
善始善终  shàn shǐ shàn zhōng








  • 善始善终是做一件事的最大收获。
    the reward of a thing well done is to have done it.

  • 半途而废不成事,善始善终成大业。
    Never do things by halves.

  • 做事踏实认真,尽职尽责,善始善终
    Practical work conscientiously fulfilled its duties, Persist in the end.

  • 四年级办公室:善始善终
    A good beginning makes a good ending.

  • 彼得常常有很多好主意,但他很少善始善终
    Peter always has got a lot of good ideas but he rarely follows them through to completion.

  • 我们还是要坚持这种方法:这是个善始善终的问题。
    Let us insist again on the method: it is a matter of persisting.

  • 本人性格开朗与人处事融洽,对待工作认真负责善始善终
    First of all, I am open-minded, and a lover of making friends, always make any thing be perfect.

  • 据悉,今年北京将有21个房展会,又会有几家能善始善终呢?
    It is learnt that this year will be 21 exhibitions in Beijing will also be several can act in good faith?

  • 不管做什么,大部份人开始时都满怀信心,但却不能善始善终
    No matter what, most people are confident at the beginning, but it can not win.

  • 他才华横溢,只是不能坚持善始善终,更别说干完一份合同的期限。
    He's a brilliant coach, but he just doesn't stick around long enough to finish a job, much less a contract.

  • 本人工作认真负责,善始善终,有较强的进取精神,善于与人沟通!
    Myself work earnestly am responsible, to start well and end well, have a stronger enterprising spirit, is good at linking up with the person!

  • 做事有责任心,善始善终,能迅速的融入新的环境,对生活充满信心。
    Do something responsible, Shanshishanzhong, the rapid integration into the new environment, to life full of confidence.

  • 既然楼巴因市场而起,那善始善终,其消亡过程用市场的手段比较合适。
    As for the market, the Palestinian sky, and then act in good faith in the course of its demise market means more appropriate.

  • 他做每件事善始善终,他的精力过人,他主张做每件事情都要两倍于实需之力。
    He did everything thoroughly, and his energy was such that he made a point of putting into every concern twice as work as it really needed.

  • 本人对待工作认真负责,有上进心,实事求是,善于他人合作,做事善始善终
    I treat the work of a conscientious and responsible, self-motivated and seeking truth from facts, be good at others, do well from start to finish.

  • 不过,他的好斗并不总是善始善终,有时为了点小事大做文章,却不能坚持到底。
    But his aggression is not always channelled to useful ends, and he sometimes talks up a tempest but fails to follow through.

  • 现在是他退休前的最后一次出外任职,他只希望善始善终,所以对一切都慎重行事。
    This was his last tour before retirement; he merely wanted to conclude it without trouble, and thus urged caution upon all.

  • 赛斯克喜欢善始善终。他这个赛季可以更多的投入进攻因为他有了两个帮手来协助防守。
    Cesc likes to be at the start of things and then get on the end of things. And he can push forward more this season because he has two players around him who can defend.

  • 在画廊经理领导下,与展览部的同仁一起进行展览项目管理。善始善终做好展览及相关活动。
    Working alongside the Gallery Manager and Exhibitions team to project manage and deliver a rolling program of exhibitions and events from inception to completion.

  • 做事不能半途而废,或是只做了四分之三,十分之九。如果我决定要做某事了,我就会善始善终
    I can't do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to go all the way.

  • 很多成功人士声称,他们的成功大部分应归功于早期某种习惯的形成,如守时、早起、诚实和善始善终
    Many successful men declare that they owe much of their prosperity to the formation of certain habits in early life, such as punctuality, early rising, honesty, and thoroughness.

  • 他的谦卑善始善终,他要他的骨灰洒向英国伊斯勃恩海湾———那个昔日他与马克思一家愉快度假的地方。
    Self-effacing to the last, he had his ashes scattered off England's coast at Eastbourne—the scene of happy holidays with the Marxes.

  • 她表示,尽管遭到了误解和责难,该局仍要坚持把学习人员组织好,把课教好,做到善始善终,取得预期效果。
    She said, in spite of a misunderstanding and blame, it still insist on the learning organization, the researchers class teaching, and do good to go all the way, to achieve results.

  • 从气泡和身后带出的湍流可以看出她身体所造成的阻力并有一个突然的转向,这不是一个善始善终的出发跳水。
    The resistance created by her physical features and a sudden change in direction can be seen by the bubbles and drag turbulence that follows her. This is not a good follow-through.

  • 天秤很难善始善终,总是很难完成一开始的想法,双子适应能力好,不会介意天秤因为感到无聊而转向做其他事。
    Gemini is so adaptable, they won't mind switching gears on a moment's notice and moving on to something else if Libra gets bored.

  • 不过要是各级政府能够在不妨碍公民人身自由的前提下善始善终地运用这类技术的话,那怕有侵犯隐私之嫌,我也并不十分反对。
    I could almost accept government use of invasive-feeling technologies if such technology were used consistently, by all levels of government, without infringing on civil liberties.

  • 当然目前来看作为卫冕冠军的曼联仍是最热门的球队,何况他们现在还排在第一,但我们本赛季同样发挥出色,因此我们想要善始善终
    Man United will be the favourites because they are the champions and they are at the top of the table, but our team is having a good season and we will try to continue in this way.

  • 为贫困百姓争回血汗钱,使他们的心灵得到慰寄…十余年来,本人诚心苦志,释法为理,所办法律事务善始善终,赢得了各界人士及有关当事人的赞许和肯定。
    got back the sweaty money of poverty people …… During this decade, I am honest and determined, regard the laws as the truth. All my legal affairs started well and ended well approved by my clients.

  • 王勃等人虽然有文才,但气识浮燥浅陋,哪里是享用高官厚爵的材料呢?杨炯气质略微宁静沉稳,应该可以做到县令,其余的几个人能够善始善终就是万幸的了。
    Although the person such as Wang Bo has literary talent, but dry of gas knowledge float is meager, where be to enjoy curule the material of thick the rank of nobility?

  • 一个独来独往的基督徒容易熄灭自己的信仰之火,聚拢在一起能够善始善终。我很喜欢在家庭聚会里发言,即使有不少陌生人在场,我也不感到紧张,乐意热情地表达自己所思所想。
    It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened her character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given her a testimony, has drawn her closer to Him and to people.

  • 善始善终造句相关
