
与世无争  yú shì wú zhēng







  • 一种属牛,与世无争,只管干活;
    A case of cattle, Like, just to work;

  • 一个内心浪漫、与世无争的女人。
    A romantic and simple woman.

  • 风和日丽,与世无争,尽享那份宁静。
    Feel the calmness on a quiet sunny day.

  • 他的确是一个与世无争和谦虚纯朴的人。
    He is emphatically a retiring and unassuming man.

  • 与世无争地捆绑在一起,分享精神与思想。
    Bound together in some unworldly way, sharing a spirit or so the like.

  • 我的行为准则是与世无争,漠视名誉地位;
    Like the code of conduct is, to ignore the status of honorary;

  • 直到有一个人对我说:与世无争,这是你的缺点。
    Until one person said to me: madding crowd, this is your shortcomings.

  • 我是个与世无争的妇人,并不多管闲事,这难道有假?
    Am I not a harmless middle-aged woman who minds her own business?

  • 妳的生活达到了一种宁静的境界,淡泊名利、与世无争
    You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth.

  • 你的生活达到了一种宁静的境界,淡泊名利、与世无争
    You have really lived your life which now arrives atacomplacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth.

  • 他脾气随和,与世无争,妻子责骂,充耳不闻,甚至溜之大吉。
    His temper is friendly, having no with a life time to contend for, the wife calls down, ignoring, even absquatulating.

  • 他脾气随和,与世无争,妻子责骂,充耳不闻,甚至溜之大吉。
    His temper easygoing, wife abuse, turned a deaf ear, even.

  • 乐观的心态来自宽容,来自大度,来自善解人意,来自与世无争
    Optimistic attitude from tolerance, from the generous, from the understanding, from Like.

  • 生活在自己熟悉的环境之中与世无争,安享天年又有什么不好呢?
    Isn't it good to live in a familiar environment aloof and enjoy the rest of life?

  • 一种近乎手写的字体将会传达出一个公司的人文导向、与世无争、低调前行的形象。
    A typeface that seems almost hand written will convey a company's people-oriented, unthreatening, low-key identity.

  • 我找到了猿人的拖车。它让我想起了那些逍遥自在的日子,与世无争,过着牧羊人的生活。
    I find The Simian's trailer and it reminds me of my own salad days living out of an Airstream making money hand over fist as a freelance sheepherder.

  • 一个与世无争的老人,一片无垠无际的蓝海,一个巧然而至的倩影,一个稍纵即逝的回忆。
    An old man of calm, a ocean of boundless, a glimps of charm, a sanpshot of memory.

  • 公会成员信奉一种与世无争的生活方式, 同时也尽力与(剩下的一点点)大自然和谐共处。
    Their way of life is a simple one, based on harmony with each other and (what's left of) nature, and they do whatever they can to spread this message across the globe.

  • 你可能认为安分守己、与世无争是明智之举,而实际上往往被怯懦的面具窒息了自己鲜活的生命。
    When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate yourself. When you are going downhill you tend to underestimate yourself.

  • 你可能认为安分守己、与世无争是明智之举,而实际上往往被怯懦的面具窒息了自己鲜活的生命。
    It's likely that you think it wise for yourself to know your place and stay aloof from worldly wearing a mask of cowardice, behind which the flow of sap in your life will be retarded.

  • 霍里是一位非常好的角色球员,与世无争,却通过自己的关键时刻投篮命中获得了“关键先生”的称号。
    Horry is just a good role player. Plain and simple. However, the guy has made a name for himself as one of the biggest shot makers with the game on the line.

  • 携手那凛冽的风,飘零的雪,经营着侵人心骨的季节,全然一副与世无争的样子,不必中庸,不必流连。
    Hand in hand and that cold wind, and scatter snow, runs invade people's minds bone season, looked completely a madding crowd, without moderation, do not linger.

  • 他们的跑法也特别,四六步儿不快不慢,低着头,目不旁视的,贴着马路边儿走,带出与世无争,而自有专长的神气。
    running is special too. Going at a fair speed, head lowered, looking neither to right nor left, they hug the side of the road, seemingly indifferent to the world yet supremely self-assured.

  • 那个老太太已经年届七十,孤身住在雅典城郊——与世无争的日子,只有她本人和她的三只猫一同住在一间一室户的公寓里。
    She was seventy years old and lived alone in a small suburb of Athens - a quiet sort of life, just her and her three cats in a small one-room apartment.

  • 在四川卧龙美丽而茂密的大森林里,我们和我们的家族过着与世无争、和平安宁的生活…希望这样的快乐生活能一直持续下去。
    In the dense forest in Wolong, we live a peaceful and happy life together. And we hope it will last forever.

  • 他们知道这个托钵僧是一个老老实实、与世无争的人,是一个自己心中从不想伤害别人而且认为别人也跟他-'样没有恶意的人。
    They knew the Dervise to be an honest, inoffensive man, and one who thought of no more harm in others than he had in himself.

  • 刺猬就不行了,它又蠢又笨,不但走起路来慢慢腾腾,而且稍有风吹草动,它就像个与世无争的胆小鬼,马上把身体蜷缩起来“装死”。
    But nothing good happened to the hedgehog because he was dumb, clumsy and tardy and he usually cringed to pretend death at the drop of a hat like a reclusive coward.

  • 然而,那天晚上最引人注目的人物是由乔安娜扮演的贝林的妻子,她以与世无争的表情,加上她那刚刚开始消退的美貌,攫住了观众的想象力。
    The highlight of the evening, however, is Joanna Burling's wife, who seizes the imagination of the audience with her mixture of resignation and attractiveness that is just beginning to fade .

  • 然而,那天晚上最引人注目的人物是由乔安娜扮演的贝林的妻子,她以与世无争的表情,加上她那刚刚开始消退的美貌,攫住了观众的想象力。
    The highlight of the evening, however, is Joanna Burling's wife, who seizes the imagination of the audience with her mixtur of resignation and attractiveness that is just beginning to fade.

  • 在克隆人战争期间,一座分离主义基地和一座共和国基地——格利德站——被愤怒的塔尔兹人捣毁。塔尔兹人想在他们的星球过与世无争的生活。
    During the Clone Wars, a Separatist outpost and a Republic base -- Glid Station -- were wiped out by angry Talz who wished to be left alone on their world.

  • 与世无争造句相关
