
何乐而不为  hé lè ér bù wéi








  • 塑造一个令人难忘的派对,何乐而不为呢?
    Make it a very memorable one, why not enjoy it?

  • 好啊,何乐而不为呢?我可以借机休息一下。
    Sure, why not? I could use a rest.

  • 生活在绿色园,投资房地产,何乐而不为呢?
    Living in a green park, the real estate investment, why?

  • 每天提供不同的开心给予需要的人,何乐而不为
    Why not offer one day that is different and happy to those who need something good in their life?

  • 如果你不用启动电脑就能做到这些,何乐而不为呢?
    If you can do all that without booting up a computer, why bother?

  • 微笑一下,只需要牵动三条肌肉,这又何乐而不为呢?
    Smiles, only needs to affect three muscles, this why not?

  • 更何况还可以刺激消费,推动经济发展,何乐而不为呢?
    Can also what's more stimulate consumption, promote the development of economy, why not do it?

  • 因为第一次的背叛可以让自己看清楚一个人何乐而不为呢?
    Since the first betrayal can allow himself to look at a person not to like?

  • 反正闲着也是闲着,看看书还能学点儿东西,何乐而不为呢?
    Anyway, relaxing is relaxing. If you read, you can even learn a thing or two. What's the harm?

  • 在老百姓看来,管它什么节日,只要能够休息,何乐而不为呢?
    It seems the ordinary people, regardless what festivals, as long as they can rest, Why not go ahead?

  • 用银行的钱来充实自己的钱包,购进奢侈消费品,何乐而不为?
    Banks use the money to enrich their own wallets, buying luxury goods, why not?

  • 但我们仍然建议该男生最好选择三天的离校假期,何乐而不为,对吧?
    We think the kid should take the three-day vacation from school on offer here.

  • 的确,只要质量过关,交完钱就可以等着直接入住了,何乐而不为呢?
    Indeed, as long as quality control, to be waiting for direct admission to the End money, why?

  • 这样既起到装饰墙面的作用,又可以展示自己的收藏,何乐而不为呢?
    This has played a role decorative walls, and can display their collections, why?

  • 既能满足自己的欲望,又能满足自己狩猎成功的成就感,何乐而不为呢?
    Can satisfy oneself desire already, can satisfy oneself to chase again successful achievement feeling, where is what is there against it?

  • 同时,由于剧情诙谐幽默,喜剧色彩浓厚,所以让人笑着学习何乐而不为呢。
    At the same time, humorous drama with humor, strong sense of comedy, so people learn why not do it with a smile.

  • 如此看来,开发商们精心建造设施新颖、功能完备的儿童娱乐场何乐而不为
    In view of this, developers have carefully constructed facilities novel, children entertainment market functions go?

  • 这些都能吸引游客——还有艺术家,对他们来说,这里生活消费低,何乐而不为
    These draw tourists—and artists, for their part, seem quite happy about the low cost of living.

  • 让我问你, 如果你花费很少的人民币元买得好耳机,获得很好的音乐享受,何乐而不为?
    Let me ask you, wpuld you like to spend few thoudand dollars to buy a pair of headphone?

  • 任何企业都怕产品积压,钱不能及时收回来,如果能找到“高手”帮忙解决,何乐而不为呢?
    Are afraid of any enterprise product backlog, money can not be recovered in a timely manner, if we can find "experts" for help. Why?

  • 如果这样做能够让你讨得更多女孩子的欢心,何乐而不为呢,你又怎么可能会不像个男人呢?
    I see that as just an excuse. If it helps you get more GIRLS, how are you less of a man?

  • 朱经理说:“这种既环保又健康的事,不仅对社会有利,同时对自己也好,何乐而不为呢!”
    Manager Zhu said: "this kind both environmental protection and health matter, is not only advantageous to the society, simultaneously to oneself also good, why not! ""

  • 就算你真有这个实力,可轿子由主力资金抬,担子让主力担,你轻松随主,理想获利,何乐而不为呢?
    Even if you really have the strength, sedan chair carried by the main funds, so that the main burden of Tam, you easily with the Lord, the ideal profit, why not do it?

  • 好的文明礼仪习惯,可以影响你的学习,你的生活,甚至将来的一生都将受用不尽,那我们何乐而不为呢?
    Good manners and civilized habits that can affect your learning, your life, and even the future life would ever been, then we try to do it?

  • 为球员本人和球队着想,于情于理,都该让他走。俱乐部也可以拿巨额转会费买想要的球员。何乐而不为呢?
    For the player and the team, it makes sense to let him go, and for the club it makes financial sense to take what is offered for the player.

  • 又因为高层往往与高档共生,对外售楼的价格会相对提升,政府税收和投资商回报均可双双受益,何乐而不为
    Often with high-grade and high-level symbiotic because external sales price will be relative to government revenue and return on investment business can both benefit, why?

  • 如果仅仅搬一搬床铺,拔一下插头,买一个新台灯就能够减少生病的几率,增加我们的睡眠质量,生产力和生活质量。何乐而不为呢?
    Is it really too hard to move the bed, unplug a power strip and buy a new lamp if it means reducing our chances of illness while likely improving sleep, productivity and general well-being?

  • 因为经济适用房的成本是政府按普通住宅标准限定的,在限定的普通住宅的房价内发展商自愿做出高品质的居住社区,老百姓何乐而不为呢!
    Because the cost of housing in general is the residential qualification standards, in limited ordinary residential housing developer, made a voluntary high-quality living communities, people go!

  • 奥拉朱旺说,这对球队一点损失都没有,包括湖人,他们将很高兴得到他并且加薪“如果能得到更多的钱何乐而不为呢?这是每个人都想要的。”
    Said Hakeem, noting lots of teams -- including the Lakers -- would be glad to get him and give him a raise: "I could be happy with more money, if that's what everybody wants."

  • 面对现实的事情,即使不愉快,也不要去抱怨或指责,因为,摆着的现实并不可能因你的抱怨指责而改变,我们又何乐而不为给自己一个阳光心情呢!
    To face the reality of things, if not happy, is not going to complain or blame, because the reality of them the complaint did not accuse you may change, what's not give ourselves a sunny mood it!

  • 何乐而不为造句相关
