to communicate your problem intelligently.

  • 我很欣赏简,她这人真是有条有理
    I admire Jane; she's a really together person.

  • 他想要戒酒,并再次恢复有条有理的生活。
    he intends to dry out and get his life back together again.

  • 活儿该干得有条有理,不是这样乱七八糟的。
    It would have been done properly, not messed up like that.

  • 即使你仅仅是给朋友发一封电子邮件,也必须写得有条有理
    Even if you are just sending an email to a friend, there is a reason for sending the message.

  • 如果你有条有理地安排一下你的东西,工作起来效率会更高。
    If you organize all your things, you can work more efficiently.

  • 每个人都希望所有的事情有条有理,但是很少人有充足的时间来做。
    Everyone wants to be organized, but few people have the time.

  • 在我的梦里,所有其他的学生都处事有条有理,而我是唯一的呆子。
    In my dream, all the other kids had it together and I was the only one who was the nerd.

  • 驱车行进在无边无际的旷野,山峦被有条有理的葡萄藤覆盖,真是太神奇了。
    It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines.

  • 先思考后说话,发音要准确,说起话来不要太急,而要有条有理、清清楚楚。
    Think before you speak , pronounce not imperfectly, nor bring out your words too hastily, but orderly and distinctly.

  • 最近的研究显示,在一个整洁、有条有理的家庭长大的孩子在学业上的表现更好。
    Recent studies have shown that, in a neat, orderly families with children grew up to perform better in school.

  • 比赛中的工作人员认真负责,在烈日下坚守岗位,现场秩序良好,工作有条有理
    Competition of the staff responsibilities seriously, in the hot sun to their posts and good order at the scene, work methodically.

  • 每当离开一个家,不管是德国的还是中国的家,她也同样把一切收拾得有条有理
    Whenever he left a home, whether German or the home, she may also make all out methodically.

  • 是您的生活商务小秘书,让您繁忙的生活或商务有条有理,让您的生活商务轻松惬意。
    Is your life small business secretary, allows you to busy living or business methodically, to make your life easy business.

  • 评审包括58条不同的建议,看起来更像权宜之计的拼凑,而不像什么有条有理的政策。
    The review has 58 separate recommendations, making it seem more a set of quick fixes than a coherent policy.

  • 有条有理地反驳,我则没有插嘴:因为我没花多少力气就认识到,买主们说的确实有道理。
    She argued well, but I did not intervene because after the first stumbling block I understood that the buyers were right.

  • 班干部:担任过班级生活委员,在任职期间,将班级的卫生做得有条有理,多次获得学校表扬!
    Cadre classes: as a life member of the class, during his tenure, the class of Health has done methodically, the school has won praise!

  • “别猜我会是谁”则表示,“说话有条有理还幽默,特别是后面说那韩国人长相那段,实在是太有才了。
    "Who can guessing me be " express, "Conversation is orderly humorous still, especially from the back say that is Korean appearance that paragraph, be to have ability too really.

  • 罗瑞先生有充裕的时间有条有理地洗漱梳理,到早饭时才穿着他一向穿的那一身白衬衫和整洁的裤子出现。
    Mr. Lorry presented himself at the breakfast-hour in his usual white linen, and with his usual neat leg.

  • 要出国门,当然要精心准备一番,特别是“金银细软”一定要打点得有条有理才能把钱花得明白、花得放心。
    To go door, and of course to make careful preparations made, especially the "gold and silver valuables" must appear to be methodically to understand the money, spent assured.

  • 家具直线条造型的家具是空间布局的关键,没有过多的弧线和繁杂的图案,让空间变得有条有理,更为理性。
    furniture linear shape of the furniture is the key to space layout, no excessive eye and complicated designs for the orderly space becomes more rational.

  • 要将上述物品安排得有条有理、节省面积、整洁卫生、便于使用,最好的方法是用柜子把所有厨具封闭起来。
    Should get afore-mentioned article arrangement orderly, economic area, neat sanitation, facilitate use, best method is to use a cabinet to close all kitchen utensils and appliances.

  • 只要我们不受到任何官方的控诉,还有我们所收到的护照证据整理得有条有理,那么我们就没有理由做出调查。
    As long as we have no official complaint, there is no reason to act, if we get a passport that obviously is in order.

  • 如今,流行墙饰花布装饰,用细木条或金属直线来分隔一下大面积墙饰布,才会有“有条有理”的强列质感效果。
    Today, popular Norwegian cloth decoration, and use of small wooden or metal straight to the segregation applied to large cloth will be a "methodically" in strong sense effect.

  • 他们的报告既有条有理又充满学术上的诚恳之意,相比过去八年那些遮遮掩掩堆砌数学的报告是一个有益的改变。
    Their report is reasonable and intellectually honest, which is a welcome change from the fuzzy math of the last eight years.

  • 保证做好办公5S。这样你的老板一定会认为你在其他方面同样是有条有理的,那么他把事情交给你就放心多了。
    Do a good job in office to ensure that 5S. So your boss will think you are in other areas is also methodically, then he put things to rest assured you more.

  • 思想观点当然应当安排得有条有理,如果可能的话,最引人注意的段落应该放在论文的开始或结尾或两者兼而有之。
    Ideas should, of course, be arranged in logical sequence, and, if possible, the most striking paragraph should be placed at the beginning or the end or both.

  • 一个人,在心中管好自己,有条有理,别人的行为,不论是好是坏,他都不理。人越好管閒事,他的阻挡越大,分心越多。
    He whose disposition is well ordered cares nothing about the strange, perverse behavior of others, for a man is upset and distracted only in proportion as he engrosses himself in externals.

  • 科里就是有这个本事,能够把党内保守派、和派往往都各不相让的利益结合在一起,做出一份有条有理的政策报告,令克林顿大为赞赏。
    Curry impressed Clinton with his ability to fashion a coherent policy message that synthesized the often conflicting interests of the party's traditional and moderate wings.

  • 所以一个会工作的人,在他选择要把一些东西装进他的那间小阁楼似的头脑中去的时候,他确实是非常小心仔细的,除了工作中有用的工具以外,他什么也不带进去,而这些工具又样样具备,有条有理
    He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order.

  • 有条有理造句相关
