
孜孜不倦  zī zī bù juàn








  • 孜孜不倦,每天不断学习新事物。
    Learn things. Learn something new every day.

  • 他们还在孜孜不倦地编写那部词典。
    They are still driving away at the dictionary.

  • 孜孜不倦的干劲使我们大家惭愧。
    He perseveres in his work makes us shame.

  • 全球化是奇瑞孜孜不倦的追求目标。
    Globalization is a goal pursued by Chery tirelessly.

  • 尽管他身体不好他仍孜孜不倦地学习。
    Although he is in poor health he still perseveres in his studies.

  • 愿你的追求孜孜不倦,愿你永远学而不厌。
    May you never stop learning for as long as you live.

  • 为了拯救黎民百姓,他孜孜不倦地钻研祖国医学。
    In order to save the people, he tirelessly studied Chinese medicine.

  • 把最诚挚的关心和爱心撒向千家万户,是忠信发孜孜不倦的追求。
    It is our diligent target that brings the best concern and love for thousands family.

  • 在那些年中,他孜孜不倦地学习,用业余时间到大英博物馆读书。
    During those years, he learned diligently, reading in the library of the British museum in his spare time.

  • 按他的话来说,他正在孜孜不倦培育的制度就是世界新秩序的核心。
    The regimes he is so assiduously cultivating are, by this account, the nucleus of a new world order.

  • 自从知识开始被各种方式记载后,人们就开始孜孜不倦的开始追寻。
    The pursuit of information has been a human preoccupation since knowledge was first recorded.

  • “传播生活文化、提升生活品味”是G&E居逸厨柜孜孜不倦的追求目标。
    "Dissemination of culture, lifestyle upgrade" G & E Habitat Yat cabinet tireless pursuit of goals.

  • 挑战极限,力求完美,这是创远企业与生俱来的精神,更是孜孜不倦的行动。
    Pushing on limits and striving for perfection characterize the unwavering spirit of Chuangyuan, and solid actions by Chuangyuan.

  • 我是个在寂静中对期望孜孜不倦的追寻者,日日我皆会登上山顶,向海眺望。
    A seeker of hope in silence as me, climbed the mountain and looked seaward everyday.

  • 他的经验教训,不过是舱内那批孜孜不倦的夜校学生中多数人的经验教训罢了。
    His experience was only the experience of the majority of that industrious night-school in the cabin.

  • 我喜欢你,不仅仅喜欢你的个性,和你在一起的感觉,更喜欢我孜孜不倦探索得来的欢喜。
    Like you, not only like your personality, with you feeling and more like my hard-won joy to explore.

  • 因此,长期以来,我们孜孜不倦地致力于建立企业的产品研发、安全质量、技术服务,诚信机制。
    Therefore, we persist to do our utmost to set up a business system of product research, safe quality, technology service and credit system.

  • 合作创造价值,互利成就未来!我们将一如继往、孜孜不倦,成为广大客商永远值得信赖的伙伴!
    Cooperate create value, mutual benefit construct the future! We will continue and persevere, and became the trustful comrade for all the clients forever!

  • 随著年龄增长,克理斯受此诗的激励,孜孜不倦地辛劳,为要保护珍贵湿地及其钟爱的野生动物。
    When Chris grew up, this poem motivated him to work tirelessly to preserve the precious wetlands and the wildlife he loved.

  • 考古学家孜孜不倦努力的重溯,坚持尽量要让参访的人,能够体会到塔斯马尼亚第一批殖民的原始遗迹。
    Thanks to archaeologists' tireless effort, the preserved remains will give visitors an insight into the history surrounding Tasmania's first colonial establishment.

  • 火箭队努力争抢防守篮板,丢球后拼命的奔跑而且孜孜不倦。这些事情就算没有投失球他们也仍然会去做。
    The Rockets worked hard on the defensive end, flew after loose balls and kept plugging away. These are the things that have remained even when the shots aren't falling.

  • 公司以精益求精的态度、孜孜不倦的追求精神,不断创新、追求完美、跨越无限、与您携手共创美好未来。
    Companies to better attitude and tireless pursuit of the spirit of continuous innovation, striving for perfection, across unlimited, and you work for a better future.

  • 在海洋和森林中的风声赋予我们语言之前的千万年间,我们是在漂泊、徘徊、孜孜不倦地追求着的一群生物。
    We were fluttering, wandering, longing creatures a thousand thousand years before the sea and the wind in the forest gave us words.

  • “用科技创造绿色生活”是我们孜孜不倦的奋斗目标,“信誉为重,质量第一”是我们一贯坚持的经营方针。
    To Build Green Life with Technology is our persistent goal. To Give Priority to Credibility and To Put Quality First is our consistent business policy.

  • 不过,查理自手术后便极尽所能地汲取新知,这样的求知经验促使他在智力退化的情况下仍旧孜孜不倦地学习。
    But Charlie has learned as much as he possibly could since his operation. The experience has motivated him to keep on learning whatever he can.

  • 我非常清楚,由于对各色不义利益孜孜不倦的恋爱,愿说出上述客观结论者凤毛麟角,而假装不信者会呈蜂拥势。
    I know clearly that due to the greed for profit not many people would publicly acknowledge this observation while too many people will just pretend they don't believe it.

  • 她对知识孜孜不倦的追求为她带来了渴望,更重要的是带来了能力,她因此得以发掘并扩展自己身上所显露的天才。
    Her devoted pursuit of knowledge gave her the desire — and, more importantly, the ability — to explore and extend a talent she found in herself.

  • 下一个要说的重要人物是伦敦市有名的富商安德鲁·弗利波特爵士——这是一位具有坚强理智、丰富经验、而又孜孜不倦的事业家。
    The person of next consideration is Sir Andrew Freeport, a merchant of great eminence in the city of London, a person of indefatigable industry, strong reason, and great experience.

  • 孜孜不倦地学习,不断对自己所学的知识提出问题,仔细考虑这些问题并用自己的智慧分析问题。坚持不懈地把你的想法付诸实施!
    Learn avidly! Question what you learned repeatedly. Think them carefully ! Analyze them intelligently! Put what you believe into practise diligently! !

  • 布什说:“他孜孜不倦的工作终于使美国的敌人得到了惩罚并保证美国人民得到了更可靠的安全。今天,我们表彰乔治·约翰·特纳特作为一个优秀的公众服务者和爱国者。”
    "His tireless efforts have brought justice to America's enemies and greater security to the American people, and today we honor a fine public servant and patriot in George John Tenet, " he said.

  • 孜孜不倦造句相关
