
畅通无阻  chàng tōng wú zǔ







  • 设备与墙之间是否畅通无阻
    Are aisles between equipment and walls unobstructed?

  • 他们用计算机控制,使交通畅通无阻
    They use computers to keep the traffic running smoothly.

  • 我们必须尽量保持通讯全线畅通无阻
    We must try to keep all lines of communication open.

  • 现在他们畅通无阻地驶进了布鲁克林的商业中心。
    They now ran into the business heart of Brooklyn uninterrupted.

  • 如果你们能这样做,通向新天堂之路就畅通无阻
    If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise;

  • 我们出发时路上车很拥挤,但一会儿就畅通无阻了。
    The road got busy when we started off but was plain sailing after a while.

  • 永宁乡政府到温泉的公路畅通无阻,旅客往来极为方便。
    Hot Springs to Yongning township government road access, the flow of travelers between extremely convenient.

  • 畅通无阻的川藏公路,只不过是西藏公路建设的一个缩影。
    The smooth and unimpeded Sichuan-Tibet Highway is an epitome of the highway construction in Tibet.

  • 炸弹很可能使用手机操控,而手机信号在莫斯科地铁内畅通无阻
    The bombs might have been operated with the use of mobile phones, which work unhindered in the Moscow metro.

  • 思想观念如同人员和商品,跨越大西洋时同样畅通无阻,只是有时会慢些。
    Ideas have crossed the Atlantic as freely as men and merchandise, though sometimes more slowly.

  • 你会被抓住,他们会畅通无阻地追踪王子,猎捕他,捉住他,把他拖回囚牢。
    You would have been caught, and they would have been free to follow the prince, to hunt him down and drag him back to his cell.

  • 庞大的运输队伍,准确,快捷的报关系统,使您的货物在世界各地畅通无阻
    Huge transportation troop, accurate, quick declaration system, unimpededly causes your cargo to be unimpeded in world each place.

  • 1折叠式设计,令开启空间达到最大的限度,使室内外畅通无阻,视野宽阔;
    1 folding design, make open space to the greatest extent, so that indoor and outdoor smooth, broad view;

  • 人流、物流、信息流畅通无阻,为新时期经济发展提供了极为便利的交通条件。
    Flow, logistics, information flow unimpeded for the new era of economic development provides a very convenient transportation conditions.

  • 平时学习,血液总是集中在上半身,而骑马时,你周身的血液却可以畅通无阻
    Usually your blood will concentrate in your upper body, but when you are riding a horse your blood would run across your whole body.

  • 人生辉煌时刻就像在高速路行驶,一路畅通无阻,可是别忘了,高速也是有尽头的啊。
    Life is like in the glorious moment on the highway, all the way unhindered, but do not forget, there is also the end of the high-speed ah.

  • 在法律的帝国里,我们每个人都是国王,我们横行而不霸道、畅通无阻而能心存敬畏;
    In the empire of law, every lawyer is a king, who is at liberty in thinking but never violent in action, we do things intelligently but hold in awe and veneration.

  • 由于手机比个人电脑更为普及,因此,确保手机与她网站的畅通无阻同样也是重中之重。
    Enabling access to her site from mobile phones is also a priority, since they are more widespread than PCs.

  • 中国历来尊重权威,向权力寻求保护,因为只有得到权力的支持或掌握权力才能畅通无阻
    China has historically, respect for authority, the power to seek protection, because without the support of the authority or power to open.

  • 爱也是完美的,它给了我们很大的勇气和信心,让我们充满信心在人生的道路上畅通无阻
    Love is perfect, and it gave us a great deal of courage and confidence, so that our confidence on the road in life unimpeded.

  • 拔掉鼻毛等于撤掉把守呼吸道大门的哨兵,灰尘、细菌可畅通无阻地进入人体,引起人体生病。
    Unplug Hanage equal to dismiss the door guarded by sentinels respiratory tract, dust, bacteria can enter the body unhindered, causing human illness.

  • 香港的优势不胜枚举,如:信息交流平台畅通无阻、竞争环境公平公正,还有政府机构高效务实等等。
    Hong kong has a lot of advantages , including free flow of information , a fair competive environment and an efficient local government .

  • 遗憾的是,学术界呕心沥血所得出的原字读音,拼读汉语借词时畅通无阻,而拼读契丹本民族语词时却处处碰壁。
    Unfortunately, spellings of the original characters by scholars are often failed when we read Khitan words whereas they are usually correct for the spellings of Chinese loan words.

  • 我们真诚地期望着与您的合作,相信以我们的实力与最好的服务加上您的信任必将使您在信息化道路上畅通无阻
    We sincerely look forward to cooperating with you, believe that, with our strength and the best service combined with your confidence will allow you to access information of the road.

  • 但是,随着其他市场不断成熟完善以及资本在全球流动更加畅通无阻,这种牵一发而动全身的影响在以其他的方式传播。
    But as other markets mature and capital moves more fluidly across the globe, the risk of infection spreading the other way grows.

  • 在这种情形下,棘手或非同一般的案件就可能得不到本应给予的注意,使案件审结畅通无阻的压力会盖过正确裁决案件的愿望。
    In this situation, the difficult or unusual case may get less attention than it deserves, and pressure to move cases along may overcome the desire to decide them correctly.

  • 联合国儿童基金会最近呼吁斯里兰卡政府允许援救人员畅通无阻地进入临时难民营,那里有几十万泰米尔人,其中包括妇女和儿童。
    The organization more recently has called for the government to allow unhindered access to aid workers in make-shift camps that house hundreds of thousands of Tamils, including women and children.

  • 为了客户的方便与长远利益,我们提供了三种落盘渠道,包括传统电话、网上交易和音频电话,力保客户落盘渠道有弹性及畅通无阻
    We are here in all means to provide you with flexible, efficient and effective trading channels including traditional telephone calls, internet (e Trade) and IVR (electronic telephone).

  • 这辆威尔•斯密斯汽车在世界任何地方都畅通无阻,但坐上去会叫你感到惶恐不安,片中汽车中途突然换挡,这着实叫观众心惊胆战。
    This Will Smith vehicle did well worldwide, but sat uneasily with many viewers, who found its abrupt change of gears halfway through the movie disconcerting.

  • 有“背景”的人子所以能够左右逢源,畅通无阻,是因为“背景”里面有太多的暗箱操作,有太多见不得人的勾当。(丁国强背景(闲话闲说))
    A person with "background" is one who can succeed one way or another and overcome any obstacles. This is because "background" at its heart has too many.

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