
生生不息  shēng shēng bù xī






  • 有希望之处,生命就生生不息
    Where there is hope , there is life!

  • 但若青春能永驻,爱生生不息
    But could youth last, and love still breed.

  • 爱令世界生生不息),你却离开了我。
    It is love that makes the world go round.

  • 在这生命圈中,生生不息
    In the circle, the circle of life.

  • 爱是阳光,爱是小雨,使生命生生不息
    Love is sunshine, love is rain, they keep life thriving.

  • 在这生命圈中,生生不息
    In the circle, in the circle of life.

  • 这象征着地球上的生命永永远远,生生不息
    This symbolizes that life on earth will continue and multiply forever.

  • 就如同一个永远没有缺囗的圆圈,生生不息
    In the circle, in a hoop that never ends.

  • “之”字有出生、生生不息之意也有到达之意。
    Birth, meaning there are endless arrival of Italian.

  • 但这一新的普查结果显示大猩猩的种群生生不息
    But the new census shows a much more thriving population.

  • 在这漫漫长路,找准位置。在生命圈中,生生不息
    Till we find our place , on the path unwinding . In the circle , the circle of life .

  • 世界不是依思想和想象而转移,而是因信念而生生不息
    The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion.

  • 中华民族也正是具有这种精神,才能生生不息,繁荣昌盛。
    The Chinese nation is with this spirit, in order to endless and prosperity.

  • 生命决不只是存在,它是仍然存在,它是持续的生生不息
    Life is never just being. It is a becoming, a relentless flowing on.

  • 生命像河流一样生生不息,人们脸上悲伤和恐惧的表情都是暂时的。
    Life, like the river, is also continuous. The sorrows and fears on people's faces were only temporary.

  • 但是人生在世,匆匆数十寒暑,宇宙世界却是周而复始、生生不息的。
    But human life is short while life and growth in the universe continue endlessly.

  • 成立思想:本教以生生不息,体天心之仁,亲亲仁民,仁民爱物为中心思想。
    Founded in the teaching thought: perennial body of benevolence, and kiss RenMin tianxian RenMin, for love.

  • 转换的精神内核是生生不息的传统文化价值,媒体是其实现转换和综合创新的重要工具。
    The syncretism of traditional culture and media value are historical and principal, the spirit core of which is the traditional value life.

  • 保守党联邦政府已经警告对这样的请求将会拒绝。批评家们认为这只会让卖淫生生不息
    The Conservative federal government has warned it will oppose the effort, which critics have said will only perpetuate the idea that prostitution is acceptable.

  • 《芝麻街》最新一季将播出一档为期两年的科教节目《我的世界是绿色的,生生不息》。
    The new season will highlight a two-year science initiative on "Sesame Street" called "My World is Green & Growing.

  • 团名「薪传」,乃展望音乐艺术能够藉由此一乐团的成立而达到薪火相传、生生不息的目的;
    The name Succession was chosen for this group because it is hoped that it can successively pass on the musical art tradition to future generations.

  • 分别象征了哺育中华民族生生不息不屈不挠的黄河母亲,和快乐幸福、茁壮成长的华夏子孙。
    Were feeding a symbol of the Chinese nation going, the indomitable mother of the Yellow River, happiness and joy, the growth of the Chinese people.

  • 天(阳气)地(阴气)交感,产生了万事万物、人伦社会,二者共同构成了生生不息的大化流行。
    It is the sun, yangon, and the earth, mini, that mix with each other, and create all the living things in the world, including human beings.

  • 爱国、进步、民主、科学的传统精神和勤奋、严谨、求实、创新的学风在这里生生不息、代代相传。
    Patriotism, progress, democracy, scientific traditions and the hard, rigorous, realistic and innovative style of study here, endless, from generation to generation.

  • 但有理由相信:自然与生命的生生不息,自然与生命的周而复始,既是一个短暂的美丽,又是一个美丽的永恒。
    There is reason to believe: the natural and life generation after generation, natural and life cycle, both a short-lived beauty, but also a beautiful eternal.

  • 人生可以没有很多东西,却唯独不能没有希望。希望是人类生活的一项重要的价值。有希望之处,生命就生生不息
    Therefore, we can lose everything in life but hope.  Hope is a critical value in life.  There is a hope, there is a life.

  • 雕塑构图洗练,寓意深刻,象征着哺育中华民族生生不息、不屈不挠的黄河母亲,和快乐幸福、茁壮成长的华夏子孙。
    Sculpture composition Xilian, Yuyishenke, a symbol of the Chinese nation going feeding, the indomitable mother of the Yellow River, happiness and joy, the growth of the Chinese people.

  • 来自冲突国家竞技对手的热情拥抱之中闪耀着奥林匹克精神的光辉。希望你们回国后让这种精神生生不息,时代永存。
    Hugs from the rival competitors of conflicting countries reflects the splendour of Olympic spirits. Hope you can bring spirits back home and keep themes perpetual.

  • 《芝麻街》最新一季将播出一档为期两年的科教节目《我的世界是绿色的,生生不息》。该节目将在美国的公共电视台播出。
    The new season will highlight a two-year science initiative on "Sesame Street" called "My World is Green & Growing. " The show is broadcast on public television in the United States.

  • 温馨提示:人生可以没有很多东西,却唯独不能没有希望。希望是人类生活的一项重要的价值。有希望之处,生命就生生不息
    P. S:Life could have nothing but hope. Hope is one of the most important value in life. Where there's hope, where there's life!

  • 生生不息造句相关
