
卑躬屈膝  bēi gōng qū xī








  • 她在上司面前总是卑躬屈膝
    She's always cringing to the boss.

  • 他是个对老板卑躬屈膝的人。
    He is a worker who is obsequious to the boss.

  • 时间可以让你卑躬屈膝
    Time can break your heart.

  • 我不会卑躬屈膝地到他们面前去请求帮助。
    I am not going to them, cap in hand, and ask for help.

  • 就算绝望,华尔街银行家也不会卑躬屈膝
    EVEN when desperate, Wall Street bankers are not given to grovelling.

  • 时间可以使你逐渐崩溃,时间可以让你卑躬屈膝
    Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees.

  • 我不愿人们看见我因向山坡投降而卑躬屈膝地步行上去。
    I wasn't about to be seen hoofing it in abject surrender.

  • 就像奴隶在暴君面前卑躬屈膝,尽管他们倍受他的戕害。
    Even as slaves humble themselves before a tyrant and praise him though he slays them.

  • 她在交友时,会和蔼可亲,阿谀奉承,甚至可以卑躬屈膝
    She could be very pleasant and flattering , almost subsequent, to people she met.

  • 但你得知道,你无法做到在卑躬屈膝的同时又能活出自我。
    You can't have the freedom to be yourself and meekly fit in at the same time.

  • 但你得知道,你无法做到在卑躬屈膝的同时又能活出自我。
    Spend as little time on the means as possible consistent with achieving the end. Only idiots live to work.

  • 真正的伟人既不大肆践踏小人物,也不会在皇帝面前卑躬屈膝
    A true great man will neither trample on a worm, nor sneak to an emperor.

  • 不,我的俊俏的人儿:忍饥挨饿是容易的,然而卑躬屈膝是艰难的。
    No, my pretty one; it is easy to starve, but it is difficult to stoop.

  • 优越性就意味着别人都要卑躬屈膝,都要来迎合这优越国家的意愿。
    Superiority means others have to bend their knees, and cater to the wishes of the dominant nation.

  • 斯蒂芬鞠了一个躬。这不是一种卑躬屈膝的鞠躬——他绝不会那样做。
    Stephen made a bow. Not a servile one—he will never do that.

  • 为什么我要卑躬屈膝的服务那些鼠目寸光的权贵?那样的事我做不出来。
    Why should I serve the high and mighty with lowered eyes and on bent knees Such things can never make my heart rejoice.

  • 共和党的领导们说奥巴马通过向敌人卑躬屈膝和背叛朋友来讨好独裁者。
    Republican leaders complain that Mr Obama glad-hands dictators, kowtows to enemies and betrays loyal friends.

  • 政府下定决心,承认自己犯错,并且向国际货币基金组织和世界银行卑躬屈膝
    The government fell on its sword, accepted culpability and went cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

  • 不要害怕摩擦。摩擦是进步之母,是积极的肥料,否则你将卑躬屈膝、软弱无能。
    When confrontation is necessary, don't shy away from it. Confrontation is often necessary to achieve progress.

  • 社会工作者深知他们被很多救济者愚弄,作为补偿,他们有权让这些救济者卑躬屈膝
    Deep down, caseworkers know that they are being made fools of by many of their clients, and they feel they are entitled to have clients bow to them as compensation.

  • 在许多博客眼里,这个道歉让莎朗斯通显得为了拯救自己的电影生涯而不真诚地卑躬屈膝
    To many bloggers, the apology made Ms. Stone seem at once groveling and insincere — another actress doing what she has to save a movie career.

  • 自小被母亲遗弃,寄人篱下,为生存养成卑躬屈膝,奉迎他人,却又急切想扬眉吐气的性格。
    Suave, witty and eloquent. The abandonment by his mother since young cultivated in him the tendency to kowtow to others, but is impatient to prove his worth.

  • 在美国,一些保守人士对克林顿之举相当不满,认为这是对朝鲜卑躬屈膝,只能助长了他们的气焰。
    In America some conservatives have grumbled that Mr Clinton's trip was an act of obeisance that encourages further kidnapping.

  • 帝国主义在我国统治和压迫的整整90年中,我国人民从未对这种统治和压迫表现出奴颜媚骨和卑躬屈膝
    Throughout the 90 years of imperialist domination and oppression in our country, our people never assumed the posture of slavish and cringing submission to this domination and oppression.

  • 卑躬屈膝地把该找给我的钱递到我手里,我则宽宏大量地宣布我希望这件不愉快的小插曲就此了结算了。
    He humbly hands me the necessary amount and I magnanimously declare that I prefer to consider the unpleasant episode closed.

  • 扎瓦赫里还诬蔑奥巴马以及美国国务卿赖斯和鲍威尔将军等杰出非洲裔美国人的成就,暗示他们对白人卑躬屈膝
    Zawahri also denigrates Mr. Obama's achievements and those of other prominent African Americans -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and General Colin Powell -- implying they are servile to whites.

  • 大部分汽车制造商今年都很倒霉,美国就更不用说了。位于底特律的三大汽车公司卑躬屈膝地到国会寻求公共援助。
    Most carmakers had a rotten year, no more so than in America. Detroit's Big Three went caps-in-hand to Congress for public assistance.

  • “香蕉共和国”一词原先指在那些经济上被外资所有的水果种植园主宰的国家中对外卑躬屈膝、对内独裁统治的政权。
    The phrase "banana republics" originally referred to servile dictatorships running countries whose economies were dominated by foreign-owned fruit plantations.

  • 但我认为我们还是要发扬传统,这并不是说要顺从恭敬或卑躬屈膝,只是要学会尊重别人,因为这会让生活更加美好。
    Britons are ruder than they were a decade ago, according to a survey on Monday that showed almost three-quarters of people think manners should be taught at school.

  • 亚马森女人会与陌生人或旅行者交合以维持种族繁衍,但是不允许男人在她们的社会中站立,男人只能卑躬屈膝地做仆人,从事最卑贱的工作。
    They would mate with strangers or travelers to preserve their race, but they did not permit men of and standing in their society. Men could only be servants, doing the most menial of tasks.

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