
丢三落四  diū sān là sì







  • 把你娶媳妇应办的事早些料理料理, 免得到时丢三落四的。
    You should make preparations in good time for your own wedding. We don't want to find, when the time comes, that we've forgotten this, that and the other.

  • 哦,我似乎每次旅行都要丢三落四
    Oh, I seem to lose something every time I travel.

  • 你那儿子丢三落四又把钥匙给忘了。
    They scared him into handing over the keys.

  • 你那儿子丢三落四又把钥匙给忘了。
    son has forgotten his key again.

  • 你那儿子丢三落四又把钥匙给忘了。
    Your scatty son has forgotten his key again.

  • 因上了年纪他变得丢三落四的。
    He became absent-minded with age.

  • 小主人是个丢三落四的人。
    Master is a forgetful person.

  • 不知道最近是怎么了,总是丢三落四的。
    I don't know what's wrong with me recently.

  • 最近我总是丢三落四的。
    I"ve been forgetful lately."

  • 最近我总是丢三落四的。
    I have been forgotten lately.

  • “看你,总是丢三落四的。”伯爵夫人说。
    "To be sure, he always mislays everything, " said the countess.

  • 我最近总是丢三落四的。
    I recently always lose something.

  • 最近我总是丢三落四的。
    presently, I always lose things and forgetful.

  • 我最近总是丢三落四
    I've been forgetful lately.

  • 小昭常常丢三落四的,大家常常帮他找东西。
    Xiao Zhao is always forgettable. We usually look for different stuff for him.

  • 丢三落四”的人基本上都是做事情缺乏条理。
    "Forgetful" people are basically doing things incoherent.

  • 你老是丢三落四的。
    You are always leaving something.

  • 虽然她个子矮小,有点丢三落四的,但十分喜爱一切动物。
    Small and slightly scatterbrained she was in love with the animal world.

  • 他老是这么丢三落四的。你看,又把房门钥匙锁在屋子里了。
    Look, he's locked his key inside his room again.

  • 他老是这么丢三落四的。你看,又把房门钥匙锁在屋子里了。
    he's so scatterbrained . Look, he's locked his key inside his room again.

  • 我们出外旅行时,将路上需要的东西都一应俱全的准备好,没有丢三落四
    When preparing the necessary stuff for traveling, we should package all items well, and make sure there is nothing missed.

  • 有一天,丢三落四的我把你的电话号码丢了,心就空了一整天,冷了一天。
    One day, I Diusanlasi's your phone number lost heart on the air throughout the day, cold day.

  • 在这个学期里,我打算好好学习,认真学好各棵,做到不马虎,不丢三落四
    In this semester in, I plan like study, learn very each hard, attain not careless, don't throw three fall four.

  • 我都不敢相信。你怎么老是这么丢三落四。但不管怎样我们还得冷静地想个办法。
    I can't believe it. You are always so careless. Anyhow let's calm down and try to figure things out.

  • 不知道是由于感冒的原因,还是太忙碌了,最近做事老是丢三落四的,而且异常的健忘。
    I am becoming more and more forgetful recently, maybe for my cold or busy work. It's hard to believe my age gets too old enough and memory gets worse, and my splendid life is just coming on its way.

  • 我,在老师的眼里,是一个粗心的小马虎,每天丢三落四,所以,老师叫我“小马虎”。
    I am a careless pony tiger in the teacher's eyes and throw everyday three fall four, so, the teacher calls my"pony tiger".

  • 他们非常没有条理,经常丢三落四,忘记衣物,鞋子之类的东西,而且头发也始终蓬乱不堪。
    They are very disorganized and also often missing items of clothing, shoes, and often have badly managed hair.

  • 他认识到,他还没有完全镇定下来,因为他将面包圈忘在了酒吧里,他不是一个丢三落四的男人。
    He was still not quiet himself, he realized, because he had left his coffee ring at the bar, and he was not a man who forgot things.

  • 总的来说,我们需要注重产品的配套性和专业性,避免因丢三落四、二次购买而浪费时间和资源的情况发生。
    As a whole, the sex of form a complete set that we need to notice a product and professional, because the forgetful, circumstance that be bought 2 times and wastes time and resource happens, avoid.

  • 学生穿鞋特点是烂得快,轻易丢三落四。针对以上特点,在学校集中地区开学生用鞋专卖店,生意会相当不错。
    Be aimed at above characteristic, in school concentration the area opens a student to use shoe brand shop, the business is met perfectly.

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