
浩然之气  hào rán zhī qì








  • 浩然之气的方法有两个方面。
    The method of cultivating the Great Morale has two aspects.

  • 敢问何谓浩然之气?镇地为河岳,丽天为日星!
    Ganwen What is the Noble Spirit »town for the River Yue, Lai days for the Star!

  • 斯人已去,浩然之气却长存,一代大师洒下经典无数;
    Si Renyi goes, the noble spirit actually exists forever, a generation of master sprinkles the classics to be innumerable;

  • 一个人若是经常行义,浩然之气就会自然而然从他的内心出现。
    If one constantly practices righteousness, the Great Morale will naturally emerge from the very center of one's being.

  • 我看他是在为普通人造碑,来唤起人们久违的阳刚之气,浩然之气
    I take it as his way to set up a "tablet" for common folks, so as to awake the masculinity and noble spirit that have been neglected for a long time.

  • 而四端的扩充形成的“浩然之气”,则成为孟子衡量人格美的主要标准。
    And the great verve formed by the development of this sprouts became his major standard of measuring personality.

  • 中国的文学批评要继续生存和发展,要在全球化时代中有所作为,就需要重树它的浩然之气
    The survival and development of the Chinese literary criticism in the age of globalization relies on upholding its noble spirit of literary criticism.

  • 战地豪情:登高山、俯大地,胸中存著一股浩然之气,战鼓声声扬起,更添沙场荒芜与悲壮。
    Lofty sentiments in battle: climbing mountains and overlooking the earth, awe-inspiring righteousness in mind, drums beat increasing lofty sentiments in the battle.

  • 韩愈的“气盛言宜”即是一种精神气质、又是一种人格境界,与孟子的“浩然之气”含义接近。
    "said han nay16" is a kind of spirit temperament, is a kind of personality, and mencius "upholding the meaning" to the appropriate words.

  • 朝鲜初期(约1392—1550)山水画是在爱自然有浩然之气的士大夫密切的联系与影响下成长起来的。
    In the early age of South Korea (about 1392-1550), the development of the landscape painting had a immediate relationship with the scholar-bureaucrats who had a strong emotion to the natural scenery.

  • 而孟子“我善养吾浩然之气”的言论,使中国艺术中的人格精神开始觉醒,艺术家的内在精神品质和作品风格连为一体。
    While Mencius' words "I'm good at fostering the Great Spirit" has made Chinese personality begin to wake and made the artists' link their spiritual qualities with their works' styles.

  • 浩然之气造句相关
