
倾家荡产  qīng jiā dàng chǎn








  • 他的粗心大意几乎使他倾家荡产
    His carelessness brought him to the brink of ruin.

  • 但是我们投资,几乎都要倾家荡产
    But we invest, nearly all must lose everything!

  • 结果就是倾家荡产也无法治疗。
    Result is that the treatment can not go bankrupt.

  • 失业加上长期的疾病,使他倾家荡产
    Unemployment and lingering disease cooperated to make his family broken.

  • 他不得不倾家荡产,无法重新开始了。
    He had to be sold out and was unable to make a fresh beginning.

  • 他们认为人们不应该为了看病而倾家荡产
    They figured that people shouldn't have to file for bankruptcy because they got sick.

  • 但这类珍品的高价也足以让收藏者倾家荡产
    The prices commanded by such rarities have driven some collectors into ruin.

  • 要感谢爸爸和阿姨:感谢你们倾家荡产支持我来美国。
    Thanks to my father and my step-mother. You spend all money on making my American dream come true.

  • 在西方国家里,许多人家都在证券交易所中倾家荡产
    In the western countries. many a family fortune has been gambled away on the Stock Exchange.

  • 我的那些孩子们可真能吃,他们会把我吃得倾家荡产的。
    Those children of mine have an appetite; they will eat me out of house and home.

  • 其总数几乎达两万英镑,如果要我赔偿,非倾家荡产不可。
    They amounted to near twenty thousand pounds, which to pay would have ruined me .

  • 东尼想要买部新的宾士轿车,即使他知道他付那笔钱会倾家荡产
    Tony wants to buy a new Mercedes-Benz, even though he knows he'll have to break the bank to pay for it.

  • 我觉得价钱都不是问题了,这张碟太珍贵了,让我倾家荡产我都要买。
    Never frown even when you are sad, because you never know who will fall in love with your smile.

  • 你虽然激动我加害他,无端叫他倾家荡产,但他依然保持自己的完善。
    He still holds fast to his integrity even if you provoked me to ruin him without cause.

  • 却挡不住电火和冰雹的突破,更有黑雨倾家荡产盆而下!呵,听我的歌!
    Of vapoursr, from whose solid atmosphere Black rain, and fire , and hail will burst :oh, hear!

  • 乔治一生干尽了叫人倾家荡产的坏事,很难相信他竟能心安理得地睡大觉。
    It is difficult to believe that George can sleep the sleep of the just seeing that his life is spent in ruining people financially .

  • 爱泼斯坦担心医疗费用可能使他们倾家荡产,于是为这一家的困境四处宣传。
    Epstein, worried that their medical expenses might bankrupt them, sought publicity for the family's plight.

  • 吉卜赛人大发牢骚,抱怨说,这样的买卖要是再做几宗,他就要倾家荡产啦。
    The gipsy grumbled frightfully, and declared if he did a few more deals of that sort he'd be ruined.

  • 尽管在次贷危机中有人倾家荡产身无分文,但显然其依旧在政治选举中握有一票。
    Although some people loses everything the stony broke in the loan crisis, but it holds as before obviously in the political election a ticket.

  • 许多进行过装修的人都用:“精疲力竭”、“倾家荡产”、“剥皮吐血”来形容自己的感受。
    Many people have been using the decoration : "exhausted", "go bankrupt" and "skinned point that he spit" to describe his feelings.

  • 神父不得已之下倾家荡产筹钱集合了一支雇佣军,恳求兰博能带领他们救回落难的传教人员。
    News soon reaches the minister in charge of the mission and with the help of Ed Baumgartner he employs Rambo to lead a rescue effort.

  • 监狱中的黄光裕已经倾家荡产,他公司的股票一直停牌,而他香港的律师和会计师们试图挽救公司的命运。
    While he sits in detention, lawyers and accountants in Hong Kong try to save the company, whose shares remain suspended.

  • 但是侯克杰确实对高保真到了痴迷程度,他把公司都卖了、倾家荡产去研究,这种研究的态度我是很佩服的。
    However, Hou Kejie does high-fidelity to the obsession of the extent to which he brought the company that sold it, completely wiped out to study, such research attitude I very much admire.

  • 那时的一些大胆的论断最终被证实是正确的。大约有将近1兆的资产被耗费殆尽,许多投资者甚至倾家荡产
    Some of the wild claims made at the time proved to be justified eventually, but not before around $1 trillion of value had been destroyed and many investors had lost their shirts.

  • 这回,他可真是倾家荡产了,真可怜。他把所有的钱都投资在一家豪华的餐馆里,而这家餐馆不久前倒闭了。
    He's lost his shirt, the poor guy -- invested all his money in a fancy restaurant and it just went out of business.

  • 美国的法律是严格禁止种族歧视的,包括你的语言和行为,一旦触犯了条例,被人家告了,很可能会倾家荡产
    U. S. law is strictly prohibited racial discrimination, including your language and behavior that once violated the regulations, people have been reported, is likely to go bankrupt.

  • 在同胞们受到山洪的侵袭、地震的伤害时,不需要你倾家荡产地去捐助几十万,只需要你献出一份能够承受的爱心。
    In compatriots hit by the flash floods, earthquake damage, do not need you to the earth and hundreds of thousands of donors, you only need to give a can withstand the love.

  • 前阵子曾看到新闻报导,没想到昨天在台北街头遇见了这位妈妈,来台湾有一段时间,倾家荡产不放弃的在街头寻找著自己的孩子。
    The news about this lady was reported on TV. I can't believe I saw her on a street in Taipei . She had gone bankruptcy just to look for her child .

  • 如果将钱分别投资在不同领域(即使投资手段单一,也要多买几种股票),这样,即使某家公司或某一行业出现问题,也不致让你赔得倾家荡产
    If your money is spread out, at least over a variety of stocks if not a variety of investment instruments, then a problem in a particular company or industry won't wipe you out.

  • 在这儿,在这个新的国度里,置地可以脱离在他离开的那片土地上的双重风险——一是让人倾家荡产的赋税,二是随时都会被突然没收——他想拥有它们。
    And here in this new country, safe from the twin perils of the land he had left——taxation that ate up crops and barns and the ever-present threat of sudden confiscation——he intended to have them.

  • 倾家荡产造句相关
