
临危受命  lín wēi shòu mìng




三国蜀·诸葛亮《前出师表》:“ 受任于败军之际,奉命于危难之间。”



  • 当时我临危受命,跟你一样,我们都是战士。
    I was under orders, just the same as you. We're both soldiers.

  • 然而,更多的是伴随着阴云笼罩、风暴将至的临危受命
    Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms.

  • 临危受命”被业内普遍认为是柳传志出山的根本原因。
    "Dying receives orders " by the considers as Liu Chuanzhi generally to give mountain prime cause inside course of study.

  • 当奇才的前场再出现伤病时,这位年轻人将是临危受命的不二选择。
    This production makes the youngster waiver wire gold should an injury occur along Washington's front line.

  • 至于党龄只有三年,临危受命担任民进党主席的蔡英文当然就更不行了。
    As for the only party standing for three years, the danger was appointed as chairman of the DPP's Tsai Ing-wen, of course, more to die.

  • 临危受命,在条件不利的情况下,任职仅一年多,便取得王江泾大捷。
    He received orders in face of danger. Under disadvantageous circumstance, he planned and achieved the great victory of Wang Jiang-jing within the following year.

  • 欧巴马在就职演讲中说,他是临危受命,并号召美国人民帮助他迎接挑战。
    In his inaugural address, Mr. Obama acknowledged that he is taking office at a time of crisis, and asked Americans to help him confront the challenges.

  • 而王岐山因多次临危受命,拥有多次“救火经历”,被誉为“救火队长”。
    Wang and repeatedly ordered to remain, with many "fire-fighting experience, " as the "fire captain.

  • 奥巴马在就职演说中说,他是临危受命,并号召美国人民帮助他迎接挑战。
    Obama acknowledged that he is taking office at a time of crisis, and asked Americans to help him confront the challenges.

  • 奥巴马在就职演说中说,他是临危受命,并号召美国人民帮助他迎接挑战。
    In his inaugural address, Mr. Obama acknowledged that he is taking office at a time of crisis, and asked Americans to help him confront the challenges.

  • 但事情还是要解决的,其中研发部副总,也是一位创业伙伴临危受命,兼任其职。
    But the matter needs to solve, research and development department vice-always, is also an undertaking partner is ordered, to hold a concurrent post of its duty on the point of death.

  • 其实,从2001年初临危受命以来,倔强甚至有些固执的陈忠和的执教就饱受争议。
    In fact, from early 2001 has been ordered to remain, and even some stubborn stubborn coach Chen Zhonghe on the controversial war.

  • 屠夫临危受命出任先发,平均每场打30分钟,场均拿下11分6个篮板还有2个盖帽。
    Ronny put up solid numbers as he was now starting and playing 30 minutes a game while averaging 11 PPG, 6 RBG, and 2 BPG.

  • 在英军濒临崩溃之际,1942年8月蒙哥马利正式接管英国第八集团军临危受命接任司令。
    British troops in the verge of collapse when, in August 1942 Montgomery formally take over the British 8th army group commander critical appointed successor.

  • 作为自罗斯福以来首位就任时国家同时面临经济危机与对外战争的总统,奥巴马可谓临危受命
    S. president. As has been the first since Roosevelt took office at the same time when the country is facing economic crisis and the external war president, Obama can be ordered danger.

  • 作为自罗斯福以来首位就任时国家同时面临经济危机与对外战争的总统,奥巴马可谓临危受命
    As has been the first since Roosevelt took office at the same time when the country is facing economic crisis and the external war president, Obama can be ordered danger.

  • “年轻人”,智慧老人说,“如果你想成为真正的伟人,你必须要藐视死亡,必须敢于临危受命。”
    "Young man", he wise man said, "if you want to be truly great, you must not be scared of dying, you must be daring.

  • 关键时刻,陈云同志临危受命,坐镇上海,在全新的领域与陌生的对手展开了惊心动魄的生死较量。
    The moment of truth, dying of Comrade Chen Yun receives orders, shanghai of assume personal command, the have a contest of life and death of soul-stirring launched in brand-new domain and new rival.

  • 但股东们却不再增资扩股,集团公司实际上成了留守,用贾海江的话说,自己是临危受命,苦撑残局。
    But shareholders are no longer their effect, the company has become the team with Jia Hai Jiang as saying that he is ready down, thus mess.

  • 一座历经沧桑、巍然屹立的老体育馆,见证着重病在身、时日无多、临危受命的教练许峰辉煌的时刻。
    An experienced vicissitudes of life, stands firmly in the old stadium to witness focus on disease in body, time is running out, stepped in to coach Xu Feng glorious moment.

  • 朱镕基临危受命,要打破“铁饭碗”的旧识,并且改革先前的计划经济,将其引入全球化的竞争体系当中。
    Zhu was tasked with breaking the "iron rice bowl" and reforming the previously planned economy into a globally competitive one.

  • 埃辛和费雷拉临时搭档中卫,像上次在斯坦福桥临危受命一样(对埃弗顿),布里奇出人意料的出任左边前卫。
    Michael Essien and Paulo Ferreira formed a makeshift central defensive pair and Bridge an unorthodox winger due to a selection crisis at Stamford Bridge.

  • 1928年他当选为纽约州州长。1932年,在美国经济危机的风口浪尖之时,他临危受命担负起了总统的职责。
    In 1928 he was elected governor of New York and in 1932, at the height of America's economic crisis, he was elected president.

  • 作为自1932年以来首位当选时国家面临经济萧条和对外战争双重挑战的美国总统,奥巴马称得上“临危受命”。
    Since, as the first election since 1932 when the country is facing economic depression and war, external dual challenge of President of the United States, Obama called "ordered to remain."

  • 新的CEO将代替雅虎的共同创办人杨致远。杨致远在是2007年6月临危受命,近来由于未能让公司扭亏为盈而备受攻击。
    The new CEO will replace Yahoo! co-founder, Jerry Yang, who assumed the position in June 2007 and has since come under fire for failing to turn around the company.

  • 希拉里奥也忙不迭地感谢切尔西的球迷,在十月份冠军杯对阵巴萨罗那前临危受命的他以那场比赛的表现赢得了支持者们的肯定。
    Hilario is also keen to pay tribute to the Chelsea fans, who have taken to the goalkeeper after he was called in as a last minute stand-in for the Champions League match with Barcelona in October.

  • 尽管已经35岁高龄,但是他在防守上仍然宝刀未老,本赛季斯科特尔受伤的情况下,他临危受命,他在场的表现拿到球迷的3%的选票。
    Despite his age, the 35-year-old proved he'd lost none of the old defensive magic when called upon by Rafa Benitez this campaign - and his performances earned him three per cent of your vote.

  • 亨利八世掌权时期,整个欧洲大陆笼罩在政治阴谋的浓雾之中,玩家临危受命,充当亨利八世的耳目,来到一个充满欺骗、阴谋、谋杀和背叛的世界。
    When King Henry VIII asks you to be his eyes and ears in Europe, you are drawn into a world of deception and murder.

  • 以王歧山为例,人们普遍认为,2003年他在非典(SARS)疫情爆发之际临危受命担任北京市长后,领导北京市对这一重大疫情作出了成功应对。
    Wang, for example, is widely credited with improving the response to the SARS outbreak in 2003 after he was installed to replace a Beijing mayor who had botched the effort.

  • 几个男孩(临危受命)二话不说,拼尽全力撒腿狂奔去搬救兵了,但心里还是希望泰勒夫人在他们回来之前别醒来,否则她会施魔法将女孩们变成青蛙的。
    The boys did not need another excuse to leave. They ran as fast as thy could for help, hoping that Mrs. Tailor would not wake and turn the girls into frogs.

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