
杞人忧天  qǐ rén yōu tiān








  • 天垮正好抓云雀;不能杞人忧天
    If the sky fwhichles, we shwhichle grab larks.

  • 天垮了正好抓云雀;不要杞人忧天
    If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.

  • 船到桥头自然直;勿杞人忧天
    Never cross your bridges till you come to them.

  • 船到桥头自然直(不要杞人忧天)。
    Let's cross the bridge when we come to it.

  • 不要在半途迎接麻烦(勿杞人忧天)。
    Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

  • 不要这样杞人忧天,一切都会变好的。
    Don't be a worrywart. Everything will be fine.

  • 我们常常过多地自寻烦恼,杞人忧天
    We too often borrow trouble, and anticipate that may geer appear.

  • 我们常常过多地自寻烦恼,杞人忧天
    We too often borrow trouble, and anticipate that may never appear.

  • 杞人忧天的房地产市场?!
    Over the real estate market? !

  • 天塌下来刚好抓云雀。/何必杞人忧天
    If the sky falls, we shall catch the lark.

  • 这种担心并非杞人忧天
    Such fears are not over-blown.

  • 有些担忧也是杞人忧天
    Some of the gloom is also premature.

  • 杰夫:但愿是杞人忧天
    Jeff: I hope that it is an unwarranted anxiety.

  • 这是不是意味着所有的警告都只是杞人忧天呢?
    Does this mean that all the warnings were misplaced?

  • 回避型依附的人们害怕亲昵行为,总是杞人忧天
    "Avoidant attachment" people are afraid of emotional intimacy and often say a lot of bad things about it.

  • 好吧,大家都是同一战线的,我就不杞人忧天了。
    I'm at a place right now in my career, I couldn't ask for anything better, ' said Pierce.

  • 我表弟什么都怕,甚至杞人忧天到连自己的影子都怕。
    My cousin is afraid of everything; he is even afraid of his own shadow.

  • 即使那些杞人忧天者也不知道经济危机的结果会有多坏。
    And even worrywarts who felt something was amiss had no idea of how bad the consequences would be.

  • 如果回到2003年,这一切听起来可能有些杞人忧天
    Back in 2003 that might have all sounded a bit alarmist.

  • 两种担忧可能杞人忧天的举动,但枪支商店仍旧供不应求。
    Neither fear is likely to prove founded, but gun stores are still running out of ammunition.

  • 我的担心并不是杞人忧天,因为我能在心里真切感受到,我正在一点点被吸过去。
    My fear is not unnecessary because I can feel in my heart that I am gradually drawn to it.

  • 与其杞人忧天,备受熬煎,还不如让自己忙碌起来,创造出任何事情都无法改变的恒久价值。
    Instead of agonizing over what might or might not happen, get busy creating value that will be there no matter what happens.

  • 后来人们根据这个故事引申出“杞人忧天”这句成语,现在用来比喻不必要或无根据的忧虑和担心。
    Thus the idiom "Like the man from Qi who feared that the sky might fall" means to hold a needless or groundless fear or worry.

  • 在世界和奥巴马政府进入2010年之际,对阿富汗战争的棘手之处表示担忧,并非愚蠢或杞人忧天
    As the world and the Obama administration move into 2010, it is not foolish or alarmist to express concern about the intractability of the Afghan ulcer.

  • 我的堂兄弟经常杞人忧天,从来没有好好度过假,因为他总在想象,他脱手工作后可能出什么大问题。
    EXAMPLE: My cousin is a worrywart who never enjoys vacations because he's always imagining possible disasters that may occur while he's away from his job.

  • 我信奉活在现在,因为沉溺于过去于事无补,杞人忧天等于自寻烦恼,错过眼皮底下我所能把握的唯一现实则是错上加错。
    I believe in living in the present because it is futile to dwell on the past, to worry about the future, or to miss anything in the only reality I know.

  • 我认为大家无须杞人忧天。2000年只不过是某一种人造的历法中岁月的延续而已。看看那经受过时间考验的各大宗教吧。
    I feel that we shouldn't worry u ece arily. The Year 2000 is a continuation of a man-made calendar. Look at the major religion which have stood the test of time.

  • 假设食品和能源价格的涨势不断减缓、甚至出现价格下滑,于是专家们得出了如下结论:公众对中国通货膨胀可能会进一步扩大的担心有些杞人忧天了。
    Under the presumption that these sources of inflation are likely to taper off -- if not reverse -- the experts concluded that fears over a more widespread Chinese inflation were overblown.

  • 那次与费布尔谈话后,总有些琐琐碎碎的事儿,一直困扰着他,使他有种莫名的担忧。如今集中精力做这种想法,比起那种杞人忧天来无疑要让人开心多了。
    He round the thought infinitely more enjoyable to focus on that the niggling fear ②that had been troubling him ③since his conversation with Fisher.

  • 当然,倘若投资者一觉醒来发现政府从花旗撤了,从此心头再也不必萦绕着政治干预将伤害花旗的无端恐惧了(至少目前为止这种恐惧还是杞人忧天),那么也算的上是好事一桩。
    Sure, it would be nice for shareholders to wake up and find the government gone, removing fears, hitherto unfounded, that the bank will be subject to value-destroying political interference.

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