
失之交臂  shī zhī jiāo bì







  • 机会难得, 幸勿失之交臂
    Don't let slip such a golden opportunity.

  • 奔月,纵然失之交臂,也得与群星为伴。
    Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

  • 理想与现实之间的距离,让她与军人失之交臂
    The distance between ideal and reality, allow she and military just miss the opportunity.

  • 而且更重要的是,我们也更容易与胜利失之交臂
    And in important of that, we lose many chance of winner easily, too.

  • 时间、地点、天气错过了一点都会彼此失之交臂
    Time, location, weather missed a little all would each other loses it to hand over arm.

  • 新标准让82位美国亿万富翁与富豪榜失之交臂
    The new threshold meant 82 of America's billionaires didn't make the cut.

  • 如果我是尤文教练,我不会与这样的球员失之交臂
    He is a player who I would not let slip through my fingers.

  • 现在不能再与之失之交臂,我们偏的太远,付出的也太多。
    We cannot let this moment slip away. We have come too far and accomplished too much.

  • 有没有一项技能缺乏或者也许过去曾让你和前进机会失之交臂呢?
    Is there a skill that you lack or that might have previously held you back from advancement opportunities?

  • 玫瑰花与小王子,暧昧的情愫,失之交臂的爱情香气,馀韵迴荡…
    I ought to have guessed all the affection that lay behind her poor little stratagems.

  • 但竞技体育是残酷的,有时一发子弹的偏差就会与奖牌失之交臂
    But sports is cruel, and sometimes the bullet deviation and medals will be missed.

  • 有多少次,因我们无法超越自身的渴望,而与上帝的赐予失之交臂
    How many times do we miss God's blessings because we can't see past our own desires !

  • 最终,麦克拉伦在法国,英国和德国有神勇的表现,却与胜利失之交臂
    Instead, McLaren subsequently raced an Eagle in France, Britain and Germany, although without any success.

  • 钻头可能离油很近,但却失之交臂。而有时钻头可能在很浅处就碰上了油。
    The drill may just miss the oil although it is near. on the other hand, it may strike oil at a fairly high level.

  • 上赛季得冠的机会就在眼前,但与切尔西的一场比赛使我们与冠军荣誉失之交臂
    That chance was there last season and we let it slip through our fingers against Chelsea.

  • 愤世嫉俗者对欧洲的官员任命有这样一条理论:最合格的竞争者往往与官位失之交臂
    CYNICS have a rule about European appointments: the most qualified contenders never get them.

  • 无论你拥有多少,你总是希望拥有更多;满足不过是一种梦想,它永远与你失之交臂
    However much you may acquire you will always wish to acquire more; satiety is a dream which will always elude you.

  • 施瓦辛格长久以来是我们的采访对象,自从上次与他失之交臂后,我们一直期待能专访到他。
    Schwarzenegger has been our "target" for a long time and we have been looking forward to having an interview with him since last time we missed the chance.

  • 疾病、伤痛、爱情、与成功失之交臂,以及彻彻底底的糊涂犯,这些都是对你精神极限的考验。
    Illness, injury, love, lost moments of ture greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul .

  • 爱就像地铁一样执着而真实,就像地铁一样按时来到,只要你在站台耐心地坚持等待,你就不会失之交臂
    It's as gritty and real as the subway, it comes around just as regularly, and as long as you can stick it out on the platform, you won't miss it.

  • 而不事一点,因为无形的乐队是这样一种自然,瞬间可爱,彻底失之交臂的记录,它似乎完全是无礼的敲它。
    Which doesn´t matter a bit, because The Invisible Band is such a natural, instantly lovable, and thoroughly unforced record, it seems completely churlish to knock it.

  • 当我们在1995年和联赛冠军失之交臂,随后的一周内我们在足总杯决赛中失败,那时候我们好像已死之人。
    When we lost the title at West Ham in 1995, we lost the FA Cup final the following week. We were dead then.

  • 没有什么事情比由于自己的过错而没有实现梦想更痛苦,如果上帝不眷恋你,使你和成功失之交臂,那是另一回事。
    There is no pain worse than not achieving a dream when it is your fault. If God did not want you to have it, that is one thing.

  • 网站将每日更新。不过为确保阁下不会跟卓越的摄影做品失之交臂,建议你注册并订阅每周发送的『一周精选』邮件组。
    We'll update the site throughout the day, but to make sure you never miss a great shot, sign up for our weekly "Picks of the Week" E-newsletter.

  • 令克林顿大为恼怒的是,她支持的美国国际开发署署长候选人保罗•法默竟遭到了荒谬的严格审查,最后与该职位失之交臂
    Clinton was particularly irritated by the ridiculously strict vetting process that thwarted her favored candidate for USAID director, Paul Farmer, from getting the job.

  • 此前在城里的时候,有好几次约见都没有成功,我们安排了几次,我的那个另一半也许也带来了亨利,但在关键时刻还是失之交臂
    There had been a few false starts back in the city, events we attended to which my companion might have brought Henry, but at the last minute could not.

  • 在这次比赛中加拿大选手本约翰逊击败了卡尔刘易斯获得了100米金牌。但是两天后却因为被查出服用类固醇药物与金牌失之交臂
    At these Olympics Canadian Ben Johnson beat Carl Lewis for gold in the 100m, but two days later was stripped of his medal for steroid use.

  • 这是丹尼斯的车队,找什么样的车手由他决定,我本来可以拿两次世界冠军,但是由于环境因素的影响我与冠军失之交臂,这是我无法控制的。
    KR: Its Ron's team and up to him who he decides drives for McLaren. I could have been a two-time world champion with McLaren, but things did not work out due to circumstances beyond my control.

  • 尽管圣徒队以一场之差与冠军失之交臂,但可能获胜的想法却很鼓舞人心。许多人曾以为这是「不可能」的,但如今他们开始认为凡事都有可能。
    The Saints fell one game short, but the idea remained enticing. An "impossibility" had so captured the hearts of a people, they began thinking anything was possible.

  • 09赛季与冠军奖杯失之交臂,让利物浦队长感到心伤不已,但他相信,如果下赛季多一些高水平球员加盟,就能够结束对超级联赛桂冠的等待!
    Liverpool's captain is hurting at the club's failure to win a trophy during the 2008/09 campaign but believes a few more quality players could end the wait to take the Premier League title.

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