
动人心魄  dòng rén xīn pò







  • 这场比赛无疑是动人心魄的。
    It is sure to be an extremely exciting race.

  • 动态的暗黑套装动人心魄
    Dark suits the dynamics of moving spirits.

  • 一颦一笑都那么的动人心魄,让人难舍难忘。
    A frown a smile are so captivating, people Nanshe memorable.

  • 情,是甜蜜的,是动人心魄的,是醉人灵魂的。
    The feeling is sweet, is a moving heart soul of, inebriate person's soul.

  • 高圆圆安全区教会老师的造型显露成熟气质,最后一回眸动人心魄
    high security zone round the Church Teacher sophisticated modeling to show the temperament, the last one moving spirits Review;

  • 无论是揭示人物内心世界的独舞、双人舞和动人心魄的群舞,都很有光彩。
    The solo dance, pas de deux and the group dance were all brilliant.

  • 这样的典雅尊贵绝对不是黄金色所能够比拟的,而是能够动人心魄的灵动。
    Such a distinguished elegance is not able to match the color of gold, but moving to Smart's spirits.

  • 一度强大的玛雅文明在暴烈统治即将结束时,上演了一场动人心魄的冒险行动。
    A heart stopping mythic action-adventure set against the turbulent end times of the once great Mayan civilization.

  • 文森梵高的平生传纪,比起萦绕他数十年的浪漫故事还要令人心碎、动人心魄
    THE story of Vincent van Gogh's life is more heartbreaking, and heart-lifting, than the romantic myth that has enshrouded him for decades.

  • 《直觉》一书动人心魄,而且对大多数人而言还颇具异国情调,实在令人为之侧目。
    Exciting and, for most, exotic as well, "Intuition" is a ★stunning[20] achievement.

  • 谁愿意错过N82拥有这些极为动人心魄的视觉菜单之间的过渡和新的待机屏幕布局?
    Who would want to miss out on the N82 having those extremely visually appealing transitions between menus and the new standby layout screens?

  • 当光与影汇集在那些斗志昂扬的人物和动人心魄的美景上时,我感到自己发现了奇迹。
    When light and shadow come together with spirited people and powerful landscapes, I feel like I have found something special.

  • 品牌因精神而胜出,只有那些拥有梦想,追求卓越精神的人,才能提供动人心魄的品牌。
    Brand because of the spirit of victory, and only those who have the dream of the spirit of the pursuit of excellence who can provide the stunning and unexpected brand.

  • 可能正是长期以来人类遭受旱涝摆布的苦难使得人们治理江河供我驱策的理想如此动人心魄
    Perhaps it is humankind's long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.

  • 我们都曾心仪过国外建筑中落地大窗动人心魄的魅力,其实那就是空间扩张设计的经典杰作。
    We have been encouraging foreign construction landing large windows moving worn charm, in fact it is the classic design space expansion masterpiece.

  • 对我四季变换的景色如同一场动人心魄的不会完结的戏剧,剧中的人物动作从我的指尖流过。
    To me the pageant of seasons is a thrillingunending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.

  • 他以壮丽的词藻、雄健的气势、奇异的意象、浑朴的意境创作了一篇篇动人心魄的辉煌诗章。
    With glorious words, song spirit, strange meaning figure and harmony original meaning field, he created pieces of exciting glorious poems.

  • 人生不是天堂也不是地狱,然而在人生的十字路口,未知命运敲门的声音的确是如此动人心魄
    Life is neither heaven nor hell. But, we are shocked time and time again when we face the unknown fate at the crossroads of life.

  • 可能正是长期以来人类遭受旱涝摆布的苦难使得人们治理江河供我驱策的想法如此的动人心魄
    Perhaps it is humankind's long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideas of forcing the water to do our bidding so fascanating.

  • 昨天无名小队的英雄变成了今日动人心魄的运动员。他在球场上的矫健已将此比赛变为一门艺术;
    Yesterday's little league hero has become today's most captivating athlete. His elegance on the court has transformed the game into a art form.

  • 对我来说四季变换的景色如同一场动人心魄的不会完结的戏剧,剧中的人物动作从我的指尖流过。
    To me the pageant of season is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger ti .

  • 我觉得,四季变换的景色恰如一场动人心魄且不会完结的戏剧,剧中的人物动作从我的指间流过。
    To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which steams though my fingertips.

  • 对我来说四季变换的景色如同一场动人心魄的不会完结的戏剧,剧中的人物动作从我的指尖流过。
    To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finer tips.

  • 对我来说四季变换的景色如同一场动人心魄的不会完结的戏剧,剧中的人物动作从我的指尖流过。
    To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips. At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things.

  • 我觉得,四季变换的景色恰如一场动人心魄且不会完结的的戏剧,剧中的人物动作从我的指尖流过。
    To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama, the action of which streams through my finger tips.

  • 像凯恩斯那样成为永恒的标尺。凯恩斯有三个卓越之处:思想动人心魄、游说令人信服、以及塑造了历史。
    Keynes left his mark in three distinct ways: through the power of ideas, through the art of public persuasion, and through the shaping of historic changes.

  • 目前,64岁的赫伯特已成了一位专攻极地的画家,描绘出影响他一生的极地历史与现实中最详尽、强烈和动人心魄的场景。
    For nowadays, Herbert, aged 64, has become a polar painter, etching out the most detailed, intense and moving scenes from polar history and the present that have influenced his life.

  • 新兴木刻运动的版画家们用热血和满腔热忱镌刻出了大量动人心魄的不朽版画作品,使新兴版画艺术充满了永恒的生命力。
    The engraving artists in China have produced with great enthusiasm and powerful art massive immortal engraving works, bringing lasting life to this new engraving art movement in China.

  • 其次要注重心理引导在旅游开发中的作用,营造体验氛围、编织动人心魄的故事、精心导演活动、合理安排游览线路和时间;
    Second, pay attention to psychology guidance in tourism development. Build the experience atmosphere, compile the story, direct activity carefully and arrange tour line and the time reasonable;

  • 芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》作为古典芭蕾舞中最经典的剧目之一,犹如梦境般令人如痴如醉流连忘返,成为最动人心魄的舞蹈童话。
    As one of the most well-known masterwork of classical ballet, Swan Lake is the most stirring piece of ballet fairy tale with the fantastic feeling and dreamlike story.

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