
三足鼎立  sān zú dǐng lì







  • 中国通信业局面已经是三足鼎立之势。
    The Chinese telecommunication industry situation of tripartite confrontation is already.

  • 金融街能使北京房地产市场三足鼎立吗?
    Beijing Finance Street will enable the real estate market the confrontation among three forces?

  • 6月20日的一项民意调查显示出一种三足鼎立的态势。
    June 20 poll had the race a three-way dead heat.

  • 此外,政府管制政策是不是得当也决定着三足鼎立是否能持续。
    In addition, is the government regulation policy appropriate was also deciding the tripod stands whether can continue.

  • 集团已形成了商业系统、工业系统和投资系统“三足鼎立”的企业架构;
    The Group has formed the enterprise structure that commercial system, industrial system, investment system each gains a firm foothold.

  • 只有到2008年,我们将能看到网坛到底是二分天下,还是三足鼎立
    Only 2008 will reveal if two is company, three a crowd.

  • 未来全球货币体系,应当形成以美元、欧元、人民币三足鼎立的支撑架构。
    For the future global currency system, the architecture with three pillars of US Dollar, Euro and RMB yuan is recommended.

  • 据了解,国开投自成立以来,实业、服务业、国有资产经营“三足鼎立”。
    It is understood that voted to open the country since its inception, the industrial, services, state-owned assets management, "the three pillars."

  • 不过,随着技术进步和用户需求变化,三足鼎立的局面能维持多久还不好说。
    However, along with the technology advancement and the user's needs change, how long also not flattery the tripod vertical aspect can maintain.

  • 保定市位于河北省中西部,西依太行山,东抱白洋淀,与京、津呈三足鼎立
    Baoding, Hebei Province is located in the Midwest, West, according to the Taihang Mountains, the East holds Baiyangdian, with Beijing, Tianjin was tripod.

  • 一般认为我国传统文化呈儒、道、佛三足鼎立之势,亦有学者持儒、道互补说。
    It is generally believed that our traditional culture is made up of three parts that are the Confucianism, the Taoism and the Buddhism.

  • 但现在库伊特,俨然让利物浦进球由“二分天下”变成了“三足鼎立”的局面。
    But storehouse Iraq is now special, just like let Liverpool score point turned "the tripod stood" the aspect by "two point world".

  • 目前,工厂已基本形成军品、燃气计量表、燃气壁挂炉“三足鼎立”的发展态势。
    At present, the factory has form common development situation at three aspect, munitions, gas measure Meter, gas hanging stove.

  • 经过多年的市场角逐,当前我国润滑油市场已形成“三足鼎立”的基本竞争格局。
    After years of market competition, has become China"s current lubricants market, "the confrontation among three forces" of the basic competition pattern.

  • 根据行业预测,到2020年,美国、欧洲、中国纸张消费水平将呈三足鼎立之势。
    According to industry forecasts, to 2020, the United States, Europe, China paper consumption level off tripartite confrontation trend.

  • 可能会形成一个三足鼎立(三雄称霸)的局面,两名民主党和一名共和党总统候选人。
    There is a possibility of a three-cornered fight, with two Democratic presidential candidates and one Republican.

  • 目前三种研究模式“三足鼎立”,但未来的发展是以“法学模式”引领航向已初现端倪。
    The three study modes co-exist at present with indications of the "jurisprudence mode" leading the way for future development.

  • 该院走出了一条以地质找矿为龙头,工程勘察、桩基工程并举,多种经营三足鼎立的发展道路。
    With geological prospecting as its main business, combining with engineering exploration, pile foundation engineering and other diversified economy, the institute makes a progress on the road.

  • 另外,希拉里也能把本来反克林顿系的左翼为其所用,形成与疯狂左派和狂躁右派的三足鼎立
    Mrs Clinton may also be able to use left-wing anti-Clintonism to her advantage—triangulating between the crazed left and the foaming right.

  • 有人说,如今广州商业中心可以分为三大板块,成“三足鼎立”之势:一块为北京路与中山五路一带;
    Some say that now can be divided into three major commercial center in Guangzhou plate, as "the confrontation among three forces" on the rise : a Beijing Road and Zhongshan directions area;

  • 划分原则的不同使得抒情诗的概念和地位发生了重大改变,由被排斥到与史诗、戏剧形成三足鼎立之势。
    The different of compartmentalize principle leads to great change of concept and status of lyric, from be excluded to on tripartite confrontation with epopee and drama.

  • 唐诗艺术特征之形成、唐诗之繁荣与其使用的近体、古诗、乐府体三足鼎立的体裁系统存在密切的关系。
    The shaping of artistic characteristics and prosperity of the Tang poetry are closely related to its system of three dominant styles, current style, classic style and Yuefu style.

  • 完成后格力集团将绝对控股,并成功将地产业务置入,为其做大地产业务,实现主业三足鼎立埋下伏笔。
    Upon completion of Gree Group will be holding an absolute, and successfully into the real estate business, expand its real estate business, the main achievement of the three pillars paving the way.

  • 唐诗艺术特徵之形成、唐诗之繁荣与其使用的近体、古诗、乐府体三足鼎立的体裁系统存在密切的关系。
    The shaping of artistic characteristics and prosperity of the Tang poetry are closely related to its system of three dominant styles, current style, classic style and Yuefu style.

  • 国内部分企业的做法削弱了整个国内高端品牌的市场竞争,因而形成了美系、日系、欧系产品三足鼎立的局面。
    The domestic partial enterprise's procedure weakened the entire domestic high-end brand market competition, thus has formed US is, the date is, Europe is the product tripod vertical aspect.

  • 汉派文化是一种包容性、融合性、更新性极强的文化,上世纪前半叶曾与京派文化、海派文化形成三足鼎立之势;
    Wuhan-style culture has an extremely high degree of inclusiveness, mergence and renewal. During the first half of the last century, it form a trilogy with those of the shanghai and the Beijing styles.

  • 目前全球石油化工工业发展呈现出以下新特点:一是世界石化工业形成美亚欧三足鼎立格局,亚太在三足中的地位将进一步提升;
    The pattern of three legs of the tripod is formed for world petrochemical industry and position of Asia-Pacific is improving.

  • 思变创新,发展之路漫漫,企业的经营规模日益增大,资本扩张稳步加速,实现了军、民、三产三足鼎立,全面、协调、持续发展。
    Pursuing changes bring innovations and the road of development is long. The scale of the enterprise has been largely increasing and the capital expansion is speeding up steadily.

  • 然而仅凭这些就断定伊拉克注定要陷入新的战争,出现什叶派、逊尼派和库尔德三足鼎立的局面,抑或是变成其波斯湾邻国(伊朗)的附庸国,也太过悲观了。
    And yet to predict that Iraq is therefore destined to collapse into new chaos, or split into Shia, Sunni and Kurdish fragments, or become a satellite of its Persian neighbour, is too pessimistic.

  • 20世纪上半叶是中国社会发生巨变和转型的时期。在百花齐放、百家争鸣的思潮激荡之际,思想文化界形成了马克思主义、自由主义、保守主义三足鼎立的格局。
    In the first half of the 20th century, great transition and change took place in China, and the circle of ideology and culture formed the tripartite structure of Marxism, liberalism, conservatism.

  • 三足鼎立造句相关
