
引人注目  yǐn rén zhù mù







  • 她是个引人注目的人物。
    She is a conspicuous figure.

  • 这个班已有引人注目的进步。
    The class has made noticeable improvement.

  • 大厅里的展品确实看来很引人注目
    The exhibits in the hall certainly look attractive.

  • 对女性来说,腰部是最吸引人注目的部位。
    For women, the waist is the most compelling parts of suction.

  • 当然,一开头医生看起来是个引人注目的人物。
    To begin with , of course, the Doctor does seem an attractive figure.

  • 在这里,布尔代数以最引人注目的方式证明其效用。
    Here, Boolean algebra proves its utility in a most dramatic way.

  • 引人注目的是,这个结构在现代英语中使用得极度频繁。
    What is striking in contemporary English is the great frequency of the construction.

  • 我是最近几天斯坦福桥一道引人注目景观的一部分:足球游客。
    I am part of a visible phenomenon at Stamford Bridge these days: the football tourist.

  • 漂亮而引人注目的东西不一定都善良,但善良的东西总是漂亮的。
    That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

  • 美丽而引人注目的东西不一定都善良,但善良的东西总是美丽的。
    That which is stroking and beautiful is not always good , but that with is good is always beautiful.

  • 超高层建筑在城市空间的主宰以其自身形象创造着引人注目的轮廓线。
    As the domination of city space, ultra high-rise building creat remarkable contour line with its own figure.

  • 那些引人注目的漂亮的东西并不总是好的,而好的东西却总是漂亮的。
    That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

  • 注意,自动制造业者也曾经引人注目地每年都改变式样去保持下滑的需求。
    Note, also, how auto manufacturers once changed styles dramatically from year to year to keep demand from falling.

  • 凯斯蒂文女子文法学校是一座引人注目的红砖房,座落在山顶上,俯瞰城镇中心。
    Kesteven Girls Grammar School was an imposing redbrick building, sitting on a hilltop overlooking the centre of the town.

  • 一些引人注目的例子是集团的可逆线性映射或矩阵,和环的线性映射的向量空间。
    Some striking examples of this are thegroupof invertible linear maps ormatrices, and thereinto linear maps of a vector space.

  • 每个政坛老手都知道掩盖坏消息的最好方法就是同时宣布一个引人注目的好消息。
    EVERY gnarled hack knows that the best way to bury bad news is counter it with a splashy new announcement.

  • 正是这种恐惧,而不是机体的任何病症,正在引人注目地吞噬掉约翰·苏斯的健康。
    This fear it apparently was, rather than any organic disease, which was eating away the health of John South.

  • 在尾部的设计提供了这种由于其特殊的优势和功能的独特概念,特别引人注目的印象。
    The design of the rear end offers a particularly striking impression of this unique concept with its exceptional strengths and features.

  • “哈勃”图像展示了一个复杂的中心区域和一条引人注目的向图像右下对角线方向延伸的尾。
    The Hubble image shows an intricate central region and a striking tail that extends diagonally towards the bottom-right of the image.

  • 引人注目的力拓案件突显出一个事实:在中国,对于什么是国家机密的问题是一个灰色地带。
    The high profile Rio case highlights the fact that in China the issue of what is a state secret is a grey area.

  • 在本世纪五十年代初,通过许多科学家的努力,出现了一种引人注目的器件,叫做微波激射器。
    During the early nineteen-fifties a remarkable device known as the maser came into being through the efforts of a number of scientists.

  • 短短的几年之内,我们今晚将要揭幕的会徽将成为世界上最引人注目、最为人们熟知的标志之一。
    Within a few short years, the emblem we unveil here tonight will become one of the most visible and recognized marks in the world.

  • 事实上,有些国家,其中最引人注目的是瑞士,一直通过在外汇市场出售自己的货币来支持其经济。
    In fact, some countries, most notably Switzerland, have been trying to support their economies by selling their own currencies on the foreign exchange market.

  • 社会企业家精神是解决现今社会问题中一个引人注目的字眼,它甚至被用进了奥巴马政府的管理之中。
    Social entrepreneurship is one of the most alluring terms on the problem-solving landscape today, and is in use even in the new Obama administration.

  • 纵使有这样引人注目的,具体的女孩存在之证据,政府(也)发布坚决的否认,她是任何(异形)形式的混合种。
    Despite this dramatic, concrete evidence of the girl's existence, the government has issued a strong denial that she is any form of hybrid.

  • 或许比这些新方法的引入更为引人注目的是抽象代数的公理化、概念化的方法以及其对整个数学学科的深远影响。
    Perhaps even more striking than the advent of these ideas has been the acceptance of the axiomatic conceptual method of abstract algebra and its pervading influence throughout mathematics.

  • 他说“非常引人注目的结果”是——今天科学杂志网上出版——说明基因组相关研究在寻找疾病相关差异基因的力量。
    He said the "ery compelling results" -- published online today by Science -- show the power of genome-wide association studies in finding genetic variations associated with disease.

  • 如果你打算提出一个引人注目的有益的开端,就不应该是强硬的态度。举例来说,作为一个开头,先填一下下面的空格。
    It really isn't that tough to come up with a compelling, benefit-loaded opening, if you try. For example, fill in these blanks for an initial call.

  • 在自然界模式。一只项链海星休息在一个暗礁在所罗门群岛。亚种的引人注目地海星是经鉴定由不同的盘覆盖它们的背侧面。
    A necklace sea star rests on a reef in the Solomon Islands. Subspecies of this striking sea star are identified by differences in the plates that cover their dorsal side.

  • 其中,中远房地产旗下的“远洋天地”及“远洋风景”作为北京唯一的的两个参展项目,颇为引人注目,吸引了大量的消费者。
    The Cosco real estate under the "ocean world" and "ocean scenery" as Beijing only two exhibition projects come in the limelight, attracting a large number of consumers.

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