
瞠目结舌  chēng mù jié shé








  • 草药的奇效简直使一些思想保守的人瞠目结舌
    The miraculous effect of medical herbs has raised some conservative eyebrows.

  • 走钢丝者大胆的动作和精湛的表演让观众瞠目结舌
    The crowd gaped/ stared/ gawked at the daring tricks performed by the tightrope walker.

  • 不见如此,在有些国家,儿童出生率下降速度之快令人瞠目结舌
    In some countries the speed of decline in the fertility rate has been astonishing.

  • 如果最近一次的更新,你已经感到改变很大,那接下来的你将瞠目结舌
    If you thought the last update was big, wait till you see what's coming.

  • 令他瞠目结舌的是,货架上居然又出现同样批次的蒙牛高钙低脂问题牛奶!
    He's so amazed that the shelves were also the same batch of low-fat high calcium Mengniu milk problem!

  • 然后因为我会说英语,我知道那些美国对中国的了解实在是令人瞠目结舌
    JM -- And then also because I know English, I know how poorly those American business people know about China.

  • 蓦然回首,才瞠目结舌地发现自己正住在自己建造的那所房子中,自食苦果。
    Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built.

  • 骑士队还有10场的主场比赛,而他们的主场战绩是让人瞠目结舌的30胜1负。
    The Cavaliers have 10 games left at home where they're a stunning 30-1.

  • 政府必须保持所有存款稳定的时机似乎还远远未到,但相关数据却让人瞠目结舌
    The chances of governments having to make good on all deposits seems remote, but the figures involved are eye-popping.

  • 我在房里踱来踱去,从一个窗口走到另一个窗口,室外的景色使我瞠目结舌,惊叹不已。
    Pacing through the house from window to window, I am moved to open-mouthed wonder.

  • “鸟巢”体育馆和“水立方”游泳馆等场馆是令人''。'瞠目结舌'。''的建筑壮举。
    Venues such as the "Bird's Nest" stadium and "Water Cube" pool are stunning architectural feats.

  • 向导把该地历史的老一套讲得滚瓜烂熟,但当你一问起别的东西时,他就瞠目结舌,无言以对了。
    I left the village in a hurry and even had no time to say good-bye to my guide.

  • 当你在瞠目结舌,像一条惊呆了的乌鱼一样颤抖,你的那些更为客观的‘顾问’们会帮你定一些应急计划。
    While you're gaping and reeling like a stunned mullet, your more objective advisers can help you do some contingency planning.

  • 对于哪个保持理智的球迷来说,利物浦或者切尔西的表现还能令人从瞠目结舌的脸上找到会心快乐的笑容?
    Who in their right mind could watch a Liverpool or Chelsea performance and find a wide and happy smile arriving on their surprised lips?

  • 自2007年夏天空降安菲尔德之后,托雷斯代表利物浦的102场比赛中一共打进令人瞠目结舌的61球。
    El Nino has netted an astonishing 61 goals in just 102 appearances for the Reds since arriving at Anfield in the summer of 2007.

  • 如果说投资京城房地产的高额利润让人眩目的话,那么炒地皮、炒项目所玩的“空手道”则会使人瞠目结舌
    Third, if the high profits of real estate investment capital makes such a stunt will, then Land speculation, speculation project with the "karate" will make sure.

  • 于是就有了标题新闻,甚至不用导语、正文、尾等构,一个吸引眼球的标题足以令人瞠目结舌,叹为观止。
    So there will be a headline news, or even lead, the body structure at the end of a title to attract enough eyeballs shocking, stunning.

  • 更让人瞠目结舌的是,一支120克的云南白药牙膏销售定价为22元,比高露洁和佳洁士这样的品牌还贵了1倍。
    Even more shocking is that a 120 grams of Yunnanbaiyao toothpaste sales price of 22 yuan, Colgate and Crest brands such times is also expensive one.

  • 浏览“文化震惊”照片集,用这些令人瞠目结舌的照片提醒自己,我们生活在一个充满动态而无限的文化的世界里。
    Tag: Browse the Culture Shock Photo Gallery, filled with eye-opening snapshots that remind us we live in a world of dynamic and infinite cultures.

  • 利物浦在主场与像斯托克城、富勒姆和西汉姆丢点分数,同时他们无论在主场还是客场面对米堡表现令人瞠目结舌
    Liverpool were held at home by the likes of Stoke, Fulham and West Ham, while they were surprised by Middlesbrough away from Anfield.

  • 浏览“文化震惊”照片集,用这些令人瞠目结舌的照片提醒自己,我们生活在一个充满动态而无限的文化的世界�。
    Browse the Culture Shock Photo Gallery, filled with eye-opening snapshots that remind us we live in a world of dynamic and infinite cultures.

  • 事实上,今天看待古镇的时候,古镇原来的商业繁荣如何并不重要,古建筑群所蕴含的文化却让我们瞠目结舌,惊叹不已。
    In fact, what we stare at tongue-tied is not the past prosperity of the ancient town, but the culture embodied in the ancient building clusters.

  • 看看这些生物身上让你瞠目结舌的事吧:由活在她体内的雄鱼给她受精的雌鱼,在萎缩中生长的生命体,永远不会死的植物。
    Take these biological jaw-droppers: a female fish that is fertilized by her male mate who lives inside her, organisms that shrink as they grow, plants that never die.

  • 他们的防守很顽强,也很粗暴,但是他制造了机会,做出了令人瞠目结舌的表演,但不要忘了,他本身就是个不一般的球员。
    They defended very well and were very tough, but he manufactured the chance and did something very special, but then he's a special player.

  • 那些对纽约和伦敦银行家们的超高薪酬瞠目结舌的人,可能忍不住要称赞中国银行业薪酬政策的节制了。但他们不应该发出赞扬。
    Those appalled by the excesses of banker compensation in New York or London might be tempted to praise China's restraint. They shouldn't.

  • 但也有一些令人瞠目结舌的“低价”却有很大水分,比如可能是一个很糟的单位,或这一价格的房子根本就没有,只是为引来客户。
    But some are sure the "low-cost" is a great moisture, for example may be a bad unit, or the price of houses is simply not just to attract customers.

  • 听了这个令人瞠目结舌的事件,当时我震惊了,真没想到这样一个花季少年,竟有如此的想法-------用跳楼来束自己的生命。
    After listening to this shocking incident, I was shocked, I did not expect such a young boy, so there ------- with the idea of jumping off a building to end their lives.

  • 他内心的某个部分在强烈的自责,他伤害了丽莎的感情;但是瑞克·卡特绝大部分的理智仅仅是在看着,瞠目结舌的看着那个缩在笼子里的东西。
    One part of him berated itself for having hurt her feelings so; but most of Rick Hunter was simply staring, aghast, at what crouched in the cell.

  • 即使这个都市的海拔高度及其周边的高山并不能保证有雪,但是良好的天气以及令人瞠目结舌的风景,使得基茨比厄尔成为唯一全地球级的滑雪胜地。
    Even though the altitude of the country or its surrounding Alps is not full to guarantee here, the bad weather or breathtaking scenery do Kitzbuhel a state-class ski resort.

  • 更令人瞠目结舌的是,乔装打扮的汤普森还和第64届联合国大会主席、来自利比亚的外交官阿里·图利基握手合影。随后,警铃声响起,汤普森被赶到的安保人员撵出大楼。
    More surprisingly, the impersonating Thompson also shook hands with Ali Treki, president of the 64th UN General Assembly, a diplomat from Liberia, before the alarm was raised and he was ejected.

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