
步人后尘  bù rén hòu chén








  • 一些预测,再过20年长江也会黄河的后尘
    Some predict that within 20 years even the Yangtze will resemble the Yellow River.

  • 为防止发生误解,我想对那些想要后尘提出警告。
    I would offer a caveat for those who want to join me in the dual calling.

  • 伍须海仍然是尚未开发的处女地,但她的命运还会步人后尘吗?
    Wuxuhai is still a virgin land hasn't been exploited, but, would it must behind someone's heel to have the same fate?

  • 弦论学家及其他后来从事这项工作的誓言不会上他的后尘
    String theorists and others who later took up that pursuit vowed not to walk down the same road.

  • 我们应提倡创新,而且要敢于创新,而不去步人后尘,拾牙慧。
    We should promote innovation, but also to dare to innovate, rather than go to other people's footsteps, pick up.

  • 虽然CME已有所修改其业务模式以更好地与银行合作,但它正在步人后尘
    CME has revised its model to be more palatable to the banks but it is lagging.

  • 这个时间在全国产生了反响随着越来越多的后尘对它的看法却有很大的不同。
    This case has aroused echoes throughout the country with more and more people following its lead but ideas about it vary widely.

  • 这个时间在全国产生了反响,随着越来越多的后尘,对它的看法却有很大的不同。
    This case has aroused echoes throughout the country, with more and more people following its lead, but ideas about it vary widely.

  • 这个时间在全国产生了反响,随着越来越多的后尘,对它的看法却有很大的不同。
    case has aroused echoes throughout the country, with more and more people following its lead, but ideas about it vary widely.

  • 这个事件在全国产生了反响,随着越来越多的后尘,对它的看法却有很大的不同。
    This case has aroused echoes throughout the country, with more and more people following its lead, but ideas about it vary widely.

  • 在瑞典斯堪的纳维亚老乡——丹麦后尘投了反对票以后,反对欧元的阵营欢声一片。
    Jubilation in the "No" camp as Swedes join fellow Scandinavians, the Danes, to vote against.

  • 我并不是反华论者,那些预言中国垮台,因为他们蔑视其制度,认为中国将苏联的后尘
    It's not that I'm a China-basher, like those who predict its collapse because they despise its system and assume that it will go the way of the Soviet Union.

  • 我顿时觉醒了,活着,重要的是不断地充实自己,而不是一味的跟别走,后尘
    I was the awakening of the people alive, it is important to continue to enrich their own case rather than go with other people, others to follow step-by-step.

  • 这个具体光阴在全国产生了反响,随着愈来愈多的后尘,对它的想法却有很大的不相同。
    This case has aroemployed echoes over away the city, dawn lot or lot men extremeccly next its lead, but ideas acres it vary widely.

  • 这样,有一天我就可以引导另一个上我的后尘,去完成萨拉札·史莱哲林那崇高的事业。
    so that one day I would be able to lead another to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work.

  • 有说法认为苏格兰腾卡特后尘-----荷兰去年十月来到切尔西,却在前天遭到解约。
    It was expected the Scot would follow in Henk ten Cate's footsteps, the Dutchman having got the chop just days ago after only arriving in London in October.

  • 年青女子温碧霞因遇不淑而大了肚,后更被迫要当舞小姐。不幸的是她妹夫李丽珍也同样后尘
    Abandoned by her boyfriend, young Wan gets pregnant and is forced to become a courtesan after giving birth. The bad thing is that her sister is having the same fate.

  • 令台湾居民担心的是,日本与韩国已先后传出霍乱疫情,并分别有一和四死亡,我们会不会后尘
    What alarms the inhabitants of Taiwan is that there has already been fatal case in Japan and four in Korea. Will Taiwan follow?

  • 谷歌总是一个让仰视的品牌,比百度水平高,而百度只是一个国内的公司,常常被视为谷歌的后尘
    Google is always a brand that makes people look up to it, and a higher level than Baidu, while Baidu is just a domestic company , and most of the time is regarded as a follower of Google.

  • 中国经济的快速增长引起了一些质疑其是否将日本之后尘---大量泡沫的破灭后接着是多年的衰退。
    Its rapid ascent has led some to question whether China will follow in Japan's footsteps, with the bursting of a massive bubble followed by years of decline.

  • 中国经济的快速增长引起了一些质疑其是否将日本之后尘---紧随大量泡沫的破灭后是多年的衰退。
    Its rapid ascent has led some to question whether China will follow in Japan's footsteps, with the bursting of a massive bubble followed by years of decline.

  • 新加坡不期望我们这个小国上它们的后尘,但总觉得政府还做得不够,还可以在医疗开支预算方面稍微慷慨些。
    Singaporeans have no wish of seeing Singapore go down the wrong path. But they do often feel that the government has not done enough and can be more generous with its budget for health care.

  • 身体退化无能阻,为免早晚成为家庭负累,也不想上爷爷的后尘,� ��打算趁自己还是清醒的时候选择离开!
    Nothing can prevent her from degenerating. Neither becomes the burden of family nor follows in grandpa's footstep would be her choice. With remaining consciousness, she decided it was time to go away.

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