
权衡轻重  quán héng qīng zhòng








  • 能有效组织部工作,权衡轻重缓急。
    Ability to organize and prioritize work effectively and efficiently.

  • 这是一个权衡轻重缓急的问题。
    It was a matter of balancing priorities.

  • 在大小谎言之间权衡轻重对海利来说是家常便饭。
    Haley was accustomed to strike the balance of probabilities between lies of greater or lesser magnitude.

  • 经过权衡轻重,法官最后说:“判处死刑,立即枪毙!”
    Through balance weight, the judge says finally: "Sentence capital punishment, shoot instantly! Shoot instantly! !"

  • 年纪尽管这样轻,他却有一种权衡事情轻重的异常能力。
    For one so young there was a rather strange power in him of seeing things in some sort of proportion.

  • 而在现实面前我们当然先要冷静下来仔细观察,然后权衡轻重
    In the reality of course, we have to calm down and carefully observed, and then balance.

  • 因此,总经理秘书在做任何一项工作时,都要具备权衡轻重缓急的意识。
    Therefore, the general manager of a secretary doing any work, we must have the sense of balance priorities.

  • 还得在导师、督导、论文、考试和长年受苦的女友间折冲樽俎,权衡轻重
    All of this must be balanced against the demands of tutors, supervisions, essays, exams and long-suffering girlfriends.

  • 近代苏南族田有多项功能,宗族能够权衡轻重,使各项功能得以充分发挥;
    The clan fields had many functions in south of Jiangsu during the modern time. The patriarchal clan could count the advantages and disadvantages, thus to bring each function into full play.

  • 做出改变生活的积极决定之前,你需要理清事情的轻重缓急、权衡选择的利弊。
    Before you make an active decision to change your life, you need to figure out the order of priority and strike a balance.

  • 在联合新闻发布会上,奥巴马总统被问及在他自己和俄罗斯领导人之间权衡轻重
    During their joint news conference, President Obama was asked to weigh in on the dynamics between himself and the Russian leader.

  • 应用抗贫血药物的风险和贫血严重时采取输血治疗的风险,医生和病人应仔细权衡两者的轻重
    doctors and patients carefully weigh the risks of using anemia drugs s. the risk of a transfusion if anemia gets too bad.

  • 检方取得这些事证后,相关证人经过权衡轻重,态度也出现变化,陆续有人松口、配合检方调查。
    seized To get these things evidence, witness-related balance, a change in attitude, more and more people would open one's mouth, with the prosecution investigation.

  • 既要抓住发病的根本原因,治病求本;又要权衡病情的轻重缓急,急则治标,缓则治本,或标本兼治。
    And to treat the root cause as well as weighing the relative importance and urgency of the symptoms.

  • 当然,不能容易地就能理解的事就是那些你虽然知道,但是权衡轻重时发现变得很复杂的事。这是我的想法。
    For sure, I think what cannot be easily understood are things that you know, but in fact the pros and cons are so great.

  • 权衡轻重之后,亚太航空中心认为,变革的动力已经成为不可阻挡的趋势,并会在2008年继续向前迈进!
    On balance, the Centre believes that momentum for change has now become irresistible and will move ahead in 2008.

  • 只要这种所谓的‘弃儿’能够权衡轻重,继续学业,我们会接受他们的决定,让他们去做他们认为对自己未来有意义的事情。
    As long as the so-called outcasts can keep up in their academic work in a decent way, we actually accept their decision to do whatever they think might be good for the future.

  • 权衡轻重造句相关
