
安步当车  ān bù dàng chē








  • 因此失去了放松及安步当车的学习空间。
    Therefore, there was no room for relaxing and learning step by step.

  • 安步当车者赢得比赛。
    Slow and steady wins the race .

  • 车站离这不远,我们还是安步当车吧!好吧?
    The station is not far from here, let's foot it , OK?

  • 每日下班返家,安步当车,也算一种锻炼,一种乐趣。
    Walking back from work everyday is a pleasure as well as an exercise.

  • 她连忙又走上公路,强制自己不慌不忙,安步当车地向前行进。
    And she hurried again into the road, and again constrained herself to walk regularly and composedly forward.

  • 退休以后,老王一到下午,便一个人安步当车,出门逍遥自在去了。
    Every afternoon Lao Wang would take a leisurely walk to enjoy the happiness of a retired life.

  • 如果年过半百,房子最好靠近名牌医院,有个头疼脑热,可以安步当车,免去出租汽车的奢侈。
    if over fifty years, the best houses near the famous hospital, a Toutengnaore to walk rather than ride, from the luxury taxi.

  • 安步当车”这则成语本意是慢慢地步行就当作是坐车,引申的意思是宁肯吃苦受累,不贪图安逸。
    The idiom "an bu dang che" originally means to walk leisurely instead of riding a carriage. It is also used to mean to prefer hardships to comfort and ease.

  • 安步当车,从不搭乘街车,把午饭的钱也省了下来,那些钱积聚起来后,买了一部美国名人传记——后来他做了一椿人们闻所未闻的事。
    He saved his carfares and went without lunch until he had enough money to buy an encyclopedia of American biography - and then he did an unheard-of thing.

  • 安步当车造句相关
