
相形失色  xiāng xíng shī sè







  • 与王妃相比,所有的贵妇都相形失色
    All other ladies are outshone when compared with the princess.

  • 但那也可能使其相形失色
    It can also overshadow it.

  • 她的演奏使我的相形失色
    Her playing pats mine in the shade.

  • 在聪明的妹妹相形之下,她变得黯然失色
    She is quite eclipsed by her clever younger sister.

  • 在(经济)危机的冲击下,一切都相形失色了。
    All paled under the stroke of the crisis.

  • 他的妻子很聪明,相形之下,他显得黯然失色
    He is quite eclipsed by his clever wife.

  • 这时,在世界大事的突然发作下,一切都相形失色了。
    Now all paled under the stroke of world events.

  • 天上的这些福气与地上的相比,一切将会相形失色,也令人无所恋慕。
    The things of earth are as nothing in preciousness compared with the things in heaven.

  • 当太阳在早上升起,星星的亮光便相形失色,太阳变成了注视的焦点。
    When the sun rises in the morning, the light of the stars fades and the sun takes its place.

  • 最后这一类大餐让前面所有的加在一起都会相形失色。这就是爱的大餐。
    In the end, there is one sort of feast that eclipses all the other kinds put together, and that is a feast of love.

  • 然而,中国近日采取的政策令人担忧,令中印在上述问题上的合作也相形失色
    Sino-Indian cooperation on such issues has, however, been overshadowed by some disturbing policies adopted by China in recent days.

  • 这里的风光足以让整个瑞士相形失色,而如果你愿意的话,也可以把你彻底征服。
    Here is a landscape that could swallow all of Switzerland. It could swallow you too, if you'd let it.

  • 然后他说了一句话,立刻使我脸涨得通红。我肯定红得都能让我的嘴唇相形失色了。
    Then he said something that made my face blush so red, I'm sure my lips looked pale.

  • 莱格拉斯发无簪饰,仅叶隙阳光洒落其上。然相形之下,中土珠宝无一不黯然失色
    and yet all the jewels of Middle Earth lose their lights when compared to it.

  • 莱格拉斯发无簪饰,仅叶隙阳光洒落其上。然相形之下,中土珠宝无一不黯然失色
    Legolas' s hair was adorned with nothing but sunshine through the leaves, and yet all the jewels of Middle Earth lose their lights when compared to it.

  • 莱格拉斯发无簪饰,仅叶隙阳光洒落其上。然相形之下,中土珠宝无一不黯然失色
    Legolas's hair was adorned with nothing but sunshine through the leaves, and yet all the jewels of Middle Earth lose their lights when compared to it.

  • 如果是这样,我只能想想对手的伟大和才华,以求自慰,因为他们让我的作品相形失色
    If so, I must comfort myself with the greatness and splendor of my rivals, whose work will rob my own of recognition.

  • 克林顿说,“他们今天早上已经快把我榨干了。但与我现在要回答的相比,那些问题将相形失色。”
    They put me through the ringer this morning and everything I said is about to pale in comparison to what I'm now going to say, " Clinton said."

  • 不过,重要的是要记住,无论做出怎样的监管变革,与今天市场上已经非常明显的变化相比,都会相形失色
    It is important to remember, however, that whatever regulatory changes are made, they will pale in comparison to the change already evident in today's markets.

  • 拿下了三连战中的两胜,洋基队以19比12在得分上让梅子队相形失色,更甭提梅子有8分是来自于星期六的单一场赛事。
    In taking two of three, the Yankees outscored the Mets 19-12 - and eight of the Mets' runs came during Saturday's affair.

  • 但这还不足够给反托拉斯者带来麻烦,因为实际上,在欧洲,相对于唱片公司的龙头环球唱片来说,索尼BMG的表现也未免相形失色
    This is not enough clout on its own to trouble the trust busters: in fact Sony BMG has a smaller European presence than Universal, the leading record company.

  • 造价九千九百万美元的巨型摩天轮完工后,将使新加坡一百六十五公尺高的摩天轮相形失色;两座摩天轮都由新加坡「巨轮公司」所建造。
    When completed, the 99-million-dollar giant wheel in Beijing will dwarf its 165-metre cousin in Singapore, which is being built by the same company, the Singapore-based Great Wheel Corp.

  • 在一份针对英国1000多名18岁以上女性的调查中,爱人的吻排名第一,贴身衣物、血拼、甚至性都相形失色,而香水、珠宝与美容,并未名列前10名。
    It eclipsed lingerie, a shopping splurge and even sex in a survey of more than 1, 000 British women aged over 18 — while perfumes, jewellery and beauty treatments did not feature in the Top Ten.

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