
璀璨夺目  cuǐ càn duó mù








  • 金、银和珐琅装饰品都制造得空前地璀璨夺目
    Gold, silver, and enamelled work were done with an unprecedented brilliance .

  • 祖国的辉煌才刚刚开始,他的未来会更加璀璨夺目
    The glory of the motherland has just begun, he will be more beautiful future.

  • 似乎是游离于天际的云彩,那般璀璨夺目,变幻多端;
    Seems to be drifting on the horizon the clouds, is so bright, changing-fold;

  • 长的一身的光彩与荣耀,在阳光的照耀下你是多麽的璀璨夺目啊。
    long one of the luster and glory shining in the sun how bright you are ah.

  • 璀璨夺目的霓虹灯广告照亮整个不夜城,潮水般的人群涌向这个区域。
    Colorful neon signs light up the street at night when thousands of people flood the area.

  • 那就如同一项很差劲的家庭财务计划,一点都不能让她看上去璀璨夺目
    It sort of looked like a bad home economics project. It just didn't -- it just didn't flatter her at all.

  • 因为采用了大面积刷漆贴金,虽经几百年历史,仍璀璨夺目,金碧辉煌。
    Because of the introduction of large-scale painting gold, despite hundreds of years of history, still, resplendent.

  • 承王母之灵气,赖历史之馈赠,西王母故里民间艺术璀璨夺目,自成一格。
    For the Queen Mother of the Aura, the gift depends on the history of the West Queen Mother of the hometown folk art璀璨duo mu , sui generis.

  • 水晶以其晶莹剔透、璀璨夺目的特点被广泛的应用于各种高档场所和工艺品上 。
    crystal with its crystal clear and bright features have been widely used in a variety of high-end venues and crafts.

  • 让我们学会豁达,坚决拒绝忧郁的造访,让生命焕发出它璀璨夺目的华丽光辉吧!
    Let us learn to open-minded, resolutely refused to visit the melancholy, let it shine with life, gorgeous and bright brilliant bar!

  • 奢华与流行汇聚一堂,优雅与高贵共镶盛典,钻石光芒在美妙的弦乐中更显璀璨夺目
    Luxury and a popular clustering, elegant and noble were impregnated Festival, diamonds shine in the beautiful string of more Cuicanduomu!

  • 我们深信,襄城高中这颗镶嵌在中原大地上的明珠,定会放射出更加璀璨夺目的光芒。
    We firmly believe that Xiangcheng Senior Middle School, the brilliant pearl inlaid in Central Plains, will shine more and more resplendently.

  • 如今的扬州,第一眼看到的是秀美的自然风光,第二眼看到的则是璀璨夺目的历史文化。
    Nowof Yangzhou, is the first to see the beautiful scenery, the second eye is Cuicanduomu to see the history and culture.

  • 火星位于有关声誉的第十宫,你的前途就像一千枚十克拉的钻石在阳光下闪耀那样璀璨夺目
    With Mars in your tenth house of fame, your future sparkles like a thousand ten-carat diamonds in the Sun.

  • 有家公司甚至可以制作出相当璀璨夺目的企业赠品,方法是在一个大块水晶内部刻上公司的标识。
    There's even a company out there that will create corporate bling by etching the company logo within a large crystal.

  • 南京广电哆来咪少儿艺术团创建于2004年2月,是中国少儿艺术园林中一束璀璨夺目的鲜花。
    Nanjing Radio and TV duo microphone to create a Children's Art Troupe in February 2004, the Chinese Children's Art Cuicanduomu the garden of a bouquet of flowers.

  • 季后赛首场比赛,加索尔近乎于无法阻挡。第二场比赛,科比巨星般的璀璨夺目的摧毁性的演出。
    In the opener, Pau Gasol was next to unstoppable. In the second game, it was Kobe Bryant going the superstar route.

  • 是啊,看着那璀璨夺目的烟花焰火,爱德华完全可以骄傲地说:他又让更多的人燃起了生命的希望。
    And when his fireworks light up the sky this year, Edwards can proudly say, more people are helped.

  • 这样,她的每个手指上都戴上了璀璨夺目的戒指。为了取悦她,我也试着戴上她那些廉价的首饰。好评(0。
    So there she was with a stunning ring on each finger. To please her, I tried on her rubbish jewellery.

  • 尽管有时将“命运之子”与“顶点”乐队相提并论可以说有些夸张,但至少前者的兴起和后者同样璀璨夺目
    Though the occasional comparisons to the Supremes are hyperbolic, to say the least, the rise of Destiny's Child has been similarly meteoric.

  • 除了“非常适合两个人舒适亲密地度过漫漫旅途”的沙发座椅外,千万别忘记鉴赏一下璀璨夺目的星光顶饰。
    Besides "the very suitable two people to pass the endless journey intimately comfortably" the sofa chair, do not forget that appreciates the dazzling star light to go against the decoration.

  • 日光璀璨夺目,以至于无法看清天上的轰炸机,但从四面八方缓缓传来的轰鸣说明它们离得不远并且飞得很低。
    The sky was so radiant with mist it was impossible to spot the bombers, but their thunder rolling smoothly from all sides told they were close and low.

  • 这把天地锁面板长64厘米,重17公斤,全由手工雕刻、纯铜锻造而成,并镶嵌着1500颗碎钻,璀璨夺目
    This grows face plate of lock of heaven and earth 64 centimeters, weigh 17 kilograms, forging by manual sculpture, pure copper completely and become, enchasing 1500 to break auger, bright is dazzling.

  • 因该庙门及大小19个圆形寺顶均贴满金箔,在阳光照耀下,分外璀璨夺目,一直以来被锡克人尊称为“上帝之殿”。
    Miaomen and because of the size of 19 circular temple are covered with gold leaf roof, the sun shining, particularly Cuicanduomu, Sikhs have been known as the "Temple of God. ""

  • 甘肃地域辽阔,历史悠久,自然景观丰富多彩,人文景观璀璨夺目,经过20多年的发展,旅游业已取得巨大的成绩。
    Natural landscapes are rich and colorful. Humane views are splendid and brilliant. Tourism industry has already made enormous achievements in more than 20 years" development."

  • 据李女士回忆,一个月前,她被一家省级卫视一个三分钟购物广告打动了,屏幕上粉色的吊坠晶莹剔透,灯光下璀璨夺目
    According to Ms. Lee recalled, a month ago, she was a provincial-level TV advertising of a three-minute shopping touched on the screen of pink crystal pendant, Cuicanduomu under the lights.

  • 人类的生命之光在干细胞克隆的尖端科技润泽下,将发出璀璨夺目的光辉!美莲娜愿将这尖端的抗衰技术与热爱生命的人分享!
    Melina, with her top end beauty and anti-aging technology, is willing to share her happiness with all of those people who love life so much.

  • 这款迷人时计有12颗璀璨夺目的粉红宝石镶嵌在刻度,第13颗用作装饰表冠,完美配衬了粉红色阳光表盘及鳄鱼皮效果的表带。
    This enchanting timepiece has 12 glorious pink sapphires to mark the hours and a 13th to decorate the crown, plus a matching pink sunburst dial and crocodile effect strap.

  • 富丽堂皇的威尼斯多功能宴会大厅可同时容纳400人就餐,八盏豪华精美的施华洛士奇水晶吊灯璀璨夺目,是您举行婚宴和其他各类会议活动的理想场所。
    The luxury multi-functional grand ballroom is capable of hosting banquet for 400 people or other event. It is also the ideal venue for your wedding celebration.

  • 自从1992年开始英式足球协会联盟以来,(英)曼联在各项比赛中占尽优势,出尽风头。荣誉榜上很多璀璨夺目的球星象;戴维。碧咸(粤语译音)就是其中的佼佼者。
    Since the start of the English Football Association Premier League in 1992, Manchester United has dominated the league. United's roster has included many star players like David Beckham.

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