
因噎废食  yīn yē fèi shí








  • 听起来有理,其实是个因噎废食的逻辑。
    These remarks sound reasonable, yet in fact they are quite illogical.

  • 听起来有些理,其实是个因噎废食的逻辑。
    It sounds reasonable but it is actually a fallacy.

  • 你是赞成者之一,认为我们不应该因噎废食
    We should not think of the Internet as only a bad thing.

  • 因噎废食,多么可笑的事情,而我却天天在做。
    Refuse to eat for fear of choking. How funny thing it is, but I do it day after day.

  • 但为了躲避伤病而因噎废食的做法只能是适得其反。
    But to not practice, to not get an injury would be counterproductive.

  • 尽管训练期间有出现死亡事故,但我们不能因噎废食
    Though some deaths happened during the training, we should not give up eating for fear of choking.

  • 不过他说,我努力让自己不要因噎废食,而是做点事。
    However, he said, 'I'm trying to not freak out and just do something.

  • 把谈虎变色,因噎废食用在艾滋病上是再合适不过了。
    Discoloration of the tiger, Yinyefeishi is spent on AIDS will appeal.

  • 如果现在连初级的产品都停止推进了,显然有点因噎废食
    If the present primary product stopped advancing continually, obviously a little gave up eating for fear of choking.

  • 网络已经成为青少年成长道路上的一道坎,“因噎废食”是不可取的。
    It is not advisable to isolate adolescents from Internet because of its bad effects.

  • 我们不能因噎废食,因为美国银行家犯下了错误,就停止自己前进的脚步。
    We can not Yinyefeishi, bankers because the United States had committed an error, to stop their advance on the pace.

  • 华尔街金融海啸给我们留下了很多经验教训,但“因噎废食”绝不该是其中的一条。
    The Wall Street finance Tsunami has left behind many experiences to us, but "gives up eating for fear of choking" should not be.

  • 我国金融机构走出去的步伐应当继续,不可因噎废食,不可因为畏惧风险而止步不前。
    China's financial institutions to go out of the pace should continue, not Yinyefeisi, not because of Fear and risk stalled.

  • 搞改革完全是一件新的事情,难免会犯错误,但我们不能怕,不能因噎废食,不能停步不前。
    Since reform is a brand-new undertaking, mistakes are inevitable. We must not be afraid of making mistakes, and temporary setbacks must not make us abandon the reform and just mark time.

  • 面对个人住房违约高峰的到来,我们绝不能因噎废食,需要采取积极措施,加以遏制和防范。
    face individual housing default peak arrival, we must not fear of running a risk, the need to take positive measures to deter and prevent.

  • 前一种做法显然是“因噎废食”,后一种做法会促使我们进一步加强市场经济的制度环境建设。
    However, if the development of China's real estate market for more people to buy second homes, such a policy is contrary to the laws of the market.

  • 我们不能因噎废食,如果因为反对而反对,如果因为其他一些政治因素而反对,那就是真正意的粪青了。
    We can't just throw out the food because we happened to choke; if you're opposing it just to oppose, or for some other political factors, then you're just a shit punk through and through.

  • 因为,人心会变,感受会变。但是,因为爱会变,就决定因噎废食地不想爱了吗?那未免又太过消极了些!
    Because, heart could be changed. Feeling could be changed. However, because love could be changed, is it a negative idea to decide not to love again?

  • 如果我们不增持是担心中国一旦购买黄金,国际黄金价格就会飞涨,中国不能因这种技术性原因因噎废食
    If we do not worry about China is that once the holdings to buy gold, the international gold price would soar, not China as a result of this Yinyefeishi technical reasons.

  • 从另一个方面讲,我国同样不能就此“因噎废食”,应积极推行证券化创新产品,以便提升银行核心竞争力。
    On the other side of the coin, we can neither throw away the apple because of the core, for the improvement of bank core competencies is our intensive concern significantly.

  • ⑤他还说:“搞改革完全是一件新的事情,难免会犯错误,但我们不能怕,不能因噎废食,不能停步不前。”
    "鈶?He added:" reform is a completely new things, will inevitably make mistakes, but we can not be afraid, Yinyefeishi not and can not stand still. "鈶?

  • 事实上,风险和收益本来就是并存的,防范风险不能因噎废食,规避风险不能以更大的收益的机会成本为代价。
    In fact, they are both risks and benefits, can not stop eating because of a hiccup against risk, not to avoid risks greater gains at the expense of the opportunity cost.

  • “我所接触保罗因噎废食的暴风雪,他说, '我们会不会卖电影的权利,而不是给你的…尤其是不给你的, '”铃透露。
    "I got in contact with Paul Sams of Blizzard, and he said, 'We will not sell the movie rights, not to you…especially not to you, '" Boll revealed.

  • 最近你们学校要举行一次“中学生该不该上网”的讨论。你是赞成者之一,认为我们不应该因噎废食。请根据下表内容写一篇发言篇。
    Therefore, I think it is necessary for them to keep away from lottery stations and concentrate on their studies for now.

  • 最近你们学校要举行一次\“中学生该不该上网\”的讨论。你是赞成者之一,认为我们不应该因噎废食。请根据下表内容写一篇发言篇。
    Therefore, I think it is necessary for them to keep away from lottery stations and concentrate on their studies for now.

  • 熊市里,对基金我们也没有必要因噎废食,“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”,只要用心,好的投资产品、好的投资方法始终会像金子一样闪闪发光的。
    Bear market, the Fund and we do not have the necessary Yinyefeishi, "Once bitten, twice shy" as long as the intentions, good products, good investment approach has always been like shining like gold.

  • 里氏对全球变暖大体上也持怀疑态度,他担心绿色组织今天所倡导的政府政策有朝一日会因噎废食,好比为治疗流鼻血而将止血带缠在人的脖子上。
    Mr Ridley is also generally sceptical about global warming, and worries that government policies advocated by greens today will be like treating a nosebleed by putting a tourniquet around one's neck.

  • 有人把这归因为津晋高速匝道引桥倒塌事故的后遗症,可我倒想问问,如果没有出那档子事,是不是就不会限高?出了事之后连忙限高是不是因噎废食
    Some people attributed this high-speed ramp Approach Jin Jin the aftermath of the collapse, but I do wish to ask the child if not a thing that file, is not it will not be limited to high?

  • 总之,在中小型国有企业中实行管理层收购是利大于弊的,正如著名经济学家吴敬涟说的一样,我们不能“因噎废食”,而只能不断完善法律规章制度,使管理层收购发挥最大效用。
    As a well-known economist Wu Jinglian said, we can not" Stop eating on account of a hiccup ". and constantly improve our laws and regulations, management buyouts greatest effectiveness.

  • 监管机构有能力阻止创新,诚然其中一些确实已经被过分的滥用了,但是因噎废食的矫枉过正,而成了金融世界的卢德分子[注1],那么对于整个经济的破坏力就不会亚于其它行业的同类。
    Regulators can stop innovation, some of which has indeed been abused, but Luddites in finance would do as much harm to the economy as Luddites in anything else.

  • 因噎废食造句相关
